A simple idea to improve AI

Discussion in 'Automobilista - General Discussion' started by Brent Mills, Nov 23, 2016.

  1. Brent Mills

    Brent Mills Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I think we can all agree the AI is pretty competent , but it's still very far from racing against humans. One of the key elements of racing a human, is randomness. I often mess with the talent files because I hate racing against a bunch of AI doing the conga line and so make some much slower and some much faster to try replicate what really happens in a race. The problem with this is you know who is going to be out front every time and he will never be challenged by other AI.

    So how could this missing random element be integrated into AI? How about the talent file numbers are not set but have a range. So instead of speed = 80, you could set speed = 50-80. Then there could be another variable that asks how often the speed should change, with perhaps options of 'every turn', 'every lap', or every x seconds.

    So your slow guys could be something like 40-60, medium AI 50 - 70 etc. This would mean even the slow ai are occasionally going fast and the fast ai occasionally going slower. There would still be a long way to go to creating truly humanlike AI, but I think this could be a step in the right direction.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Paul_73

    Paul_73 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 19, 2016
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    That sounds like a good idea. I don't know, though, if it the way the game engine uses AI skill values relies on a hard number.

    Until that comes to be, though, you could try experimenting with these lines in your .plr file:
    AI Limiter="0.50000" // Range: 0.0 (no limiting) - 1.0 (limiting used to make racing closer but also make more driver differences on flat-out tracks)
    AI Mistakes="0.50000" // a range of (intentional) AI mistakes from 0.0 (none) to 1.0 (sometimes).  Anything above 1.0 multiplies the frequency
    I like an AI that can make mistakes. For example, if I'm in third 12 seconds back, it's less fun for me to know that the cars ahead are perfectly pulling away. However, if there's a little chance that I'll round a corner to see that the leader slipped up and touched the wall or something, I now have an unexpected opportunity. That touch of uncertainty keeps me more engaged and on my toes.

    Maybe you already knew about those .plr lines, but maybe someone else will find them useful.

    • Informative Informative x 2
  3. Rix

    Rix New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I use the A.I Mistakes at 1.20000 - they do then make mistakes such as breaking late, leaving the race track, bumping over high curves they would otherwise not, hitting eachother etc - i have had great moments on races where the last few laps a front runner has caused carnage re-entering the track and allowed me opportunity to close the gap , all exiting when it happens in a way that can effect the player. I have found, although no evidence, that the A.I make more mistakes on modded tracks, although that might be more truer for SCE rather than AMS, seeing as the mod tracks are on par with Reiza tracks?

    I would also like to see A.I that overtakes on a slip stream etc, i have noticed on modded tracks over/undertaking into the breaking zone happens more going into corners, such as at Fuji (93 bike layout), Essington, and Rouen Essarts for example, which surprised me as i could observe them doing it in multiple races, but not as much on reiza tracks (by my experience).

    One thing that isnt so nice is when you attempt to let the A.I pass (maybe you are pitting/have different strategy etc), and instead of going around you, even when you are off the racing line, they actually pull in behind you and slow right down!
  4. Angel Of Attack

    Angel Of Attack Member

    Jun 13, 2016
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    I think the AI is random enough for now.
    My race instructor told me A good race drive should be less than 0.1s difference for about 1KM of track

    The Problem is, IMO, all AI seems to be fast and slow in a same distance pattern, All AI slower than normal in some part of track and faster in other part of track. While different Humans tend to have their favorite part of track differently.

    I would like to see the talent file could define the difference of how good this AI is when braking, accelerating, low and high speed cornering.
    (BTW, in Race07, there are CorneringAdd/ CorneringMult and AI Throttle Control line in talent file. I don't know if it works for AMS)

    Farthermore, if this type of car have ABS/TC onborad, it could close the gap of their brake/acceleration skill

    example Talent file lines in Race07:
     //Driver Stats
     StartsDry=3.0  //Average number of drivers passed during start (-4 - 4)
     StartStalls=0.0  //% of starts where driver stalled
     QualifyingAbility=6.00  //Average qualifying position NOTE: keep GT between 1 -15
     RaceAbility=1.0  //Range 0 - 6.2 (0 is best)
     RainAbility=1.00  //Range 0 - 6.2 (0 is best)
     Passing=100.0  //% of times driver completed a successfull pass, not including pit stops or lapped traffic
     Crash=2.0  //% of times driver crashed
     Recovery=100  //% of times driver continued after a crash
     // Increase attempted low-speed cornering by adding a minimum onto calculated speed.
     // Reduce attempted high-speed cornering by multiplying speed by a number less than 1.0.
     // <adjusted speed> = CorneringAdd + (CorneringMult * <original speed>)
    //AI Throttle Control - how good they are at their own traction control upon throttle application
    TCGripThreshold=0.7  // Range: 0.0-1.0
    TCThrottleFract=1.2  // Range: 0.0-???
    TCResponse=0.0  // Range: 0.0-???
    //AI skill mistake variables
    MinRacingSkill = 1.00
    Composure = 0.010
    //AI ColdBrain variables
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Kevin Peat

    Kevin Peat Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Driving some AC this week because of the new Porsche pack. Their AI aren't as raceable as in AMS but they do have some nice randomness in lines and laptimes compared to stock AMS which certainly helps immersion.

    I would like to see more randomness in the lower formulae. Typical people racing in Minis and Caterhams make a lot more mistakes than F1 drivers especially in pressure situations.
  6. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    @Msportdan Hey mate they are talking about AI without you!!! :p

    Btw, I found this interesting...

    ...even if Race07 (not sure about it) was heavely modded and different from rF engine base...

    Maybe we can try add this values and see if works...even placebo will be ok, lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Msportdan

    Msportdan Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    just to add my 2cents - i do raise the ai mistakes value a bit.

    - thats it lol

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