VR sharpness / shimmering

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Xblurone, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    I'm happily running AMS 2 in VR using Quest 2 using link cable (Oculus mode).

    I have tried all the sharpness settings in the xml files and although it does sharpen the distance a bit, it doesn't seem in focus.

    Even the dashboard looks out of focus and I physically have to lean forward to bring my head closer to the steering wheel (after resetting the view while leaning as far back as possible - looking straight), to make the text really sharp (so it's not my eyes :) ).

    I have the settings as below:

    graphicsconfigoculusdx11.xml in Documents\Automobilista 2:
    <prop name="SharpeningStrength" sharpeningstrength="0.985000" />
    <prop name="SharpeningClamp" sharpeningclamp="0.080000" />
    <prop name="OffsetBias" offsetbias="1.060000" />

    Additional Y Z Tweaks I have currently:
    oculussettings.xml with notepad in Documents\Automobilista 2:
    <prop name="NearZ" data="0.1" />
    <prop name="exposureFOV" data="110" />
    <prop name="EyeOffsetY" data="0.02 />
    <prop name="EyeOffsetZ" data="-0.06" />

    But I don't see much difference in sharpness when I play with EyeOffsetZ. Tried -0.1 and -0.01. Don't know how far I can go...

    My Quest 2 Debug settings is bandwidth 500 and it's about 1.5x in the Oculus App (4848x2448)
    1.0 SS in the application itself (I have tried 1.0x with 1.4x in-game SS and the quality and performance is worse)

    I noticed the SharpeningStrength activation although it makes the distance a bit crisper, it will also induce shimmering. MSAA to high will eliminate that, but also incur a huge performance penalty, not to mention more blurriness overall, so I have to live with the shimmering for now I guess

    So I have MSAA to Low as it makes things a bit clearer and texture AA to 8x.

    I do note that everything after about 70m becomes blur, so much I can't read the 50 mark boards when I am stationary at 150m. Also in the pit lane at nurburgring for instance I can't really read the "Nurburgring" text in the blue line on the floor, it becomes a white wash after a few meters...

    Is there anything I can do to fix this ? Or is this inherent in the VR engine itself?
    Any suggestions are welcome. (running on rtx 2080ti)

    My goal is to have at least the first 200-300m as sharp as possible to enjoy the liveries on the cars in front of me for one... :)
  2. think

    think New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 19, 2021
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    i use sharpeningstrength="2.9000"
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    I tried that and although it’s a bit sharper it doesn’t address the distortion issue which is very visible about 50m from the car. See the advertising boards on the side for instance at start/finish of Nurburgring. There I s a very obvious vertical smearing going on especially when closer to the boards looking from the side. Any way to remove that? I think that would make the image much clearer overall. It also causes the line on the road to turn brown a bit further ahead and the metal barriers have rainbow colors.
  4. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    here you can see the video and photo to see what I mean. Hope it’s clear enough.
  5. think

    think New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 19, 2021
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    this looks like the compression from quest 2 link cable. this has nothing to do with the game.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. James Lee GTE

