Oculus quest 2 issues

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Ochilbaz, Dec 30, 2020.

  1. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Good afternoon,

    I apologise for starting a new thread but I was hogging the vr thread and was advised to start new thread.

    Here goes....... I got an oculus quest 2 256GB headset for Christmas and I am having terrible experience setting this up. The short of it is the game is just a blurry mess. I have good pc specs I7 9400, 2TB HDD, 512 SSD, nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 and I use a 40” Sony tv as monitor

    When I run game in standard mode (not vr) I have all settings on ultra and it’s perfect for me, smooth as butter, great detail. When I run game in vr mode I have all settings turned way down and still it is just a blurry mess.

    oculus quest 2 is on latest version with the graphics left on “recommended” in control panel and I connect to pc using the official oculus link cable that was around £80

    I can get game to launch from steam but don’t use steam vr (I uninstalled it) because I use the launch in oculus option

    My current set up is I have a 24” monitor but I play on the 40” tv. When I run game in vr these are still on. When I run the game it’s performance is poor in vr headset BUT if I slide headset up the image on my tv is Crystal clear. I tried with removing the hdmi from the back of my pc so I was 1 screen less but it made no difference

    I read the entire 37 pages of vr thread but I am hopeless with technical stuff and I am just confusing myself. I tried the sharpening thing but made no difference and to tell you the truth I have absolutely no idea what I was doing lol. I have absolutely no idea what resolutions I should be on and if my monitor and TV set up is confusing the vr

    What I need is someone who could spare me a bit of time to help starting from the very beginning as my pc is more than handy to handle vr

    I appreciate any help anyone can give me on this and once again I apologise for being absolutely hopeless

    Many thanks in advance
  2. jpmmuc

    jpmmuc Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2016
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    Test if the speed is ok.
    As I have no Quest 2, i googled it:
    Oculus Software for PC (you can test via Devices -> Quest And Touch -> Device Setup - Connect Your Headset [Continue] -> Check Your Cable Connection [Test Cable])
    If the speed is around 2 Gbps then go on and setup AMS 2 in VR as mentioned in the other thread.

    Blurriness in Quest 2 has 2 main settings, transfer quality and speed in Oculus SW and the game rendering.
    VR is also very dependent of the correct IPD setting (distance of eyes).
    The resolution of the Quest 2 is around 2016x2112 per eye, which is a lot more than your monitor. Try to use 72 fps mode to save bandwidth and GPU power.
  3. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Thanks for replying,

    I done a speed test on the oculus link cable and appear to be getting a clean connection with a speed of 2.5gbps.

    I have uninstalled everything and factory reset headset so I can start afresh tomorrow from scratch. I think my biggest issue could be related to monitor and tv. As I said above the image on my headset is not reflecting what is on the tv so I’m wondering why that is? When I go into pc settings/display I see the monitor and tv but it doesn’t pick up quest2 as a display. I was wondering if there was a way to force the quest2 as primary display but cannot find it.

    I am maybe doing something fundamentally wrong but I don’t have an idiots guide to set up unfortunately that’s why I appreciate the people who are trying to help.

    The only thing I haven’t tried is setting the quest2 up as wireless and use the virtual keyboard instead of using the link cable but my test of the cable says it is ok

    I may have to go down the route of having someone who knows what they are doing come and do it lol but that may have to wait until the world is a safer place

    thanks again for taking the time to help

  4. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Same sh**e different day. No difference from yesterday .
  5. lensman45

    lensman45 Member

    May 20, 2020
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    Just to check. Are you getting nice sharp visuals of your desktop and menus while using the Link Cable?
    You mentioned low frame rates, how are you monitoring fps?
    I'm sure between the lot of us we'll get you sorted eventually :)
  6. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I am getting very crisp visuals on desktop and in the menus using the link cable. It’s only when I start an actual race the performance completely disappears.

