Automobilista v1.4.76 RELEASED

Discussion in 'Automobilista - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Automobilista has been updated to v1.4.76 - this update intends to address crash issues that have come up, following in particular a recent Windows 10 update. The update also brings several other valuable updates & fixes to the sim.

    IMPORTANT: Please note that in this update DynHUD has been disabled by default while some reliability issues are worked out - if however you were not experiencing crashes or any DynHUD-related problems you may enable it back on by unticking the option to disable it in AMS Config.

    For Nvidia Users: We have introduced advanced AntiAliasing settings in the Config application, your settings should be auto upgraded, but feel free to take a look and adjust as you please.

    Below is the Changelog for v1.4.72 -> v1.4.76:
    • Added Config app option to disable DynHUD, disabled by default while some reliability issues are worked on (if you experienced no problems you may re-enable DynHUD by unticking the option in AMS Config)
    • Added support for advanced Nvidia Control Panel settings in the Config application so Nvidia Antialiasing settings can be configured straight from AMS Config)
    • Added Driving Line Aid (it adapts in real time to how fast you are going to give you updated information)
    • Speed Sensitivity is now customized for each vehicle
    • Added dynamic ambient / track temperatures, configurable via Track GDB, & configured ambient Track Temps at all default circuits according to real weather data
    • Corrected sunrise / sunset times for better accuracy
    • Season Tool: Fix userdata failure when Windows username contains non ascii latin1 characters
    • Added FFB for XInput Devices (may require loading of Controller Preset of Xbox Controller for it to start working, depending on your current settings. Support for one XInput FFB device only, limits all FFB to 90hz)
    • Added Refresh Connected Devices button to Controllers page, available from main & in-session menus
    • Made XInput built in deadzones configurable in the Controller.ini (also halved the amount from previous build)
    • Minor tweaks to Controller Damping Presets
    • Added Dedicated Server options to allow driving line or not
    • Added options to use predefined profiles in Dedicated Server and in Game Server for game difficulty
    • Made game DPIAware, so that the game formats correctly on PCs using non 100% scaling setting
    • Added actual game version to the Windows game window
    • Tweaked Tool Tip and Icon placement top right of screens in general
    • Adjusted Difficulty Settings page to be more organized
    • Added long spinner UI option so text doesn't get cut off with Controller Profile names or User Profile names
    • Adjusted In Game Monitor screen, tidied up the UI in general and organized. Added Session Info button which shows the general information about the current session. Online adjusted vote and server details options. Added Servername and Message of the day to the Server Info button.
    • Adjusted Garage page to hide pit stop options when pits not available. Made Session Info accessible from Garage Page and reorganized UI elements slightly
    • Reorganized Setup File browser and added non editable notes element to the Setup Browser
    • Improved AI Behaviour on Formation / Standing Start
    • Improved AI Behaviour behind Safety Car on Rolling Starts and SC periods
    • Adjusted Safety Car to take Fastest Line rather than a middle of the road line
    • AI cars now lift less under blue flag in race condition, and not at all in practice / qual for other AI cars as a temporary measure to avoid AI cars going off track (better blue flag logic currently under development)
    • Fixed possible Granja 1 & Adelaide GDB online mismatches
    • Foz: Updated terrain textures to latest standards
    • Ibarra: fixed inner collision corridor at hairpin; fixed the headlight beams going up to the mountains; fixed specular levels on the road patches; slight tweak to AI performance
    • Adelaide: Fixed AI lining up after formation lap
    • Ascurra: Updated terrain textures to latest standards
    • Velopark: Updated model to feature 2017 modifications & terrain textures to latest standards
    • SuperV8: Adjusted fuel consumption estimates

    Important note for Logitech G29 / G920 users: Support for auto rotation is still on a dedicated Beta Branch labeled v1.4.7_G29. Further instructions as to how to switch to a beta branch here.

    If you have a bug to report please use the new bug report thread (make sure to check the opening post first).

    If you experience any issues running the game following the update, it´s worth running a Steam Integrity Check to make sure all files have been added / updated correctly.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2017
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  2. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    Nice, controller is improved compared to the previous update.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2017
  3. Jan Mikuž

    Jan Mikuž Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Why would the handling change after certain updates ?
    It's been happening to me on and off since i can remember.
    It now happened again with v1476. The handling or ratio or smth just isn't the same as before,
    it almost feels like the physics are not the same too...
    The steering just isn't as natural and i don't feel connected to the car as well as before.
    I created a fresh profile and the ratio and the way the car reacts to my inputs
    seems to be back to normal. I'm quite sure it's not a placebo.

    Odd thing. Probably comes down to my old unsupported wheel, huh ?
    Or maybe because i use steering sensitivity 0% ?
    Smth definitely seems to get corrupted every now and then in terms of handling/ratio...
  4. Alex Sawczuk

    Alex Sawczuk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    maybe you are changing the realfeel.ini?