    James Lee GTE Active Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Quest 2 plus 20 series cards aren’t a good mix for sim racing!
    I use my Rift S for sim racing because my 2080ti can’t cope with the demands from the amount of pixels the Quest 2 needs rendering, plus the high detail in environments and the speed in which they need to be rendered.
    With the Rift S everything is smooth, I have decent sharpness and it can cope with higher in game super sampling which is what makes close up details sharper for this sim. MSAA to high is what makes the distance sharper in this sim. With the Rift S I can have supersampling 1.6 and MSAA set to high for mid day races and I have to lower MSAA to medium and SS to 1.4 for night races. I also use the sharpening tool to 2.3 personal preference.
    On the Quest 2 you have to set things low, plus deal with compression and overall I find it a poor experience, as you are illustrating for sim racing on a 2080ti. Dirt Rally 2.0 for another example looks awful on a Quest 2.
    The flip side Half Life Alyx and Moss look average on the Rift S, but absolutely incredible on the Quest 2!
    It doesn’t get any better with the 30 series cards from what I’ve seen and although the link cable I don’t think is solely responsible for the compression, it does play a part in this.
    Essentially the Quest 2 and G2 are next gen hardware being used on previous gen cards. For games like HLA, SuperHot, Pistol Whip which were made purely for VR, on 20 series cards and therefore optimised to the fullest extent for VR, they look and perform amazingly. Unfortunately racing and flight sims were optimised for flat screens and VR is just an add on.
    I personally don’t think I’ll be using my Quest 2 for driving sims until the 40 series cards.
    I sold my Rift S for £200, then a few weeks later Oculus dropped the price of Rift S to £299, so I bought a new one because the Quest 2 is a blurry stuttery mess for simulators and the Rift S is awesome for simulators!
    My advice is to buy a Rift S and quickly as they are being discontinued soon.
    Also in link debug tool drop your bitrate down to 300 or 350 and make sure distortion curve and resolution are at default. Dependent on game once you go over 300 it has a negative impact on performance. With games like Moss I run 350, but the same settings in HLA it gives me a warning that I’m using too much gpu, so I drop to 300 for HLA. On a driving sim a bit rate of 500 will have a huge negative impact on performance and detail.
    I’m not bashing the Quest 2, I absolutely love the Quest 2 and it’s my favourite HMD! I love it for Star Wars Squadrons, HLA and Moss. For driving sims unfortunately, it’s really really poor and not an enjoyable experience.
    Hope this helps!
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Hi James, my experience is quite different from yours. I actually don't have much problems with speed as I have heavily overclocked my 2080ti and water-cooled it, so I don't see stuttering and it is *way* sharper than a Rift-S that I also have (but has screen-door effect). But I shall do a test once more and also to check Virtual Desktop to see if it's the link cable. I don't see much difference between the various speeds of bandwidth, performance wise. But good to test that once more as well.
  8. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    I am just hoping Reiza would put a bit more in VR performance and quality, even on the 20xx cards as there is nothing better than racing in VR, compared to a flat screen.
  9. Andrew Hollom

    Andrew Hollom Active Member

    Mar 9, 2019
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    What bitrate do you get when you test the cable in the Oculus desktop application?

    I have the original Quest and get 1.8 to 2.0 Gbps and have heard of a YouTuber who says he gets around 3.8 Gbps (from memory), so mine's perhaps a little slow, though I don't use the official cable.

    If your cable is slow, then Oculus Link will compress the image more to compensate, which may be the cause of your poor image.
  10. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Ok I have recorded this with my iPhone through the lens of the rift S and I see exactly the same. Look at the sign board on the right where the Porsche and team Porsche are vertically smudged until they get closer. That is what I mean. Also when you drive down to where you see the metal barriers they will have a red sheen on them until you get closer. And that is what I mean with the rainbow colors. I think this is in the graphics engine. Unless it’s in the oculus software.
  11. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Actually you will also see the red sheen on the monitor outside of the VR. So I’m sure it doesn’t have anything to do with encoding. (Since rift S doesn’t have it :) ). This effect is also why it looks like the barriers are flat when further away and only see the round pattern less than 50m away.
  12. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    I get 2.3 GBps
  13. Andrew Hollom

    Andrew Hollom Active Member

    Mar 9, 2019
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    That should be high enough, even at the higher resolution that the Quest 2 has (especially if it's Gigabytes per second!).
  14. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Yeah gigabit :)
  15. Chequers

    Chequers New Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    I get nice crisp visuals with the Quest 2 and AMS2, rF2, Raceroom is a little worse.
    The main thing that made a huge difference was moving from a Ryzen 2700X to a Ryzen 5800x
    Before with the 2700X I could not run Rendering res 1.5 with MSAA high now I can.
    This is with the same GPU, a Radeon 5700X, this leads me to believe that the CPU is the limiting factor with the Quest2 at it's high resolutions and not the GPU, which is the opposite to what we see with non VR games

