Has AMS2 spoiled other sims for me?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by BrunoB, Jan 25, 2021.

  1. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Be aware that Im not bashing other racing games in favour of AMS2 - but...
    After exclusively have been using AMS2 since launch in favour of my former favorite Raceroom I recently became so fed up with both the underlying instability(mandatory crashes) in AMS2 - but also issues/bugs like the camera shaking and the laughable incompetent replay "system" and completely bullocs setup files load/save system - and and...
    I decided to return to good old Raceroom.:)
    Because after a complete renovation of their GUI a few years back I love the way Raceroom presents the game for the user - and specially how the car setup load/save menu works.

    I started my former Raceroom favorites up the F90V8/v10/v12.
    After messing a bit with the re-calibration of my usual non-FFB wheel(SRW-S1) I started a TT session up to try to reclaim back my deleted top positions on a LB.:p

    Holy scheizze - or WTF I thought.:eek:
    Something must be completely wrong with my settings.
    Because there was absolutely no feeling of connection between controller input and the car/tarmac. :rolleyes:

    I re-examined both my general setup and the individual parameters in my car custom setup.
    But everything was completely OK.
    This was absolutely not how I did remember Raceroom.:(

    Im absolutely not joking but the feeling of this replicas of older formula cars just felt like hovercrafts.
    The cars was constantly sliding both longitudinal(brake/throttle) and even worse laterally in corners.
    IE both in corners but also when going on full throttle on more straight parts of the 2 tracks I tried.
    But what exaggerated the no car/track contact feeling was a constant slight delay between controller (wheel) input and the response seen on screen.

    To keep my self esteem:D I struggled a bit and succeded to re-positioning myself reasonably on Racerooms LBs for the 3x F90 cars on the 2 tracks I tried
    But then I abandoned ship and returned to AMS2.;)
    Hehe and was grated by the good to very-good car/tarmac contact feeling that most of us feel in AMS2.
    Hehe at least in some of the cars:whistle:

    So I have realised that the feeling of this car/tarmac contact is now the main reason I will get on struggling with all the bugs, missing parts and completely fu**d up things(IMO) in AMS2.:p

    ByTheWay: Be aware that my bad experience returning to Raceroom wasnt because I couldnt position myself on the TT LBs.
    Because eventhough I admit I was slower than my deleted positions on the LBs - it wasnt that much :D

    ByTheWay2: I dare not start pCars2 or ACC up because I fear I maybe get the same kind kind of BAD experience.:eek:
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  2. Synaks

    Synaks Member

    Jan 12, 2021
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    Have you tried RFactor 2? That game really makes everything else feel inferior, although I suspect the problem that you describe with feeling a connection to the road would be helped massively with a basic ffb wheel. Personally I enjoy Ams1 and 2, RF2, and R3E, but have always felt that AC and ACC don't have the feel that I am looking for in a racing sim.
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  3. SlowBloke

    SlowBloke Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    I play and ACC, PC2, RF2 and iracing.

    All have their strengths and weaknesses imo and I cant scratch that itch without loading up all of the above at different times :)
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  4. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    I really wish Reiza is aware of this situation. The Madness engine after Reiza's tweaking is superb driving and FFB wise, as well as weather changes and so. However everything else feels extremely unpolished, causing very frustrating experiences.

    Sometimes I get incredibly angry at the sim (something I never do with any game), but I can feel the awesomeness of AMS2 underlying all these layers of debris, which keeps me revisiting the sim time and time again, just to get myself looking at the menu screen wondering wtf should I do? Racing online is not good most of the time, racing vs AI is hit or miss, time trial is something I really couldn't care any less.

    Anyway, answering the topic's title question: yes! lol
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  5. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Before Raceroom I did use rF2 - hehe all the way back to before rF2 installs became spoiled by Steam;)
    Before Steam any rF2 install was a small transparent(!) install where none of the files was redundant doubled up in workshop - as they became when Steam invaded my HD.
    I accepted it - but when rF2 after a year slowly became more and more unstable and to the contrary of AMS2' s kind of unstability more and more mandatory demanded complete reinstalls of the game I abandoned rF2 and deleted it completely from HD.
    But I admit that I have allways considered rF2´s TM as the best out there.
    Hehe until I tried AMS2.
    Even with all the mentioned issues/bugs.

    Conserning the rather misplaced advice that I should (maybe) use a FFB wheel instead to get a better result in Raceroom - then my answer is that because of leg injuries this i impossible.

    But an even more urgent answer is that when I say that my reported recent experience with Raceroom is with a non-FFB wheel then my comparasment with both the version of Raceroom I used 1 year back and also the AMS2 I use now - is with the same non-FFB wheel;)

    ByTheWay: Eventhough its impossible to prove now then Im quite certain that beside the unconcious bias I have got by solely using AMS2 for a small year - then Raceroom(s TM/physics) must also have been fundamentally changed since this was my prefered racing game.
    Because I have never been a fan of hovercraft sims:p:p:p
  6. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Hehe you nailed it my good man.:)
  7. cnuk

    cnuk New Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    BrunoB, out of curiosity, I looked up your wheel (Simraceway SRW-S1).