    Speed Sensitivity should be 0% Steering Rate should be 100% with a wheel.
  5. Jan Mikuž

    Jan Mikuž Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    No, no changes to realfeel.ini. My ffb doesn't work, i have it turned off.
    Steering sensitivity 100% makes the cars undriveable, the ratio is way too fast.
    Steering sensitivity to 0%-5% is what works for me - it apparently affects the ratio in my case.

    Need to invest in a modern wheel, so i can experience the sim as it's meant to.
    I can play just fine when everything works, when the ratio is on point, though.
    Right now i use steering sensitivity 0%, lock 12-14, 270 deg rotation and i can enjoy it just fine.
  6. Rob Thompson

    Rob Thompson Active Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    I seem to have taken a significant hit to FPS performance since this update. I have the new anti-aliasing option set to user defined, SweetFX disabled and DynaHUD disabled also as i started getting crashes with this update (i didn't before i should add).

    Before this update i was running everything on full gfx detail but with reduced shadow and special fx and it was running at around 50-60fps with a grid of 22 cars. Obviously i would experience lows of 30-40fps at the first corner and in replays as is normal but now even when i'm just hot lapping by myself, game play runs at around 50-60fps where i was previously getting over 100fps and the replays tank at about 30fps.

    I apologise if i have missed a new setting which needs changing to correct this problem, just thought i would make my issue known.
    Keep up the great work guys, we really appreciate it. :hurrayreiza:
  7. Alex Sawczuk

    Alex Sawczuk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Did your AA settings get upgraded though? Or was it always on user preference?
  8. Alex Sawczuk

    Alex Sawczuk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    If you have no damping preset and then on the X axis of the controller set 0% sensitivity, then afaik there should be no difference
  9. Rob Thompson

    Rob Thompson Active Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    It has always been user preference. I have my Nvidia control panel set up to control AA settings.
  10. Alex Sawczuk

    Alex Sawczuk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Then there shouldn't be a change.
  11. Rob Thompson

    Rob Thompson Active Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    Agreed, I will tinker a bit more with some settings and try different car/track combos see if i notice anything different.

    Cheers Alex.
  12. Jan Mikuž

    Jan Mikuž Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    What is this ?
  13. Robin_NL

    Robin_NL Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Thanks for this update!

    Where does Driving Line on/off show up in UI, or is it proactive when you're driving?
    It's not the Ideal Racing Line I guess?

    EDIT: I already found it in 'Difficulty'. Sorry for asking ...

  14. Jan Mikuž

    Jan Mikuž Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    @Alex Sawczuk
    Sorry for nagging you, but there's another issue.

    I just wanted to compare again the new profile handling and the old one to make sure there
    is indeed a difference, but now i notice the controller on the old profile has been reset -
    when i go the the controller page it gives me that message ''no controller preset...'' and
    requires me to setup the wheel anew.
  15. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    Using v1.4.76b. Enabling DynHUD always make the game crash to desktop 1s after starting a race (I suppose when it is about to draw the HUD). It did not crash before. "Before" being a few beta versions back, as I did not launched the game for a while (2-3 weeks).
  16. Alex Sawczuk

    Alex Sawczuk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Read paragraph 2 of the release notes.
  17. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    Also a few questions about the new Nvidia AA settings. In the Nvidia CP I have a profile for AMS.exe specifying 8x AA. On first launch of AMS Config, it defaulted to Medium+ which reads "8xQ, 2xSGSS FPS x0.8" which is as cryptic as it gets. What is Q ? What is SGSS ? Did AMS found my Nvidia CP profile for AMS.exe and associated it to Medium+ ? Why when I try to uncheck "Advanced" it talks about deleting profiles ? Which Profile ? And why does it want to delete profiles ? What does unchecking Advanced do ? really, this is totally confusing...
  18. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    Ok but would haven been less confusing if it stated that "DynHUD can possibly now systematically crash where it did not on previous versions".
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  19. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    Iirc 8xQ = 8x MSAA (multisampling), SGSS = sparse grid supersampling.
    You can use one of the presets or choose "user defined" and manually enter your settings in Nvidia CP/Inspector.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Craigbowie

    Craigbowie New Member

    Jun 4, 2017
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    Did a race with this update last night using the Virgin Australia 2017 mod for the Super V8s.
    I did two races of FVR Hidden Valley (Darwin), 120km race (with 1 pitstop) and a 200km race (with 2 pitstops) X2 fuel.
    The cars are working far better now, in the overtaking department, no running off the track madness (you guys have nailed it!!!).
    Still some problems with fuel, in both races 2 cars failed to finish as they ran out of fuel. I know they are carrying more fuel now as they went deeper into the race than previous updates. Must say one of the cars failed to finish both races with the same ran out of fuel issue, the other car that failed to finish in race 1 and race 2 were different cars.
    Just wondering are these cars missing the Que to pit, do they not realize they are low on fuel??? Maybe in the future if you guys could include compulsory pit stops it wont be an issue then and it would be a cool feature, (REIZA 18 perhaps??) or a final feature in Automoblistia!
    Just want to say thanks for listening to my feedback and addressing the issues i have brought up!

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