F-Vintage Gen 2 AI & Nords.

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Koala63, Dec 9, 2020.

  1. Koala63

    Koala63 Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Sorry. Love this game. Love the Nordschleifer DLC. But OMG.... Despite recent improvements in AI performance, the F-V G-2 AI just suck on Nords.

    They simply cannot drive this track. I'm no alien and my lap times are humble. But even at 110% skill and 100% aggression, the AI are so slow through some sections that it's just a joke. They cannot even get through Wehrseifen (sp?) without crashing. They slow to a crawl on Kesselchen and seem to take Muttcurve in 3rd gear.

    I've been trying to do 5 lap races, 15 car grid with last place start. 110 skill and 100 aggression. In nearly a dozen starts, each time I pass them all before sector2, lap2. Pointless for a five lapper!

    I've been getting increasingly good value from AI races in preparation for other scheduled online races. I know that AI performance varies from track to track and car to car, but across the board, I find it pretty reasonable. Unfortunately, this doesn't apply to F-V G-2 on Nords and I've reached the conclusion that, sadly, in this case, it's rubbish. So I'm wondering:
    - if anyone agrees or not?
    - if any other classes have better AI behaviour on Nords or if it's specific to the F- Vintage G2?
    - If Rieza have any plans to improve on this.
  2. ControlLogix

    ControlLogix Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    The GT3s around the Nordschleife have some issues. They slow down around some curves that I take full throttle.

    They used to be a lot worse overall, but the latest update decreased their rolling resistance so at least on straights they are fast enough, and I can turn up the AI skill enough for them to be competitive. But they are still slower than normal around certain corners.

    I am not a game programmer, but I am assuming the AI needs to be "taught" each racetrack somehow, like an ideal line, proper braking points etc. Maybe that just has to be tweaked, and for the Nordschleife it is probably a lot of work, so maybe in a future update it will get better.
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  3. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I dont use any AI bots in any racing game.:p
    Mainly because generally AI bots drive more or less completely unrealistic compared against human drivers (speed, braking and racing lines).:cool:
    But if you want to prepare yourself for MP races then maybe practicing in TT/LB mode against human ghost drivers is better than the goofy AI playing around in AMS2.;)
    You can learn both speed, braking and racing lines from human drivers with skills competive or slightly above your own.:)

    ByTheWay: The only thing you cannot practice in TT/LB mode is how you should behave against other human drivers - but is that a problem?:p
  4. Koala63

    Koala63 Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I use F-V10 AI to practice for my current League season. I actually find V10 AI is great on all the well known GP tracks. At 100/100 I have to work very hard to stay with the lead pack and often don't. As it should be.

    Since recent updates, AI awareness has been great and they will fight hard to keep places or regain places they've lost. Great practice for a 20 to 30 lap event which you cannot just grab on spec if you suddenly have a spare hour or so.

    I'll concede that it would be very hard to appreciate the work Rieza has put into the AI and how good it can be if one "never" races against AI " bots".

    I believe this really is a matter of AI programming specific to Nords. A driver of my moderate ability simply should not be able to open up a two minute lead on a field of 15 cars from a last place start by half way through lap 3. Makes racing over any greater distance pointless and lonely. Seems GT3s may also suffer similarly.

    As Rieza does "art passes" of various tracks as part of the ongoing AMS2 upgrade process, I sincerely hope they can prioritise an urgent 'AI makeover' for Nords.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2020
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