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AMS2 - User Livery Overrides

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Rob Thompson, Dec 31, 2020.

  1. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    If you are using custom liveries for the Porsche 962C, they will not work with the new low downforce "longtail" model.
  2. iksmean

    iksmean Member

    Dec 11, 2021
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    Yeah I think I will pass on doing any helmets with the way they are mapped at the moment. It is completely unreasonable. The cars are mapped poorly enough already.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Great thanks, It helps me a lot this raster, did a quicky. The Marlboro logo is gonna be ... ?

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  4. Wolfgang Herold

    Wolfgang Herold I Like Liveries :) AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    this raster trick is as old as 3D animation.
    its used more than 40 years :)
    Happy, i could help
    • Like Like x 3
  5. MJP10

    MJP10 The Basin of Jatemans AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Attempt at using chrome and matte thanks to Scar666's post the other day...

    Rough around some of the matte edges but pretty happy with it so far.
    It's been a long while since I made liveries or similar for games... after seeing peoples posts here I had an itch to try again... safe to say I'm obsessed again too
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2022
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  6. MJP10

    MJP10 The Basin of Jatemans AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Tried paint look with slight matte (maybe too much taking another look) for the colour and logos/stickers ss003541.jpg ss003821.jpg
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  7. WhippyWhip

    WhippyWhip Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    if 2 people have the same custom liveries will they see each other in multiplayer or will they still see the other person in a default livery?
  8. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    If both players have exactly the same livery mod installed, you will of course see those same cars in multiplayer, too. You always see your liveries ingame.
    But in MP, the custom AI files do not work. So, if you add AI to your race, they will have your liveries, but default driver names of the game.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2022
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    Looking good!!!

    There's just something about any Valvoline livery that just plain works...
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    I'm glad I could help you scratch that itch... :)

    I found that data in the .xml files labelled _dist for each car... The Gen1 CART cars have all the helmet info but it seems a bit off... Because it shows examples for the car liveries with wheel options for the other options like Chrome or Matte for the helmet...

    Here's what cart_lola_t95_ford_dist.xml contains currently...

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

    Create a copy of this file without the '_dist' part and place it beside this one

    eg 'cart_lola_98t_dist.xml'
    should become

    Define a 'LIVERY_OVERRIDE' section for each default livery you wish to replace.

    A LIVERY_OVERRIDE definition must be based on one of the base liveries provided which will provide
    variations where required. The LIVERY attribute determines which base game livery is replaced.
    A NAME attribute must be set

    Within a LIVERY_OVERRIDE definition each desired texture override
    should be defined in a TEXTURE element. Any texture not present will use the texture from

    Additionally a PREVIEWIMAGE element with a PATH attribute can be used to note a texture for use
    in the game's UI. (2048 x 600 px )

    Texture PATH attributes are relative to this file's directory. Further sub-directories are
    permissable and their structure is left to the users own preference.

    LIVERY IDs can be viewed in the game UI by running the game with -showLiveryIDs switch/launch option


    SilverWheels: silver wheeled variant
    Available textures:
    BODY - the main external body/window paint texture
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT1 with MIPs
    - DXT5 with MIPs saved with alpha channel for paint fx

    SPEC - specular map
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT5 with MIPs

    FRESNEL - fresnel map
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT1 with MIPs

    BlackWheels: black wheeled variant
    Available textures:
    BODY - the main external body/window paint texture
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT5 with MIPs saved with alpha channel for paint fx

    SPEC - specular map
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT5 with MIPs

    FRESNEL - fresnel map
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT1 with MIPs

    GoldWheels: gold wheeled variant
    Available textures:
    BODY - the main external body/window paint texture
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT1 with MIPs
    - DXT5 with MIPs saved with alpha channel for paint fx

    SPEC - specular map for reflection effects
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT5 with MIPs

    FRESNEL - fresnel map which controls the strength the chrome effects
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT1 with MIPs

    SilverWheelsMattePaint: silver wheeled variant with matte paint
    Available textures:
    BODY - the main external body/window paint texture
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT1 with MIPs
    - DXT5 with MIPs saved with alpha channel for paint fx

    SPEC - specular map
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT5 with MIPs

    FRESNEL - fresnel map
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT1 with MIPs

    BlackWheelsMattePaint: black wheeled variant with matte paint
    Available textures:
    BODY - the main external body/window paint texture
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT5 with MIPs saved with alpha channel for paint fx

    SPEC - specular map
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT5 with MIPs

    FRESNEL - fresnel map
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT1 with MIPs

    GoldWheelsMattePaint: gold wheeled variant with matte paint
    Available textures:
    BODY - the main external body/window paint texture
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT1 with MIPs
    - DXT5 with MIPs saved with alpha channel for paint fx

    SPEC - specular map for reflection effects
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT5 with MIPs

    FRESNEL - fresnel map which controls the strength the chrome effects
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT1 with MIPs

    SilverWheelsChromePaint: silver wheeled variant with chrome paint
    Available textures:
    BODY - the main external body/window paint texture
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT1 with MIPs
    - DXT5 with MIPs saved with alpha channel for paint fx

    SPEC - specular map
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT5 with MIPs

    FRESNEL - fresnel map
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT1 with MIPs

    BlackWheelsChromePaint: black wheeled variant with chrome paint
    Available textures:
    BODY - the main external body/window paint texture
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT5 with MIPs saved with alpha channel for paint fx

    SPEC - specular map
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT5 with MIPs

    FRESNEL - fresnel map
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT1 with MIPs

