Stuttering/jerky graphics

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by Djimi, Dec 12, 2020.

  1. ramsay

    ramsay Active Member

    Jul 25, 2020
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    I had a similar problem which just started randomly for no reason I could see - no software/hardware changes. I resolved it by changing from borderless to fullscreen and then reset my PC then rebooted AMS2 that sorted it but it may come back. Dunno if the reboot of the PC or changing from Borderless to fullscreen fixed it.

    I have a 2070 super so similar GFX and the drivers didn't make a difference updating or rolling back.
  2. Ayrton_pop

    Ayrton_pop New Member

    Sep 10, 2020
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    when i switch to a less obsolete graphics card with new drivers i'll let you know how it goes, but with the prices that are now i can't, but my question was if it also depended on the operating system since i was forced to upgrade to w10 for lack of drivers for win7, if all those who have this problem use win7 the cause may be this (it is my guess maybe it has nothing to do with it). Hello
  3. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    It would be easy for me to say that rolling back to Win7 could solve some problems - hehe but I dont.:)
    I have not a super advice that will solve all your graphic card vs economic problems but my guess is that you almost for free can buy a 2nd hand GTX 1060 6GB.
    On Ebay as example.:p
    At least I can recommend this card for AMS2 and Raceroom where I can run with more or less maxed settings.
    And with no weird issues:D
    Maybe an idea while you are waiting for your real next g-card.
  4. Djimi

    Djimi New Member

    Dec 12, 2020
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    Just to give an update to this, I tried everything suggested (thank you to all for that!) but nothing really made a difference. Rolling back to driver 460.79 helped a little bit I think but nothing significant.

    The scanline sync suggestion looks interesting but I must admit I havent a clue how it works! I will invest a bit more time in figuring that out.

    The more I thought about it, the more I think my monitor setup might be part of the issue. I have four monitors connected to by GPU; three on my desk (two by HDMI and a third by HDMI into a display port adapter going into the card), and then the monitor on my wheel which is beside my desk, connected with DVI.

    I use the Monitor Profile Switcher tool to change between the three monitors on my desk with the wheel monitor disabled or the wheel monitor alone with the other three disabled (it makes this change in the Nvidia control panel).

    I ran UFO test when on the wheel only profile and it was reporting stuttering. If I ran it on the desk monitors it was not reporting any stuttering (I also ran AMS2 on the desk monitors and it seemed to be a lot better). So I tried disconnecting the desk monitors and ran the test again on the wheel monitor and there was no stuttering reported.

    I have switched the cabling around so that the wheel monitor is now connected via HDMI instead, and now when I run the UFO test with the desk monitors connected but disabled it is not reporting stuttering. I ran AMS2 again and there does seem to be a noticeable difference in the stuttering. I dont think its perfect, but it definitely feels like a bit improvement.

    So yeah, it seems like my setup might have been the issue! It would explain why I am only seeing it since I changed computers and moved the wheel to a standalone monitor. Before, with my old computer, I only used the desk monitors. I had assumed that something with the new machine was the problem, but maybe it is just the way I had everything connected.

    Like I said I dont think it is perfect yet so I will continue to try a few more things. Scanline sync looks like it could make a difference so I will try and get my head around that. Thank you all for your suggestions here.
  5. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    OK I didnt realise you also have this cable switching thing.
    Reading this I just thought that I hope he is completely sure that the Monitor Profile Switcher does completely unload the unused monitors - seen from the g-card.
  6. VFX Pro

    VFX Pro Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    Go back to 457.30 driver.
  7. Djimi

    Djimi New Member

    Dec 12, 2020
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    It does seem to. If I go into the Nvidia control panel, I can see the monitors as unticked and they physically switch off (or go into sleep mode or whatever it is that they do when the computer is powered off), so the profile switcher does seem to work as advertised.
  8. Djimi

    Djimi New Member

    Dec 12, 2020
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    Ill give that a try, cheers. Im on 460.79 at the moment.
  9. Jeff Scharpf

