Errors multiplayer / Erros multiplayer

Discussion in 'Automobilista - Help & Support' started by Eder Moreno, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. Eder Moreno

    Eder Moreno New Member

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Galera bom dia, realizamos corridas online e temos passado por problemas que são recorrentes mas, não conseguimos encontrar solução na Internet.
    - O primeiro é ao entrar e sair piloto do servidor. O GID fica maluco, parando de marcar os tempos parciais, sumindo aquela barra de comparação de tempo, algumas travadas ao entrar e sair. Enfim, coisas que atrapalham e muito.
    - Em segundo lugar, temos erros sem motivo aparente. Mensagem de "mismatch", "connection lost", ou até mesmo ao entrar pilotos, caem na mesma proporção, exemplo, entra um piloto e cai outro. O servidor está setado para 42 carros e o desempenho dele está bem (consumo de RAM de 2.5GB dos 8GB disponíveis). Não há log de erros para analisar o que ocorre? Pois o do Windows não mostra erro. Obrigado.
    Good morning, we run races online and we have problems that are recurring but we can not find a solution on the Internet.
    - The first is when entering and exiting the server. The GID goes crazy, stopping to mark the partial times, disappearing that time comparison bar, some locked in and out. Anyway, things that mess up a lot.
    - Secondly, we have errors for no apparent reason. Message of "mismatch", "connection lost", or even when entering pilots, fall in the same proportion, for example, enters a pilot and falls another. The server is set to 42 cars and its performance is fine (2.5GB RAM consumption from the 8GB available). Is there no error log for analyzing what happens? Windows shows no error. Thank you.
  2. krusti

    krusti RaceSimulatorItaly Founder AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Hi, about 1st point:
    do you mean the GID plugin or the original DynHUD? Because from what i saw is a DynHUD common issue, unfortunately.. It happens when someone left the server. I'm using the GID plugin without problems.

    About the second point, you have a "mismatch" message when something is different between you and the server, by something i mean files like: track .GDB, cars .HDV etc,. Make sure you/other players have the same server's content!

    Server's bandwidth? Also check the CPU load when the lobby is full.
  3. Eder Moreno

    Eder Moreno New Member

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Thank you.
    I use the original GID.
    I will monitor the server again.
  4. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    I got a spate of weird mismatches on vanilla content 2 days ago - both for cars and tracks.

    I checked for a missed server update - nothing. Tried copying the client files for a car getting a mismatch onto the server but the mismatches still occured. I stopped all the servers, verified the server files (1 file replaced) and after starting the AMS servers back up it was fine.

    Most mismatches as Krusti said are due to differences between client and server files but you can get rare mismatches that are not due to this and just seem to be down to some sort of server error where it mis-calculates when comparing client and server files.
  5. Eder Moreno

    Eder Moreno New Member

    Apr 24, 2016
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    We use the "simsyncpro" system so the files are the same on all clients.
    As we are from an alloy, one client or another may be using third party GIDs or having files mixed with that of another alloy.
    On the server I will have to wait for the next step to check for possible oscillations.
    Thank you.

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