Admin Commands

Discussion in 'Automobilista Discussão em Português' started by Avelino Neto, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. Avelino Neto

    Avelino Neto Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Existe uma relação com os comandos de admin mode ?
    Procurei no forum e nao vi nada a respeito....
  2. Erick Goldner

    Erick Goldner Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Como o jogo usa a engine do rFactor, os comandos de admin são basicamente os mesmos (p/ não afirmar que são todos os mesmos). Aqui vão alguns exemplos:

    ADMIN LOGIN: /admin [password]

    VOTE YES: /vote yes

    VOTE NO: /vote no

    CHECK PING: /ping

    WHISPER: /w [sendee] [chat]

    ADVANCE SESSION: /callvote nextsession

    ADVANCE TRACK: /callvote nextrace

    TRACK SPECIFIC ADVANCE: /callvote event [name]
    [name]=see track gdb for full event name

    RESTART RACE: /callvote restartrace

    RESTART HAPPY HOUR: /restartwarmup

    RESTART WEEKEND: /callvote restartweekend

    BOOT PLAYER: /callvote kick [name]

    BAN PLAYER: /callvote ban [name]

    ADMIN PW CHANGE: /apwd [password]
    only applies when logged in as superadmin

    EDIT GRID: /editgrid [pos] [name]

    RUN BATCH FILE: /batch [file]

    ADD OR REMOVE USER LAPS: /changelaps [laps] [name]
    +lap value to add
    -lap value to remove

    ADD PENALTY: /addpenalty [code#] [name]
    0-60=stop/go penalty number of seconds.
    -2=longest line

    REMOVE PENALTY: /subpenalty [code#] [name]
    0=remove one stop/go penalty
    1=remove one drive-thru penalty
    2=remove one longest line penalty
    3=remove all penalties

    THROW YELLOW: /throwyellow [laps]

    CLEAR YELLOW: /clearyellow

    CHANGE RACE LENGTH: /racelength [code#] [amount]
    0=% of default defined distance
    1=lap specific race
    2= time
    3= lap and time

    ex: /racelength 3 50 120 (50 laps and 120 minutes)

    UNTHROTLE BANDWIDTH: /unthrottle [name]
    *use with great caution*

    SHUT DOWN SERVER: /shutdownserver
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