Z1 Dashboard

Discussion in 'Automobilista - Links & Resources' started by Russell Hodgson, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. Russell Hodgson

    Russell Hodgson Active Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Version 4.15 of the Z1 Dashboard is here!

    Highlights include:
    * 9 new dashboards included
    * movable track maps
    * updates to existing dashboards
    * new automatic shift light patterns
    and more!

    We know everyone loves the new dashboards, some here are a sampling of the new ones:

    911 RSR Dash 1

    911 RSR Dash 2

    911 RSR Pit Dash

    Stockcar 2016 Dash 3B

    Stockcar 2016 Dash 6B

    Existing users can see their download options here: Z1 Dashboard | My Dashboard

    New users can get the demo here: Z1 Dashboard

    Here is the full list of release notes:
    * Added 4 new stockcar dashboards. These are Stockcar 2016 Dash 1B, 2B, 3B and 6B. They are versions of the stock car 2016 dashboards formatted for 480x272 ratio displays. This allows users that use square displays as opposed to the wide screen displays to still be able to use these dashboards.

    * Added 5 new dashboards associated with the Porsche 911 RSR. These are the Porsche 911 RSR Pit Dash, and the Porsche 911 RSR Dash 1-4.

    * There is a new setting in the Track Map tab. This is called 'Track Style'. It can be set to Static or Moving. Static is the default and displays the track map from above as it has always been displayed. This option will include the sector overlays if desired, the directional arrow, the wind display, the pit stop loss overlays, the pit lane if defined, and all other competitors.

    The new Moving option displays the track map from your point of view. Your car is always located at the bottom center of the display and the track map revolves around this position. This option will display the pit stop loss overlays and all other competitors. Note because the track map moves around and not all parts are always visible it is likely that the pit loss displays will be off-screen and therefore not visible. The sector overlay, pit lane, and directional arrow are not displayed in this configuration in order to reduce CPU load. Note that this option may have a slightly negative effect on FPS within the sim as it is more CPU intensive as we have to recompute and redraw the map every frame.

    Selecting the 'Moving' option will override the 'Render With' setting to always be 'Vector'.

    The new Moving option is available for all track maps, except Track Map 4. This track map will always show the track from the static top-down view. This allows you to have both a moving and static track map in your dashboard rotation.

    * There are 4 new automatic shift light patterns. These illuminate the shift lights from outside to inside. Previously all automatic patterns illuminated the shift lights from left to right. These new patterns are called 'All CTR (80-98%)' which illuminates each LED individually, starting at 80% of max RPM until they are all lit at 98% of max RPM. 'All CTR (65-98%)' which illuminates each LED individually, starting at 65% of max RPM until they are all lit at 98% of max RPM. 'Grouped CTR (80-98%)' which illuminates the LEDs in groups, starting at 80% of max RPM until they are all illuminated at 98% of max RPM. 'Grouped CTR (65-98%)' which illuminates the LEDs in groups, starting at 65% of max RPM until they are all illuminated at 98% of max RPM.

    * Multiple updates to the Kart Racing Pro interface to implement speech output, provide sector timings, update data logging, and many other small improvements.

    * Updated to work with the latest version of Kart Racing Pro.

    * Added Cylinder Head Temperature and Fuel Level Percentage to Kart Racing Pro data logging.

    * Updated the RaceRoom track creation to allow for inconsistencies in various RaceRoom track center spline lines.

    * Cleaned up several of the dash names to better group them together in the Car 2 tab drop down.

    * Several graphical and informational updates to the Kart 1,2,3 dashboards.

    * Now reads air and track temps, and weather conditions from Kart Racing Pro.

    * Data Logging now records cylinder head temperature for those sims that support it. This is currently only Kart Racing Pro.

    * The Z1 Server will now allow you to cycle through multiple IP addresses if they are available. Most computers will have a single IP address. That is the one that the Server will connect to and display. However on some machines there could be multiple IP addresses due to virtual systems, backup IPs, or other possible reasons. In these cases the Server will display a count next to the IP address. It will say 1 of 2 (3,4,5, etc). By default it will always choose the first IP address to register against. However sometimes that can be incorrect. If you are finding that the Dashboard can't connect and that the Server has more than one IP address option, then on the Server click on the IP address in the display. It will change to the next IP address. Try entering this address into the Dashboard to see if it can connect.

    * The Audi R18 dash has been updated to include percentage bars displayed along with the battery charge and battery deployment per lap displays. This should make it easier to quickly glance at these levels while racing.

    * There is a new setting in the Track Map tab called 'Fill Dots'. This is on by default. If you turn this off, then the dots used to display the car locations on the track maps will not be filled in. This can make it easier to see the track map on longer tracks, where the filled in dot map cover up some of the detail.

    * There is now an option in the Car 1 tab called 'Auto Fuel Dens'. This sets whether or not the fuel density is automatically determined based on data from the sim. It is on by default. If you turn this off you can then enter the fuel density for the car. The fuel density is measuring kilograms/liter. It is 0.75 by default for all manual entries. Currently the only sim to supply this information is iRacing.

    * Updated various dependencies related to graphics and display to improve performance and stability.

    * The Project Cars 1 and Project Cars 2 network connectivity options have been combined into a single drop down where you select the version you would like to connect to.

    * Small updates to the rally cross dashboards.

