Can somebody explain this to me? What's the percentual of votes to kick a driver - and can it be changed? And after kicked, can the player rejoin the server immediately or is there an IP (or Steam name) ban for some time?
Thanks for the answer. But the option is there too on non dedicated servers. Is it not working? Last weekend I was on a server and people tried to kick a driver, but the kick votes had no effect.
Clicking a player in the lobby or standings list in game opens the player interaction menu which can be used to issue a vote to kick that player. A 2/3 majority or a vote from the host is required to pass the vote.
Other than being a complete tool to other racers, are there any specific reasons why hosts or participants would initiate a kick vote? High ping? Obvious difference in skill level? Or is it just open ended? I haven’t raced online much and the etiquette (not wanting to be a ****) is something I’d like to avoid but if I got kicked for having a high ping or low level of skill it would be nice to know.
mostly to kick rammers and crashers. In pCARS2 there where often small teams of 2 or 3 idiots that made a crash fest of every session they visited.
I see, so racing sims suffer the same idiocy that most multiplayer games suffer from. No surprises I suppose. Thanks for the response.
I was in a lobby the other day and some guy joined and instantly started making stupid political remarks (US election). Wish I’d known about vote to kick then. In another lobby on another occasion and 2 guys joined with usernames that referenced the three K’s. Again, my perspective is anyone bringing that sort of nonsense needs to go.