GSCE/AMS/rF/rF2 relationship

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by A Raser, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. A Raser

    A Raser New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Hi folks.
    New to this forum, but it looks eerily familiar since I was an avid Raceroom player. Is the forum just a general template? Or is there some sort or relationship between Sector3 and Reiza?

    But the reason for this post is...
    Could someone explain the relationship between AMS, GSCE, GTR2, rFactor, and rFactor2?
    The ffb and graphics feels/looks very similar with just subtle differences.

    I tried the GSCE demo and loved it. But I ended up buying AMS because I see AMS streamed so often.
    Are mods interchangeable? As in, if I find a mod for AMS can I install it for GSCE or rF2..... or....

    I want to purchase 1 more racing sim. Something I don't have to use through Steam.
  2. xnorb

    xnorb Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Well, it's just the same forum software.

    * rFactor is the "mother".
    * Reiza used rFactor, stuffed it with mods and plugins and released it as Stock Car 2012
    * Then adapted and released Stock Car 2013
    * Which was renamed into Game Stock Car Extreme with more additions (afaik)
    * Then Reiza bought the license to access the source code
    * Plugins were removed, source code altered and the decision made to change the name to AMS, drop the non-Steam version and due to the massive changes done, releasing it as a new title with free copies given to all GSCE owners.

    rF2 is by the same company that made rFactor and is simply an evolution of rFactor.
    Just as AMS is basically, as they both started with the same source code, just that ISI focuses more on highly advanced physics and Reiza is more about the whole package.

    GTR2 - i have too little knowledge about, but it's also using the ISImotor engine which is the engine you see in rFactor.
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  3. David Wright

    David Wright Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    I think its only fair to point out that while Reiza have achieved a lot in the short time since they acquired the source code, ISI had far longer and lots of experience of game engine development. So rF2 is a much more extensive evolution of rFactor than AMS is. As well as more advanced physics, Rfactor2 included an improved (new?) graphics engine (though still DX9) and included the simulation of weather and track.

    When Simbin licensed ISIMotor2 they bought the source code from the start, and developed the engine to suit the requirements of their sims. Hence GTR2 has features required for GT racing which are not in rFactor. Of course, ISI also developed ISIMotor2 for rFactor's role as a mod platform, and rFactor includes features not in GTR2.
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  4. David Wright

    David Wright Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Mods are not interchangeable I'm afraid.

    Steam has become the THE sales platform for PC games and racing sims are no exception. Of the current generation of sims I think only iRacing can be used without going through Steam. It is expensive though and only for on-line use.

    There is of course quite an extensive "back catalogue" of older sims that can be used without going through Steam. Which you might choose depends on what racing series you like as these older sims, such as Grand Prix Legends, NASCAR Racing, GT Legends and GTR2 were all completely focused on the series they simulated, rather than today's sims which try to do everything.
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  5. A Raser

    A Raser New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 23, 2016
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    I know of you guys! :D from other forums. Thanks a bunch. Clears things up. Decisions, decisions.

    I have iRacing too, so I know how expensive it is. And having many of the "sims", it's become cost prohibitive, and running into "bugs"/ffb changes...... across so many platforms has become trying. So I am simplifying. 1 sim, 1 ffb setting, 1 program to troubleshoot = more time enjoying the sim.

    I would like it to be AMS or one with similar ffb. I don't know why the ffb in AMS is so much weaker now, than my very first try though.

    I realize Steam and platforms like it (Origin, Xbox....) are the wave of the future. But, keep this in mind...............

    Last month, I logged in and immediately, someone else's (extensive) Steam library showed up in my inventory. I did not download any of their games.
    That same day, my Steam library replaced a 3rd person's library and they lost their library.

    They're impossible to get a hold of. No one to take responsibility. All attempts to rectify the situation has led no where.

    If someone can lose their entire Steam Library, or your library accessed by random people, through no fault of your/their own, with no recourse, no one to get a hold of, would you keep doing business with them? That's my position on Steam.
  6. gongo

    gongo Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
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  7. A Raser

    A Raser New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Hey Dan
    yeah, I have just as many "sims" and others I would consider games. Each title has some aspect I enjoy (audio, graphics, ffb, specific cars....).

    After I saw AMS streamed on RD, I bought AMS just for the CARTe mod, but I've enjoyed the AMS content so much, I haven't had the chance to play CARTe since I first installed.

    keep up the good work on CrewChief! and maybe we can talk more about the voice interactive version of of Crewchief that helps you setup your cars - in game. I think people are over thinking the idea. If I could only program.

    BTW, I lost my Falcon 3.0 and I lost one install floppy disc for the sister - Mig29. Time to Google I guess :D. On the otherhand, I don't know that they will run on 64bit systems.o_O I'm gonna have to give one of the DCS sims a try one of these days.

    Danny (aka Azfalt Raser)

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