    Download the demo today: Z1 Dashboard
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2018
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  2. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    To complete the information

    The Z1 Software includes the following software packages:
    • Z1 Dashboard
    • Z1 Analyzer
    • Z1 Server

    The price of the software (which includes all three titles above) is:
  3. alexandre fonseca

    alexandre fonseca Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I got interested and downloaded the demo, but there is no explanation on how to connect it to AMS. Should I use the same plugin that is available for rF1?
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  4. Erick Goldner

    Erick Goldner Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Here is the full list of release notes:
    * The Z1 Dashboard software is now compatible with Automobilista. You will need to put the Z1Automobilista.dll plugin located in the documents/z1dashboard/plugs/automobilista folder into your Automobilista plugin directory.
  5. ZoltanSz

    ZoltanSz Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 9, 2016
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  6. alexandre fonseca

    alexandre fonseca Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Thank you, Erick, I overlooked this information. Nice app! Now I've got it working, took a few laps in AMS and they were duly recorded as .zod files inside the Telemetry folder, but the Analyzer - which is the part that interests me the most - is not able to find them. I tried changing the default folder inside the Analyzer, but that didn't work. Any hint?
  7. Russell Hodgson

    Russell Hodgson Active Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    There is a debug setting in the general tab of the Z1 Analyzer's settings dialog. Can you set that to 'Lap Scan'. Then rescan for laps (open the select lap dialog and then click the Rescan Laps button). After you do that can you send us the latest log file from documents/z1analyzer/logs to info@zbluesoftware.com. That should help us determine why you are not seeing any laps show up.
  8. Russell Hodgson

    Russell Hodgson Active Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    We found a bug that could cause this to happen. A new installer is now available on out site. If you redownload the installer, unzip it, then uninstall the Analyzer, and reinstall from this new installer, that should fix the issue.
  9. Russell Hodgson

    Russell Hodgson Active Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    This is one of the new dashboards for version 4.8 of the Z1 Dashboard software. It is based around dashboards used in the IMSA series circa 1990. With a huge tach in the center is shows you all that really matters for the cars of that time, along with some secondary information. Enjoy!

    Demo available here: Z1 Dashboard
  10. Tony Binelli

    Tony Binelli Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    @Russell Hodgson
    Hi Russell , what would be the chances of getting a simple custom one done as I'm tired of waiting for the delta to be fixed in the dynhud.

    I have attached a picture of what I would like , its very simple. Any chance of whipping that up? :)
    I need a lager delta:)
    Dropbox - dashboard.jpg

  11. Russell Hodgson

    Russell Hodgson Active Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    We could do that. I've added it to our to-do-list. It would be for the next release (December). Thanks for the idea.

    If there are other request please let me know.
  12. Russell Hodgson

    Russell Hodgson Active Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    The Z1 Dashboard pioneered allowing multiple dashboards to be associated with a car. With version 4.8 it is even simpler to assign dashboards to a car as you no longer have to start the sim in order to customize the car. Watch this video to see how.

    Download the demo today: Z1 Dashboard : Purchase
  13. Russell Hodgson

    Russell Hodgson Active Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    The Z1 Dashboard allows you to run multiple instances simultaneously. This video explains how you can easily align those instances of the Dashboard software on your monitor.

    Remember to download the demo today: Z1 Dashboard
  14. Russell Hodgson

    Russell Hodgson Active Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    The Z1 Dashboard track maps not only show you where you are on the track, but they can show you where you will end up after a pit stop. This is done through a highlighted overlay, or snake, on the track map. This overlay shows you were you will end up if you pitted at that moment.

    The position is calculated based on the track, the length of the pit lane, its speed limit and the average time it takes to make a stop.

    This overlay lets you choose the perfect time to pit to make sure you come out ahead of your rivals, or on a clean section of track.

    This can be customized in the Strategy tab of the settings dialog.

    Download the demo today: Z1 Dashboard
  15. Russell Hodgson

    Russell Hodgson Active Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    One of the great things about the Z1 Dashboard software is that you can run it on any networked computer, laptop or tablet that runs Windows. Just use the Z1 Server on your sim PC to broadcast the data over your network.

    This video explains how you can run your Z1 Dashboard software on a separate computer or tablet from your sim using the Z1 Server software.

    Download the demo today: Z1 Dashboard
  16. Russell Hodgson

    Russell Hodgson Active Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    One of the great aspects of the Z1 Dashboard is the track maps. With 6 different variations, they help you win the race! The Z1 Dashboard software allows you to customize how the track maps are displayed. This video discusses those options and shows the effects they have on the track maps.

    Download the demo today: Z1 Dashboard
  17. Russell Hodgson

    Russell Hodgson Active Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    This video shows off 4 of the specialty dashboards included with the Z1 Dashboard software. They are the Timing & Scoring dashes, the Adjustment Dash (1 and 2) and the Ahead/Behind dash. A specialty dashboard is one which is not car specific and is designed to present information about the car or race to you.

    There are over 80different dashboards in the Z1 Dashboard software, and about 15 of them are specialty dashboards.

    For more information please visit www.z1simwheel.com/index.cfm?source=AMS

  18. Russell Hodgson

    Russell Hodgson Active Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    We've had some requests for a video showing how to install the Z1 software. So here it is! This video explains how you download the installer, what it contains, and how you run the installer for each application.

    Download the demo today: Z1 Dashboard

  19. Tony Binelli

    Tony Binelli Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    So disappointed this product charges for updates, would have bought it weeks ago.
    I refuse to pay for something then 3 months later its out of date and I effectively have to buy it again.
    you may want to consider changing your policies.
    just my opinion:)
    • Agree Agree x 5
  20. Russell Hodgson

    Russell Hodgson Active Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    The updates are optional. When you purchase the software you get the current version at that time and can use it forever.

    However there is a charge for updates because a lot of work goes into each update, and the people who do that work need to be compensated.

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