Is there a way to stop the camera from shaking like a cheap striper??? I have tried all the damn options, but the shaking is nuts, no other sim shakes this much... Please Reiza, give us an option where we can turn it down!
Not that anyone has figured yet, it is really annoying. The Reiza/AMS2 cannot do anything wrong, therefore it is right, crowd will claim it adds to the immersion. but it is plain wrong. At this time it is my main gripe with AMS2, as, beside that, I quite enjoy the rest. It is a little bit car and tracks dependent, some worst than other, but it has to stop.
It's called "World Movement", found under camera options, if I recall correctly. Keep in mind, however, that the new and improved option does not work in VR mode, yet - so if you are a VR or TrackIR user you'll have to deal with the horrible camera shake for now. (Or play AMS2 in normal mode for the time being.)
World Movement has been there since the beginning so it's not a new option, and it doesn't do much, the camera still shakes like it's -50 degrees out and she is naked. Edit: i don't use VR or TrackIR
It's not a new option, but it has received a huge overhaul (for non-VR mode) a few weeks ago. So it works differently (and for the most part, better) from what it did before. That being said, it's still nowhere near as good as I would like, so I can understand your frustration. EDIT: From what I understand, this has only been the first phase optimizing it, so we will most definitely see further tweaks and improvements to it in the future.
The VR world movement works pretty well for the purpose it was designed - VR. The shaking is no longer an issue in VR. The people who seem to have a problem with it are using the VR option as a workaround to get TrackIR working. That's a completely different problem.
Instead of getting rid of that annoying shaking, they gave you option called 'world movement/head movement', which lets you choose if you want either car to shake with smooth environment or camera fixed to the car with crazy environment shakiness. You can as well go for compromise of both - car and enviroment shaking together. Which one you want to shake? - Up to You. Edit (sarcasm): If shakiness of both: world and car together is still not enough, you can connect it with bouncing Porsches. Than you will have crazy shaking world, crazy shaking car and bouncing, all together. The best way to play AMS2 in that case is on motion rig during Earthquake.
World movement has been there since the beginning but it is gone now and is replaced by Head Movement, I use "Head movement" 100, "Use legacy Head movement" NO and no speed shaking and g-force effects. this delivers a stable track/horizon. I love the car shaking, it contributes to the "immersion" and don't suffer from it, because my eyes are not focused on the car, but on the track. I always drive in cockpit view and like these settings.
Going for compromise with existing problem is one way, fixing the problem is another way. There is no other sim which 'shakes' as much as AMS2. It doesn't add any immersion - it just brakes it, no matter how you set Your 'head movement'.
i agree i have no issue in vr with world movement, but tbh i have mine set to 90, which means only 10% is compensated the rest is car shake anyways, in other sims i turn this to 100 so i get 1:1 what the car does but there are alot of bumps in ams2 so i had to turn it a slight bit down otherwise i cant see anything sometimes xD tldr i like the vr world movement
You can check the old and new shaking menu here. If you choose Use legacy.. then you have the old shaking and if you set Use legacy to NO then you can have the new shaking. Both are game destroying for most people - but personally I dont think this "feature" is something Reizas devs want. Its just something they were forced to accept when they adopted the Madness graphic engine - and now they dont have a clue of how to get rid of this idiotic shaking. ByTheWay: Because of this AMS2 users are now forced to accept this "eyes popping out" feature if they still want to use AMS2.
Its awful and its the only one reason i dont race AMS2. The game looks and feel great but this shake destroys it.
Meh. I got used to the shake quite quickly and I have no movement damping since I play in roof view. But the few times I am forced to play in cockpit view (Boo to those who lock that option in ) I am fine with a 90 (new) head movement setting since I just ctrl+K myself back to roof view except in open wheelers. (Yes, yes, I know. My god. The blasphemy. I like to see on my sides on a single flat panel. xD)
The issue is that there is to much shaking, both in 2D and VR. Some tracks are worst than other, Adelaide is pretty bad. All cars are playing pogo there. The shaking or bouncing is neither immersive or natural. Something is wrong. If some like it then it needs to be an option for those who prefer a more normal way to tame it in order to enjoy using AMS2.