1.1 is the new 1 and wow + fun-real scale is high-high

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Raceracerace, Jan 2, 2021.

  1. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    With some people I had touched on this discussion without being forceful with the world wide community (as it is) today about this game. Though my GF is in firm agreement that this game is phenomenal I keep getting this whole "but its x, y, z, still needs x, y and z yet"

    Thats wrong. I just drove the formula 3 (309) around Brands Hatch in the sim and it was literally amazing, on a 7 lap race, helta skelta, 7am in the morning game-time.

    By no means do I think work should be ceased on the title - but I don't care what anyone says at this point - even if the 'sim' is off somewhat which I don't think it fully matters anyway on so many levels but I do appreciate that sort of thing - even so, I mean to say: its absolutely brilliant.

    I just essentially had a great time and it was as fierce as even something like Forza Horizon 3 or 4 in terms of in your face edge of your seat and the A.I was engaging rather than a bother.

    Just wonderful. And I have repeated that across several tracks and car combinations.

    So anyway - I would be wondering if people are getting that vibe back too and if the game is sim-level or am I imagining things when some people claim its a bit off, that they are right, and does it matter? I am not advocating a game just go for the pleasure route - we have plenty of those, nor am I aiming to change the vision of Reiza, I am just saying - thats loads of fun and even if its 70% real (and honestly it feels similar to how my decent car feels if I push it; using custom file for FFB with 50% dampening and rest at 50 and gain at 65)... so even if its within 20% of 'real', do people mind, and whats more - why do some people even mind when its this much fun or fun-accurate on whatever scale you care to make?

    Fun - 9
    Realism - 8 for me; in terms of my reasonable expectation for a game (I know this game is pushing boundaries, so I am not saying 8 means anything too much)

    So the fun-realism scale - just like the crazy-good looking scale, from that show lol - is a fine balance. Its got to be near that now this game (edit: in terms of balance of both and high levels/compromise - you may have your own definition). In a good way. I don't think any title right now touches it from that point of view. Like, as of today. There's a great contrast and pliableness to it all. Very good and seemingly high production values.

    Addon: Why those settings and this rating?

    I feel ver 30 of the custom though the default is great too and does the same thing ultimately {this>>} its been made creamy smooth and the FFB blends in so well, from center, to turns and the bumps, and it matches with the screen basically 1:1. Combined with the update and all the rest, is just sublime. So that all meshes in with it and adds to the experience. Using TX base and GT wheel, L-lcm load cell pedals, on a steel frame. So I did go to some effort over time concerning the setup, and I think the game is top notch all told, all combined. Which is just a roundabout way of saying having put it together this is what I had in mind when I purchased the title back in april iirc.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2021
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  2. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Double post, but a big part of this for me, and the realization these past couple of days is that now I put rain on and I have a great time. Sounds like a small thing - but a combination of everything makes it very sure I can say my experience is top-notch.

    I have 10 min practice with random weather across 4 slots at 7am game-time, and qualifying is 20 mins middle of day and I will have 4 slots and random weather in the center - I used to avoid rain like the plague - but now the whole game (including rain!) is absolutely worth experiencing.

    I like to put a pressure on myself and these days as of the past few updates (maybe I am challenged a bit haha A.I on 76 iirc) I can even drive well in the rain and maintain a descent speed - at the same time the physics and everything has improved. I don't just drive the fast cars, I do the slow and old ones too, so that the enjoyment is preserved is testament to this title, like no other imho.

    Well done. It is true that a game like ACC makes you work for those enjoyable moments (and I do enjoy it) but AMS2 is great. Rfactor 2 may be stodgy but good, ACC a little rigid but good, this title is slick-as. That you can drive the Porche slowly around a track and still enjoy it, one does bounce a bit I see but the other 2, is another testament. If I did that in Rfactor 2 I would be bored witless (maybe not on Nordsheife, exception). ACC would fare better but demands one drives to a predetermined kind of way, but AMS2 has that good balance now.

    I also use crew chief over the top to get the pit crew. So with all those parameters, the game lives up to the input these days; which we all know is not easy. Its not like this is a controller game - it requires 16-24 bits of fidelity and a certain level of equipment - but it really lives up to things I think now.

    Thats what I am getting at with this long post. imo
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2021
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  3. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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    Posts like this get me fired up. LET’S GOOO!
  4. Wilfred de Ruijter

    Wilfred de Ruijter Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 10, 2020
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    I don't understand why I see so few races with these 'slow and old ones'. I rediscovered the Formula Vee and just read that the diff has been changed. Maybe that's why it's nice to drive them now. Also I like the Copa Fusca. A lot of drifting is possible and you learn how to steer with your throttle. The Lancer has changed as well. I couldn't do a lap with. Now it's nice to race.
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