In anticipation that physics updates will require a setup "reset to default", is there a way to preserve saved custom setups or do they need to be recreated completely from scratch?
I'd say if the physics change needs setups to be reset then any previous setups would be void now. I just renamed my documents folder and re set everything from scratch again anyway. Car setups are really dependent on how the car drives so if the car drives different after physics changes it makes me think that any setups will feel wrong anyway.
This makes sense. Just wondering if there was a way to keep the settings that aren’t affected by the new physics. Im also trying to avoid the brutal exercise of resetting the whole my docs folder...yikes I think theres a subfile called “tuning setups”.
The main pain for me is the triple setup part but i can just copy that file over from the renamed folder. The other set up parts other than the HUD only takes a few minutes. This is my documents folder now and this is after i figured out to rename it and not delete
Ok, thanks for the screenshot. Ill give this a try. (I have an ACC my docs folder too. Lol. It has a lot of dust on it though.)
I save all my previous AMS2 folders renamed with the version as a prefix and delete them when they're empty as I move over replays and pertinent setups etc. The current one will be saved as v1062.Automobilista 2 The setups are a real PITA for me. Having the same one used everywhere means you make a quick fuel adjustment for 6 laps round Nords24 without saving it and then wonder why your laps are so slow at Brands Indy! For most cars I have a written note of the default setup and the changes I make for myself in the cars I bother about setups for. I know the prefixes used for the filenames (e.g. F309 is tsodc94....vts, Sprint = ts_tsns_....vts and the dates for all setup files for each chassis are updated together so if you check after a change and save you can find the new filename and update a cross-check spreadsheet. Regular pain though. As a bit of a nerd I collate all the pertinent setup data in a spreadsheet. Thankfully, I don't use all the cars in the game.