    Jeff Scharpf Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 25, 2020
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    Hello, I don't want to hijack this thread but I am having the same issue and I'm wondering if you solved your problem. I didn't want to start a new thread. I have good FPS, but whenever my car is turning around a corner it seems like the scenery ahead of me is jerking just slightly left and right. It is enough to make me sick. I've looked at all of the suggestions and tried them all. Same problem. I can run AC with Custom Shader patch and 30 cars without this issue. I understand that it is an older game, but it is very smooth. Is there any specific setting in the graphics area that could help reduce this jerkiness? I'm sort of clicking settings all over the place and trying things out, from less/more detail to different things being on/off.
    It almost seems like it's related to my car "bouncing" because the bumpier the track, the worse it gets. I have all of the movement things turned down (g force head shake, etc).. it really only occurs while turning and when the track is not perfectly smooth. Could this be something with my G27 and the FFB?
  10. Djimi

    Djimi New Member

    Dec 12, 2020
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    Funny you should ask that!

    I found something yesterday which feels like it has made a massive difference. In Windows in device manager, under System Devices right click on and disable High Precision Event Timer, then restart your machine.

    From what I can gather HPET is quite a well known issue but I only read about it yesterday. Since I made the change, all my games feel smoother, and if I turn on the stats in RTSS the latency graph is much smoother now than before.

    I would also suggest turning off completely any setting like head shake, g force movement etc. Its just going to make things feel terrible.

    Im also starting to think that part of the issue I was having is that the camera is just a bit horrible in AMS2. I know there is the world movement setting but whichever way I set it, it just feels like the car is driving on a trampoline!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Jeff Scharpf

    Jeff Scharpf Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 25, 2020
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    Thank you Djimi I will give that at try. I am learning that no matter what my settings are in the game it doesn't matter. What I am getting is the game is somehow translating small bumps (car moves up and down slightly over the road) .. it is translating these into lateral movement on the screen. I mean, my entire screen jerks a little left and right whenever I'm in a turn. You can see this by watching the other cars.. ahead of you.. it almost looks like when you play online and someone has a bad connection.. the cars sort of jump (just a very small amount). I don't see this in any other game I have. I think it is an issue, but I will try your fix, however, AC and all other games I've played are perfectly smooth. I want to love this game lol... so I'm hoping they will eventually post some fix like turning off ALL movement in a config file or something. If not I simply can't play it.
  12. Djimi

    Djimi New Member

    Dec 12, 2020
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    That sounds very odd. It could be microstutters but that sounds very severe.

    If in doubt turn all graphics options either off or as low as they will go. That's the only way really to rule out something game related.

    What specs are you running?
  13. Jeff Scharpf

    Jeff Scharpf Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 25, 2020
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    Well, I did turn everything down, but I will try to do a more structured benchmark. I literally went into the graphics settings and turned everything down. Still the same thing. It really appears to be related to the car when it hops over little bumps... it does not appear to be affected by graphic settings, head shake settings, etc.. It is the same jerky movement no matter what I seem to try.
    I will go for the very lowest settings and turn everything off that I can find, in order to see if I can make improvements, including the HPET thing... we'll see..
    Thanks again for the advice!
    I am running a fairly older system i5 something something, 32G RAM, NVIDIA GTX 1660 with 6GB, SSD.. I have no issues running new games like Microsoft Flight Simulator, which is very CPU and GPU dependent.
    I have no issues running PC2, which LOOKS the same as AMS2..
    I will say this, while AC runs perfect, for me, I cannot run ACC with more than 2 cars on the track as the FPS drops to a slideshow.
    With that said, I do NOT see an FPS drops or issues.. the game is smooth really, but jerks left to right when I am going through turns (this is hard to explain and I know it sounds like I'm contradicting myself) but I don't see a drop in FPS, if the road is smooth and my car body is NOT hopping then I see NO jerkiness..
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  14. Jeff Scharpf

    Jeff Scharpf Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 25, 2020
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    So I guess I've given up lol. My wife watched me play and said something like "well of course things are going to shake, your car is bouncing around". It must be me. I just can't drive this game more than 2 laps without getting sick. Maybe it's too realistic :)....
  15. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I agree fully that AMS2 has a camera issue with (probably) world movement vs car movement - BUT what you describe could also be one of the positive (and realistic-ish) things that does distinguish the car movements in AMS2 from the rest of the commercial racing games.