    GoldWheelsChromePaint: gold wheeled variant with chrome paint
    Available textures:
    BODY - the main external body/window paint texture
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT1 with MIPs
    - DXT5 with MIPs saved with alpha channel for paint fx

    SPEC - specular map for reflection effects
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT5 with MIPs

    FRESNEL - fresnel map which controls the strength the chrome effects
    - 4096 x 4096
    - DXT1 with MIPs


    For each overriden livery a helmet override can be defined. The work similarly to liveries
    in that they override a named base helmet with user defined textures. To assigne a helmet
    to a livery use the same 'LIVERY' id as in the livery override


    DEFAULT: default helmet used by all vehicles of the class
    Available textures:
    BODY - the main exterior surface of the helmet
    - 2048 x 2048
    - DXT1 with MIPs

    VISOR - visor texture
    - 2048 x 1024
    - DXT5 with MIPs

    ================================= -->

    <TEXTURE NAME="BODY" PATH="helmet.dds" />
    <TEXTURE NAME="VISOR" PATH="visor.dds" />

    <!-- <LIVERY_OVERRIDE LIVERY="60" NAME="My Racing Team #86" BASELIVERY="BlackWheelsMattePaint">
    <PREVIEWIMAGE PATH="myracingteam\preview86.dds" />
    <TEXTURE NAME="BODY" PATH="myracingteam\body86.dds" />
    <TEXTURE NAME="SPEC" PATH="MyTeam\body86_spec.dds" />
    <TEXTURE NAME="FRESNEL" PATH="MyTeam\body86_fresnel.dds" />

    <!-- <LIVERY_OVERRIDE LIVERY="61" NAME="My Racing Team #37" BASELIVERY="GoldWheelsMattePaint">
    <PREVIEWIMAGE PATH="myracingteam\preview86.dds" />
    <TEXTURE NAME="BODY" PATH="myracingteam\body86.dds" />

    <!-- <LIVERY_OVERRIDE LIVERY="62" NAME="My Racing Team #38" BASELIVERY="GoldWheelsChromePaint">
    <PREVIEWIMAGE PATH="myracingteam\preview38.dds" />
    <TEXTURE NAME="BODY" PATH="myracingteam\body38.dds" />
    <TEXTURE NAME="SPEC" PATH="MyTeam\body38_spec.dds" />
    <TEXTURE NAME="FRESNEL" PATH="MyTeam\body38_fresnel.dds" />


    As you can see there's the different settings for the different wheels as well as the different base livery... The examples at the bottom are just livery overrides except for the one default helmet style...

    This is why you always check what gets overridden when installing skins, some have packed the _dist files with the skins which overwrites any data about new features for the liveries contained within the _dist file to whatever was in that file when that skin set was packed...

    I haven't fully tested it yet, but I will do with my own helmet some time this week... But I believe that because the car and helmet liveries have their own override function you can have the car skin set to matte finish and the helmet set to chrome finish without them clashing because it's a different override code... This is of course thinking that the chrome option has been enabled... Which the _dist.xml doesn't cover so it may not be enabled yet...
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Wolfgang Herold

    Wolfgang Herold I Like Liveries :) AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    if you are not sure about old outdated _dist.xml files, just start an integrity check of your files in steam and all will be checked and updated to the latest version.
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  12. jusk

    jusk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    Here's another basic helmet experiment/WIP:
    • Like Like x 10
  13. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Testing the '99 helmet in a '95 car
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  14. jusk

    jusk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    Nice! Those curves must have been a pain. Not much different from Herta's '95 helmet either - just a couple of stickers difference? I've been slowly doing some '95 ones:
    95_Rahal_2.png 95_UnserJr_15.png
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  15. Dhansi09

    Dhansi09 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    @Rob Thompson could we have some sort of preview files for the helmets?

    On one of the first pages her you mentioned some 3d blender files for some car models (which would be also great to have - by the way). Preview files for the helmet models would help a lot
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    Definitely need some way of previewing the helmets that isn't on track... Adding to the showroom would be great...

    Having a 3D photoshop template would be even better... I know there are reasons why cars cannot have 3Ds, but surely we can get the helmet template 3D, if it stays with the current wireframe we'll need that 3D for sure...

    Anyway... Enough of my frustrations with the helmets... Time for some fun... 20221118225630_1.jpg
    20221118225607_1.jpg 20221118225611_1.jpg
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  17. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    New helmet templates, but sadly the new 80s helmet template is as bad as the CART helmet template... A split in the face and down the sides...

    We are really going to need 3D versions to do the real life drivers helmets any justice... But at least the modern version is better as the face of the helmet is connected, but there is still a split down the side and it's without parts... I'll have to do a colour map to find out what all the parts are...

    New codes allow for spec control... But it still seems that chrome isn't an option according to the xml files, haven't tested in game...

    <TEXTURE NAME="BODY_DIFF" PATH="F12021_Helmets\KR_helmet.dds" />
    <TEXTURE NAME="BODY_SPEC" PATH="F12021_Helmets\KR_helmet_spec.dds" />
    <TEXTURE NAME="VISOR_DIFF" PATH="F12021_Helmets\KR_visor.dds" />
    <TEXTURE NAME="VISOR_SPEC" PATH="F12021_Helmets\KR_visor_spec.dds" />

    EDIT: Sadly the modern helmet has something clashing on the Formula Ultimate gen 1...

    Aside from the parts which I am attempting to colour map the entire lid should be white, not this...
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2022
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  18. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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  19. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    It remains quite a hassle, and these are still fairly simple patterns


    I don't know if the Mild Seven Logo will be filled, at least not today....
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  20. jusk

    jusk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    Yeah, logos/patterns on the forehead area are a pain o_O
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