    I found the following interesting:
    From the Official Website:
    "Perfect Cornering without the Learning Curve:
    A completely intuitive control system means you don't need a degree in engineering to get the best out of it."
    "Its integrated motion sensor means the SRW-S1 can adapt to every possible driving style and position"

    Per Amazon description:
    From the Manufacturer:
    "What's Your Style? The SRW-S1 wheel adapts to your driving style based on the way you steer"

    In "adapting to your driving style", are there software changes being made to your wheel that you are not aware of?
    If you're switching between sims, could your driving style in one sim not transfer immediately to another?
    Does your wheel have built-in steering help that you're not aware of?
    Steering Help that takes awhile to adapt to your current sim of choice?

    By the way: I'm a non-FFB user myself (Thomas Superwheel EVO), so there is no bias in that regard.
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  8. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    On topic first, yes and along time ago ;) but I still do enjoy the odd ACC as it still has given me some fun times.

    Now I'm curious as to how this SRW S1 wheel worked so I watched a review and it seems that the throttle and brake paddles are the feature you need?? There is now a Fanatec wheels (McLaren GT3 rim) that has this feature that you can use 2 paddles on the rear as throttle and brake while still having paddles for shifting. This way you can experience AMS2 more as intended and really be blown away and really be spoiled.

    sorry if I'm misplaced in my curiosity and comments but it would be a shame for you to miss out on some fantastic FFB if this is what is limiting your play.
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  9. cpcdem

    cpcdem Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2019
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    After like 100 hours in AC, RRE and PCARS1 each, PCARS2 became my sim of choice (3300 hrs!), mainly because of the awesome gfx, but also because of the content and features and it was the only really "complete game" sim as well. As we all know it also has its ridiculous problems that were never fixed, so I gave a try also to RF2 and AMS1, which felt awesome, but the gfx was a complete deal breaker for me, totally ruining any kind of immersion. ACC is very good, but does not have time trial and it has extremely limited content, so it's also a no.

    AMS2 is finally the first sim that ticks all the boxes! It has now completely ruined PCARS2 for me (it just feels silly driving most of its cars now) and certainly there's no reason to look into others either. And because I am used to the bugfest in PCARS2, the current (already reduced) problems of AMS2 do not bother me too much actually! But of course it needs to be improved a lot, and get more content, in order to get a lot more players than it has now, as it deserves.
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  10. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Hehe thank you for taking time to research about the SRW. :)
    But no this is just some advertising BS.
    One of the smart things about this wheel is that Windows just recognise it as a standard USB controller and therefore needing no custom software.
    A lot of years back I had a long email conversation with the leading engeneer responsible for this wheel at Simraceway - so I know a few things about the development.
    And also know a few things about the reason this wheel is pretty precise seen in the context of its fair price (orig about $100).
    The wheels motion sensor is extremely precise with internal 1024 steps covering the 360 degrees range - and the thr/br pots having 512 steps.

    Years back I published a manual showing how to mate this "free in the air holding" with a stable Thrustmaster table clamp.
    And a few years later I made the same kind of manual mating this wheel with a Thrustmaster T500 FFB base(pics).
    But Im solely using the wheel with the non-FFB Thrustmaster table clamp - because if you want some subtle fingercontrol with thr/br while you at the same time also want to control the L/R turn of the wheel then any further FFB movement destroy any finer control with at least thr/br.;)

    What What?
    But my SRW has allready some pretty precise thr/br paddles.:D
    And beside of that ofcourse also shift up/down paddles.
    And the imposibility of combining any FFB movement with a fully handcontrolled wheel IF YOU STILL WANT PRECISE CONTROL I have commented above.:)

    ByTheWay: To safeguard myself I did buy about 8 pcs of this wheel when it was still in production.
    Hehe but after all these years(about 10) I have only used/canibalised 3 of them. :p
    So I wonder if I should sell 1 or 2 on ebay for a good price - because its almost impossible to buy this wheel unused/unpacked today.;)

    SRW&Modena.jpg SRW&T500.jpg
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  11. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I just waked this thread up from the dead to say that because I dont want to be unfair to Raceroom I just an hour ago launced this game again to be sure there was no hidden aids in function when I made my last negative hovercraft assesment.
    But no:(. So my statement about this game is how I feel driving the 3x F90x cars.