    To be clear when racing on headset the image is just a shimmer and undriveable but if I lift my headset ever so slightly and check tv screen in background the image on screen is crystal clear. If I could get that image on the headset I would be delighted lol

    When I play in 2d mode I have a fps counter in top corner of screen. To check fps when in vr mode I just lift my headset quickly or get my partner to check if she is around. It changes from 72 to as low as 36 when racing but never stable

    thanks again for your interest I really appreciate it
  7. lensman45

    lensman45 Member

    May 20, 2020
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    So what app are you using to check fps?
  8. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I don’t use an app. Fps still shows up in top corner of tv screen. If I lift my headset very slightly it still displays fps on top corner of tv screen and I read from there or as I said above I get my other half to tell me.

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  9. Chequers

    Chequers New Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Set the game when running on your desktop to 1920x1080
    set Anisotropic 4X
    set MSAA High
    Set 90hz mode and rendering resolution to 1.0 in the occulus software
    In the games vr options page which you will se if you press esc while on track set supersampling to 1.4

    see how that works, it is crystal clear here on an RX5700XT so you should be ok
  10. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Thanks for your reply. Are you using the oculus quest 2?

  11. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Apologies meant to ask......are you using the oculus link cable or are you wireless?
    Thanks in advance
  12. Chequers

    Chequers New Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Quest 2 with genuine Oculus link cable running 90hz rendering resolution 1.0 (3696x1872)
    1.4 SS set in AMS2.
    I was the same when I got mine, blurry picture so I was trying to get it better by pushing up the rendering resolution, just made it worse along with poor fps.
    90hz 1.0 RR is enough, after that MSAA is the best AA to use in AMS with the quest 2
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2021
  13. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Is your game smooth? I just tried your settings and it improved it only very slightly. All my in game settings are low except what you recommended above and it’s still very poor. The menus are crystal clear but gameplay is most definitely not.
    When you play in oculus do you have it playing on another screen out with vr?

    thanks for your help so far it’s much appreciated
  14. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    The quality in a VR headset will never look as good as what you see on a TV/Monitor natively because you are looking at the screen through a magnifying glass. So what appears sharp on your monitor, is magnified in a VR headset and the image will look blurrier, that is just the nature/limitation of current VR technology. It's what leads to screen door effect and shimmering of objects in the horizon. The best VR headset currently out there is the HP Reverb G2 and it goes a long way reducing the shimmer in the distance/horizon. It's also much more straight forward to setup and use in VR. The G2 appears as sharp as looking at monitor as long as you have the HP to run it.

    As I said in the other thread Oculus Quest 2 is the absolute worst newbie headset because you have to:
    1. Find the best render resolution your system can handle, if it was displaying it natively on a VR headset.
    2. Then stream that render to the Quest2 using the USB cable and that can vary based on the type of USB card/port and which cable you use.

    The 2nd area is where the problem comes, because you can stream it a variety of ways to your headset. At different frame rates, different resolutions and different bitrates. We have a few sim racers in our group that use the Quest2 and this is what they told me.

    Use the Oculus debug tool. Google how to find and run it. It's somewhere in your Oculus folder.
    Once there you can control, if the stream is at 72hz or 90hz.
    You can also control the bitrate of the stream there, the lower the bitrate the crappier the quality, the higher the bitrate the better the quality.

    Set the resolution to native, then set the display to 90Hz, then set the bitrate to 300. Start there.
    The more you increase the bitrate of the stream the better the game will start looking. Keep increasing the bitrate until you start getting stutters. Once you do, back out a little because that is the highest you can stream before your USB bandwidth is saturated.

    Good luck and happy new year.
  15. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Thanks for your detailed reply. I do actually know where the debug tool is lol. I will experiment tomorrow

    happy new year to yourself
  16. Chequers

    Chequers New Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    The game mirrors itself onto my monitor, FPS are great even at Nords
    One thing I forgot about last night is that there is a sharpening function in User/documents/Automobilista 2/graphicsconfigoculusdx11.xml

    At the bottom of the file try these settings

    <prop name="SharpeningStrength" sharpeningstrength="0.700000" />
    <prop name="SharpeningClamp" sharpeningclamp="0.050000" />
    <prop name="OffsetBias" offsetbias="1.000000" />
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  17. Chequers

    Chequers New Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Yes, software can be strange at times, Still AMS2 has by far the best VR graphics followed by rFactor 2.

