Tire temperature color gauge always green

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by scrubjayfeather, Nov 30, 2020.

  1. scrubjayfeather

    scrubjayfeather New Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    This sim is by far my favorite out of all the current sims. The love going into this project every few weeks with updates can be felt with each release. The constant development keeps me engaged and thirsty for more fixes and improvements. Thank you Reiza!

    The only time I have seen the color change in the minimal HUD for tire temps was during multiplayer session. Anybody have any idea what it might be? I've tried turning damage off and on. I usually run with authentic but visual damage only. I tried all combinations of damage settings. I feel like I'm missing something obvious like time of year but I don't see the ability to change that yet. Thanks in advance for your time, people.

    t-300, 8600k, 1050ti,
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  2. muz_j

    muz_j Active Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    Perhaps your tyre pressures are a bit off.
    Try using the car info HUD element to give a bit more real time info on tyre pressures and then go from there.
    Initial pressures, weather, brake ducts and driving style will all factor into how quickly the pressures change. If you're running at high pressures, then it takes longer to heat the tyres up, so if your race durations are short, then you may see very little visible change on the tyre colour icons and the changes on those can be quite subtle at times.

    Ams 2 car info hud element 1.jpg
  3. scrubjayfeather

    scrubjayfeather New Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Thank you for taking a moment to try to help me!

    I've read about tire pressure and stuff but what I don't get is why my temperature never starts blue. Even if I start a race a 4am in the morning they are dark green. Like I said the only time the indicator has shown blue at all for my tires was on a multiplayer game where it started out blue and very slowly heated just as I would expect in any other sim. I played hundreds of hours of PC2 (and acc, AC, RF2, R3E) so I know generally how it behaves and have seen dozens of youtube videos showing the expected temperature increase indicated on the players lower right HUD. My brakes do heat as expected by the way. Thanks again for helping me people. I appreciate your perspective and time.
  4. Lukas Ranicar

    Lukas Ranicar New Member

    May 29, 2020
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    Some cars have tyre warmers so they start off warmed up. Try picking another car see if it's any different.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  5. scrubjayfeather

    scrubjayfeather New Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    I have tried multiple cars from different classes. Thanks for the suggestion though!
  6. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Try the Copa Trucks, you will see a lot of red and yellow tires in the HUD ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. scrubjayfeather

    scrubjayfeather New Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Even if that is the case, (I'll test it) This still doesn't explain why they never start cold! It is not tire warmers because all cars I've driven in this sim have always started with warm tires (green tire temps). I'm considering posting this in the bug section because no one seems to be able to explain it. For the record it's not the "pretty colors" I want to look at. I want to have to warm my tires to get maximum grip. This adds a lot of fun to the sim and I really enjoyed it the one time it worked. (in multiplayer) Thanks again, everyone!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. scrubjayfeather

    scrubjayfeather New Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    I tested copa truck....
    The copa truck did heat in the center of the tire after repeatedly locking up brakes intentionally. It took a long time but it did eventually start to heat the center portion of the tires. This took way longer than it should have in my opinion. Skidding for 20 meters repeatedly should have those tire smoking hot. haha! This is not my main question though.

    My question is how can I start with cold tires (blue on tire HUD) and have to warm them to an optimal temperature (green on tire temp HUD)? Tire management and thus temps are a super important element of racing from what I have read.

    How can I be the only one asking about this? I still can't tell from people's replies if others ever start with blue cold tires in single player.
  9. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    The formula cars I drive in LB mode start allways with green tires.
    And they stay green-ish even when I mistreat them :)

    ByTheWay: I consider it as a bug that they dont really change in a lap where I mistreat them - but with more urgent bugs Im pretty relaxed. I mean its only a simple video game :D

  10. scrubjayfeather

    scrubjayfeather New Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Thanks for giving me your experience. I guess I'll move this into the bug thread. I'm still absolutely loving this sim (it's not a game dude) hahahaha! this is serious stuff. Just kidding!

    Ya I normally wouldn't even make an account for the forum of a game but this project has some serious love behind it and the devs really care it seems. It still is so much freaking fun I can't believe it. Especially with custom FFB files tweaked to my liking. I like it more than RF2 now and the quality of life while interacting with the sim is night and day better than RF2. Fast loads, great graphics performance, lots of free cars being added to base game to keep you excited for new things all the time.
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  11. laserbeak43

    laserbeak43 New Member

    Nov 20, 2020
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    Yeah they never change in any cars that I've driven
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. laserbeak43

    laserbeak43 New Member

    Nov 20, 2020
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    Yeah they never change in any cars that I've driven
  13. scrubjayfeather

    scrubjayfeather New Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Thank you Laserbeak43! You are the first person to actually confirm they experience the same thing. I can't believe no one else is talking about this and it wasn't already in bug reports. It is much more satisfying to me to have to warm the tires before I can really start pushing at the edge.
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  14. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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  15. scrubjayfeather

    scrubjayfeather New Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Thanks BrunoB. It's true, you responded too. Sorry/thanks! If anybody has started a single player race or time trial or test run with BLUE tire HUD indicator....let me know! Thanks again! I'm about to accept that everyone else starts with green warm tires too. It seems like if it works for multiplayer it should be pretty easy for Reiza to "turn it on" in single player too. Like BrunoB said, I guess other people care more about other bugs than mostly fixed tire temps while racing. I'm new to the racing world in the past couple years but am I wrong to say that managing tire temps and wear is a huge part of racing strategy especially in endurance racing?
  16. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Hehe just take my slightly sarcastic re-quoting humorous :D
    Conserning the tire colorshift then I wasnt 100% right when I said that even if I mistreated the car the colours didnt change.
    Because a few times when my temper because of some weird car behavior (loosing rearend at about 50km/h :rolleyes: ) I have intentionally crushed the frontend of as example F-Reiza into a wall - and then given full throttle on the now wallcatched stationary car.
    After about ½-1 minutes the tires turns orange and later red.
    So it IS possible to get away with the mandatory green color.

    ByTheWay: My guess is that the temp-color relation is OK(somewhat :D) but the colorchange should be a lot more sensitive to temp change.;)
  17. laserbeak43

    laserbeak43 New Member

    Nov 20, 2020
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    I've driven the FR V10 for 10 laps catching slides for 10 laps and my rear end tires are almost destroyed and they will still be green.no color change at all.
  18. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    OK my good man.
    Check my method out.
    Front of the car stationary into a wall - and then just burn out with full throttle at least ½ minute.
    Does the colour of the rear tires change? :p

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