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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    The curbs are heavily influenced by FX, you will notice even 5% less. Simply reduce FX until you find your sweet spot. You can slightly raise the middle at your base with friction if you prefer a firmer middle
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  2. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    You can drop the Feedback Detail setting down in SimPro to see if it suits you better. I am now down on around 15. Or lower FX in Game. If all other effects are good, and you only want to drop the kerb effects down, there is an individual line in the file itself you could reduce. This is the line;
    (kerbs_surface_scale 9.0)
    Try 8.5 or less to see what effect it has for you.
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  3. KwaziPigInnit

    KwaziPigInnit New Member

    Aug 13, 2023
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    Just tried these on my TS-PC and it feels really heavy/stiff, just like no power steering at all.
    This is with the JCW MINI
    Feel like I need to be Arnold Schwarzenegger to turn the wheel.
  4. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    If it's too strong for you then just go down with the power of your base until you like it
    or reduce gain in the game
  5. Stepy

    Stepy Active Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    I found the steering heavy as well on my R9 so i adjusted the master_rack 0.71 >>> 0.67
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  6. TheMattyOnline

    TheMattyOnline Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 31, 2019
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    Hi Daniel

    Have given the V6000 file a good test now across a range of vehicles in the beta.
    A few oddities here and there but nothing game breaking, and also some of this content is new/unfinished regarding the development cycle so don't want to be specific and is obviously subject to change in the run up to V1.6.

    Regarding the V6000 file specifically on my TS-XW, initial findings were as mentioned by others, very heavy and curbs way too strong.
    I have left the in-car/per FFB at 100%, but dropped the FFB gain in the controls menu to 60, and i see what you mean about the FX being critical to set to your liking! I have settled currently on 17/18 which seems to be a nice compromise.

    I'm really liking these files, and driving identical content back to back with Le Mans Ultimate, which i gel with very well from a driving feel / FFB point of view, for me gives a very similar experience.
    These definitely feel a step up in quality from your already decent previous files.

    Anyway, off to tinker some more, it's never ending ;)
    Thanks very much for your efforts !
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  7. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Thank you very much for your comment. As I said, it shouldn't be very difficult for anyone to find their personal sweet spot with these files. FX and gain on the base or gain in the game should be enough. And if someone wants to go deeper they can of course change anything in the file, there are no limits. Don't worry about update 1.6 I'll take it when it comes I'm not a teenager;)
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  8. KwaziPigInnit

    KwaziPigInnit New Member

    Aug 13, 2023
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    Thanks I could not remember which one to adjust.
    Will have a go later and maybe tweek it a bit more
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  9. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hello guys
    Since the bases of Thrustmaster T-GT / T-GT II / TS-PC / TS-XW (6Nm) return the forces very high, I have adjusted and updated the in-game and base recommendations for these bases in the 2nd file.Thank you for your feedback to better adapt these V6000 extreme files to the different bases:)
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  10. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    Yes, I'll post a version that reduces the force related to the differencial between front wheels velocity. That effect is very noticeable on a car, but not to that extend (is not as abrupt).

    The true is, if you break in a straight, most probably you won't feel a thing... tarmac is uniform.
    But on the acceleration zones (both braking and accelerate sections) often the tarmac has irregularties due to binary applied (rutting?) which make the wheels spin at different speeds, hence producing that effect.
  11. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    What's new:
    • Improved weight transfer algorithm
    • Improved brake and general front suspension feel
    • Improved surface transitions algorithm
    • Parameter change in car rotation counter-action
    • Parameter change in rear suspension
    • (please, read the notes - very important to achieve more pleasure and less pain...)
    Still to improve/implement:
    • (no roadmap)
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  12. xNAPx

    xNAPx Member

    Jun 11, 2024
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    Have you got some recommendations for simagic alpha mini simpro2 manager? And in game settings?
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  13. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    It's all in the notes ;).
    Nobody knows what it feels like to you. Try to reset your wheel base settings but don't stop there! Try to understand what each setting does and adjust accordingly to your own tastes.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2024
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  14. KwaziPigInnit

    KwaziPigInnit New Member

    Aug 13, 2023
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    Something was not right on my system, after recovering windows to a backup image all is working properly now. :) Except button 5 on my F1 wheel is stuck on and it was assigned to rear view.
    I couldn't see where I was going. :eek: Reassigned it to another button and I can see where I'm going now.

    master_rack 0.60 and all is good.

    Attached Files:

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  15. Alegunner68

    Alegunner68 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 21, 2019
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    I've noticed since the moza update that when the front wheels regain grip after over enthusiastic braking/understeer there is a little jolt on the wheel which feels so good. Anyone else notice it?
    Not been playing much lately so it may be my imagination but can't remember it happening before.
  16. xNAPx

    xNAPx Member

    Jun 11, 2024
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    @Danielkart can I be a Little cheeky asking what each value of the ffb files change? I'm talking about all of them but at least the master ones, I only know what velocity resistance scale does, but I'm interested in knowing what the others do to customise to my liking the ffb file. It would be very much appreciated.