    Still struggling with Raceroom in VR and I doubt it be set up satisfactorily while it is still stuck on DX9
  18. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Thanks chequers I will try settings above. I believe I have these set to.....
    Sharpening strength 1.50000
    Clamp 0.090000
    Bias 1.00000

  19. James Lee GTE

    James Lee GTE Active Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I have the Quest 2 and the Rift S and I understand what you are saying.
    The Quest 2 via link cable is amazing for games like HLA, Moss, Super hot etc but for driving sims I don’t use it anymore and prefer my Rift S.
    In Dirt Rally 2.0 the Quest 2 is the most blurry, I can say that AMS2 does suffer too, but not as bad as dirt rally 2.0. The only sim that doesn’t is Raceroom because it’s old and not running heavily on GPU’s.
    The GPU you are running is fine for a Rift S or Index in a driving sim, but for the quest 2 it’s very very weak. I have a 2080ti and it can’t handle the amount of pixels of a Quest 2 and run a driving sim.
    Because a Rift S has far less pixels to render and it renders at 80hz, I can play AMS2 or Rfactor 2 on high settings, grid of 20, play time transition x30 from 3am to 12pm with no stutters and they look awesome.
    If I try these combos with a Quest 2 on my 2080ti, it becomes a blurry stuttery mess! ( at 90hz it’s a total train wreck ). Because of the fast pace of racing sims, all the lights and objects it has to render at a high resolution and fast pace, the 20 series cards simply can’t cope.
    If you are on a 2070, then your GPU is massively underpowered for driving sims via Quest 2. It will be strong enough just about for a Rift S to play driving sims, with the odd compromise graphically.
    I can get the Quest 2 to run driving sims, but grid of 12, noon driving no time progression and no clouds and drop the graphical in game settings and the steam render resolution and the oculus app tool settings. I’m all about set and forget, which you can’t do with the Quest 2 and driving sims. ( set and forget for quest 2 exists only for non driving sim games ). For me this is no fun at all and I’d rather have all options of racing, with a small compromise of more screen door effect and lower res with the Rift S.
    For the Quest 2 to run driving sims in all their glory, the new minimum will be a 3080ti or the 3090.
    I use quest 2 via link cable for all my non sim games and they look and run amazingly! For all my driving sims I use the Rift S.
    The Quest 2 is cleverly marketed as cheap VR, which it is as a stand alone remote VR device. But as a PCVR headset it’s a high end performer, with a high end price tag. I bought it for £399, then added the link cable £90, then bought the elite strap with battery £110 and if I didn’t own headphones I’d need to buy some, let’s say £100. So all in the Quest 2 for PCVR costs about £699 which is more than the Reverb G2 that comes with cables, nice head strap, headphones and controllers.
    I know this isn’t great news and it’s not what you wanted to hear, but it’s simply a case of sims like driving sims or flight simulators are very very demanding for VR and you need the absolute best beefy systems to run them / next new gen cards to run them. Rift S and Index you needed a 2080 and above for sims. For the new generation Quest 2 and Reverb G2, we will need new gen cards ie the 3080ti and the 3090 to run simulators.
    Your options to play driving sims in VR in a nutshell are
    1. Buy a Rift S to run on your current GPU ( £299 ) or
    2. Wait for the 3080ti or 3090 to use your Quest 2 ( £1000 tbc 3080ti or £1500 3090 )
    I plan some time this year ( stock permitting ) to upgrade to 3080ti, 32GB of ram and I need to upgrade my power supply to a recommended 850 watts to reach the thirsty demands of VR and the 3080ti. Sim racing is expensive haha
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2021
  20. ControlLogix

    ControlLogix Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    Good info above. I will just add that I have a 1080ti and it runs a Rift S just fine. I can do full grids of 30 cars, with weather and 1.2 SS. Of course there is a bit of AWS at the start of the race with all 30 cars there and weather, but in normal driving it is running at the full 80 fps.

    AMS2, like PC2 before it, is well optimized for VR. If you are into VR sim racing, AMS2 is the best around currently.

    Cannot wait to upgrade to a Reverb G2 with a 3080ti :D

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