    Because if a car (racing or road car) are forced close to the edge of tire/tarmac adhesion in a corner then the lateral movements is absolutely not "perfectly smooth" as you supposedly are implying.
    Because if a car in such "knife edge" situation is beginning to slide then it happens exactly in such small lateral steps.;)

    The reason this beginning lateral slide is not smooth at all is because the tires actually temporarily loose grip/tarmac contact - but does regain it milisecs after.:cool:
    And if the driver is good to keep the car exactly on this beginning slide "knife edge" then the car will continue to to make these short lateral steps through the whole corner.
    Its pretty easy to see this on the movements of the drivers head in RL videos from inside cockpits.

    And actually its my oppinion that the way Reiza until now has tweaked the Madness engine in this physics and specially tire model area is the main reason AMS2 does stand out against the competition.
    At least car behaviour wise.:D

    ByTheWay: A really drastic way to observe this "on the edge" tire/tarmac behaviour in RL racing is conserning socalled "highsiders" in MC road racing. Because these extremely violent crashes happens because the bikes rear tire momentarily looses contact with tarmac (and begins to slide) but extremely shortly after and extremely violent does regain grip(contact). And in 99% of situations launches the driver up in the air in a socalled "highsider".:eek:
  16. LugNut

    LugNut Active Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    Jeff have you tried putting world movement at 50?
  17. Jeff Scharpf

    Jeff Scharpf Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 25, 2020
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    I totally understand what you're saying, and my wife would tend to agree lol. It seems like it is happening only when I'm turning and the car is sort of jumpy (I don't think the car is really hopping, it is the same jumpiness I get going down the straight so I assume it is just road bumps).
    Also, I think it is worse at the first track in the championship (forget the name) so maybe that's just a bumpy track.

    If this is one of the things that makes AMS2 more realistic, then I guess I will have to either suck it up or not play... I am almost 60 so maybe I have other issues that are accelerated by playing this type of game. Since I purchased the full DLC with updates through 2021, and the game is a great game, I think I will find a way to suffer through it. Maybe each raced I take a few laps and let my relief driver have a go at it lol!

    Thanks again for the responses. I thought I tried the 50 setting, but will double check that.

    For now, I won't beat this horse any longer. All feedback was greatly appreciated.

    Hope everyone has a great Christmas and holidays!
  18. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Be aware that this realism-ish thing is just an oppinion.
    But I consider it correct to say that in RL when a (racing)car begins to slide then it starts exactly with such smaller abrubt sidesteps.
    But its difficult to distinguish it from the other irritating "wobbling" camera issue related to the unsolved world movement issue in AMS2.:(
    The reason I pronounce the abrubt sidestepping as one of the great things in AMS2 is because I can remember from my younger days in the enhanced gocart :D FF1600 that I wasnt even able to read the RPM meter when the car was cornering.
    Exactly because it sidestepped better and more abrubt than a tapdancer.:p
    Everything was bouncing.
    Conserning your age then Im even older :whistle:

    ByTheWay: I think part of a possible enjoyment or "hatement" of this tapdancing does depend of how you look at it. Because part of the reason I personally enjoy it is probably because I consider it as an expression of something "realistic" :D
  19. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I just found a video showing how much a Porsche 911 is constantly sidestepping and bouncing when cornering on a track that isnt flat as a dancing floor.;)

  20. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Had a race with GT1 at Spa last night and had had stutter in the start finish straight during night time. GPU Usage was only around 60% at the time. It happened lap after lap

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