    These are taken directly from your files
    (power_steering_angle 0.00)
    (tyre_initial_resist 4.3)
    (tyre_resistance1_timing 0.000)
    (tyre_resistance1_lo_df 1.00)
    (tyre_resistance1_hi_df 1.00)
    (rack_friction (* damping 0.70))
    (lfb_slider_strength 0.98)
    (center_full (blend (min 1.00 (* lfb_slider 12)) 1.0 0.0))
    (over_steer_scale 2.90)
    (under_steer_scale 2.05)
    (exaggerate_front_load_feel 1.80)
    (exaggerate_front_load_feel_hi_df 1.80)
    (limit_high_df 1.0)
    (velocity_res_scale 0.62)
    (velocity_res_offset 0.55)
    (vel_rot_scale 1.00)
    (vel_rot_limit_coef 1.42)
    (static_force_reduction_timing 1.90)
    (normal_static_force_reduction 0.00)
    #(exp_static_force_reduction 0.00)
    #(exp_static_force_reduction_hi_df 0.00)
    (yaw_scale 0.0)
    (yaw_stretch_front 0.0)
    (yaw_stretch_rear 0.0)
    #(relax_yaw_line2_start_y 0.0000)
    #(relax_yaw_pos 0.0011)
    #(relax_yaw_width 0.00263)
    #(relax_yaw_coef 0.00)
    #(slip_crossover_pos 0.00)
    #(slip_crossover_width 0.00)
    #(slip_crossover_line1_slope 0.00)
    (slip_crossover_line2_start_y 0.12)
    (slip_crossover_line2_end_y 1.10)
    (subtract_rot_velocity (* damping 2))
    (accel_feel 0.00)
    (brake_feel 2.10)
    (yaw_feel 0.00)
    (front_drive_torque_feel 0.20)
    (rear_drive_torque_feel 0.0)
    (front_tyre_stretch_feel 0.2)
    (rear_tyre_stretch_feel 0.2)
    (relax_os_line2_start_y 0.0000)
    (relax_os_pos 0.0012)
    (relax_os_width 0.00263)
    (relax_os_coef 0.00)
    (relax_us_line2_start_y 0.0000)
    (relax_us_pos 0.0011)
    (relax_us_width 0.00263)
    (relax_us_coef 0.00)
    (bump_feel_follow_weight 0.50)
    (brake_feel_follow_weight 1.25)
    (accel_feel_follow_weight 3.80)
    (brake_coef 1.18)
    (centering 0.46)
    (on_off_throttle_feel 0.0)
    (tear_threshold 0.15)
    (scrub_threshold 0.05)
    (road_rolling_slip_feel 1)
    (front_grip_loss_feel 0.00)
    (rear_grip_loss_feel 0.00)

    # Road features settings

    (texture_scale 0.5)
    (micro_bumps_scale 0.60)
    (micro_bumps_smooth 0.02)
    (kerbs_surface_scale 9.0)
    (kerbs_surface_smooth 0.012)
    (kerb_bump_scale 3.40)
    (large_track_bump_scale 1.25)
    (large_offroad_bump_scale 4.2)
  17. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hello buddy! I have currently installed the Simucube2 because there was also an FFB update with the reconstruction filter V2, which I also stated in the base recommendations of the latest file. To be honest, I haven't tested the Moza R21 yet with the new FFB 3.0 algorithm. That's why I can't confirm anything you think you feel. When I know more I will contact you;)
  18. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Good morning!
    The creator of the original file is Karsten Hvidberg. Download a file from him, there is much more information about the individual values. I deliberately deleted this information because I changed, expanded, deleted or rearranged my files extremely. Nothing works here as it was originally intended, except for a few values. Changing a value can mean that a lot of other things are changed, making things bad and causing a lot of anomalies. That's why it's actually impossible to give you an operating manual for it. If you still want to get into this world of customs, I recommend taking less modified files from other people or, ideally, from Karsten. This will give you the opportunity to create your own personalized FFB according to your taste. These options are great for anyone who is not satisfied with the defaults
    • Like Like x 2
  19. xNAPx

    xNAPx Member

    Jun 11, 2024
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    Thank you very much I will have a look into it just to see if I can enhance some effects to my liking
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  20. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Small hint: Please also check your steering setting.It should be set to 900 degrees in the base, if you reduce it the forces will increase extremely. In addition, the oscillations are also increased when they go below 900 degrees
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2024
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