    ByTheWay: Just to at least having some enjoyment I just upped my laptimes in the 3 cars on the LBs for Watkins Glen. Great track by the way :p
  12. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    I'm patiently waiting for PCar3 Pro or PCars4. AMS2 while it does few things right, it also does a lot of things wrong. The wrong parts have become a deal breaker for me and my group.
    1. Better FFB (AC/iRacing style)
    2. Better penalty system
    3. Curbs that don't spin you out
    4. Wet tracks with less puddles
    1. Massive number of bugs and crashes
    2. Basic multiplayer menu, settings and result issues
    3. Constantly changing setups on cars (very annonying when you are trying to run a series with fixed setups)
    4. Unrealistic physics feel in slower CopaCup/HotCars (IMHO, others may disagree)
    5. Street tires are not up to spec (Camaro IMHO, others may disagree)

    At this point I want to see more multiplayer feature updates and bug fixes for this game than paid DLC content. My group is stepping away from this game for 2 months and hopefully the situation improves when we come back to this Sim title, fingers crossed.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2021
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  13. Pete Baldwin

    Pete Baldwin Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I load up other sims occasionally mainly for races with friends who prefer them but I'm always left wishing I was playing AMS2. There are a lot of things that need improving but I have faith that in time, they'll be improved.

    The big thing for me with AMS2 is it's just fun to drive - much more than other sims. I need to be racing in other sims otherwise I get a bit bored whereas I can hotlap for hours on AMS2.
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  14. cpcdem

    cpcdem Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2019
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    I totally agree about your Pros points and I think those are extremely important improvements. I have no opinion about points 4 and 5 of your Cons, but agreed on 1-3. That's a result of the game being still heavy WIP though (and of inheriting code which was also extremely buggy) and the important thing IMO is that there's improvement in all those areas. Maybe not so fast as we would like, but there's clearly the will to improve a lot.

    I also think that the 2 months leave and come back method is a good one, certainly a lot of things have been improved now, compared to what they were 2 months ago! For the league I am currently racing with, we do get many of the known problems, but we are used to them from PCARS2 so can workaround them for the most part.

    IMO both fixes and new contents is very important, to bring more players to the sim. And indeed, a lot of people complain about the price of the DLCs. But on the other hand, we are doing an expensive hobby, for buying the equipment for it (PC, wheel etc) we have spent a lot of $$$, is the price of the DLCs really a considerable amount comparably?
  15. Mike1304

    Mike1304 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    Since I use AMS2 I don’t use all my other sims (AC, ACC, RF2, RRRE) anymore although I spent a lot of money in all DLCs there.
    AMS2 gives me the most fun and also best immersion in VR. Still wait and hope for further VR improvements...
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  16. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    In the grand scheme of things the cost of the DLC is nothing BUT at this point I want to see more resources going into fixing the bugs and feature updates than for new content. The problem is, the current state of AMS2 is much worse than the current state of PCars2. The only thing my group and I can do is vote with our wallets.
    It doesn't help if you a have a lot of content but most of the basic stuff in the game is broken. I would personally like see a Sim with a much smaller scope of content but one that has little to no issues with what's available. Fix the core stuff THEN add more content, is just my personal opinion.
  17. cpcdem

    cpcdem Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2019
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    AMS2 now in a worse state than PCARS2? To me it looks like the complete opposite, but let's agree to disagree on this one!
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  18. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Yep, agree to disagree. It's been worse for my race group.
    1. Random disconnects before the race starts
    2. Disconnects during the race
    3. Wrong results
    4. Stuck in the waiting lobby unable to join during the practice session, quali session (even with over 4 mins remaining) and then obviously can't join the race
    5. FFB disconnecting middle of the race
    6. Hud disappearing and not cycling through even when the hud cycle button is pressed.
    7. Etc, etc etc
    All these issues strike multiple people during our races and compound to ruin the fun for our group. When we race PCars2 we don't see a majority of these issues. Glad it's working out good for you guys but we haven't had the same luck.
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  19. Nolive721

    Nolive721 Active Member

    May 17, 2020
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    To OP

    If I recognize AMS2 tarmac connection as you said . I am also able to feel a decent amount in PC2 AC ACC and RF2

    thete is some tweaking involved in some of them with FFB and files editing but once done I enjoy them vey much
    Some of Kunos cars and premium mods from 3rd party in AC are just fantastic in my views and with SOL mod are amazing to look at too

    RRE for me has good physics especially with latest update and a trick suggested on one FFB parameter
    If they could add more road feel it would be perfect

    there is a work around but it’s more canned effect it brings so not ideal

    my 2p
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  20. Marius H

    Marius H Probationary forum-moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    AMS 2 has spoiled the most important thing for me: FFB. AMS 1 is awesome as well. The rest of the sims I dislike the FFB. Thought ACC and rF 2 were good, but AMS 1 & AMS 2 blow them away.

    Also I appreciate the clean natural graphics, and ofcourse the track and car-roster. AMS 2 is lately a bit too mainstream for me, but I love the Caterhams, F-trainers, Brasil cars and such.

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