    My settings
    Link speed test shows 2.3 Gbs
    Oculus debug tool:
    Pixels per display Pixel override, 0
    Adaptive GPU, Default
    ASW, Auto
    Distortion curviture, Default
    Encode Res width, 0
    Encode Bitrate, 250
    Oculus software
    Rendering res, 1.5 (5408x2736)
    MSAA, High
    Anistropic 4X
    SS, 1.0

    <prop name="SharpeningStrength" sharpeningstrength="0.300000" />
    <prop name="SharpeningClamp" sharpeningclamp="0.045000" />
    <prop name="OffsetBias" offsetbias="1.000000" />
    • Informative Informative x 1
  16. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Love that setting on resolution, but at 7pm in Nurburgring it can’t keep up anymore and it’s ASW which at 36hz isn’t smooth at all. Also settled for MSAA medium as high basically eliminates any sharpening and it’s still a blurry mess although no alias edges... I need to tweak a bit more the sharpening clamp and strength... for now I have given up on seeing things clearly in the distance as I believe that is a graphics engine issue. Maybe Reiza can fine tune a bit more the settings to show higher resolution textures at further distance as there is a clear cut over some 2 car lengths ahead, even when looking at cars in front. The metal barriers clearly can see the cut-over point from low res (flat) to high res (with depth) textures. Even with track detail at ultra... I have environment map set to medium.
  17. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    @Xblurone I can't make an apples to apple comparison because you're using the Quest 2 and I have a G2. But until yesterday I was using a 6800 (3080 now) which off the top of my head is pretty much on par with a 2080ti.

    Running in 60hz mode, even with the 3080 I will continue to use 60hz, I prefer the increase in pixels over frames. Anyway, long story short I have no issue whatsoever seeing distant objects. With the 6800 I was running 80% render resolution in steam vr which gives me per eye resolution of around about 3000 * 2850. With enhanced mirrors turned on when I look in the rear view mirror, I can make out trees on hillsides at the start of a straight when I'm at the other end of it, Spa is a good example of this. Or again at Spa after T1 looking all the way up to Eau Rouge everything is sharp and clear. Bluring of distant objects just isn't a thing and I definitely wouldn't say its an engine specific issue. Basically the image in the headset now looks as good/sharp as the image on my monitor which is 25" 2540 * 1440

    The only issue I have with image quality is shimmering at night. For now I just avoid running at night, the penalty in terms of fps is just too severe.

    I haven't had a chance to try out the Quest 2, but I don't think the difference in resolution between the two is so great that your experience should be that different. The link cable seems to add another layer of complexity so I can't even begin to suggest settings. Maybe try starting from scratch dial all you ingame settings right back, reset your graphics config and focus on the headsets resolution and ingame AA, and see where that gets you in terms of sharpness/clarity.

    Some people appear to be having a great experience with it and others not so much, which in fairness was also the case with the G2. In a lot of instances it seems to be expectaiton vs reality. But in your case visibilty seems to be so poor its probably something else, I just wouldn't go so far as to say its an issue with the engine is all. Hope you get it sorted though.
  18. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    @psone. Thanks for the confident words that it works well on the G2. I will get my 3080 hopefully next week. I did play with EyeOffsetY and EyeOffsetZ (up until -0.2) and that doesn’t seem to do anything. I have also set the sharpening strength to 1.3 and clamp to 0.5. Again the clamp doesn’t seem to have much influence. I did go 1 notch down on oculus resolution to 1.4 instead of 1.5x and that has added some much needed performance at dusk. I had my environment map and shadows already set to ultra and now lowered them again. I think I will follow your instructions and completely remove the graphics driver with ddu, remove the automobilista 2 directory and start from scratch after verifying the game files. Hoping that will help. Would you be so kind to share your graphicsopenvrdx11 settings as well as the openvrdx xml settings if you changed those?
  19. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    @Xblurone your welcome. I wasn't nescessarily suggesting you go as far as reinstalling drivers though more that you should delete you graphics config files and start from scratch with those.

    As far as my graphicsopenvrdx11 and openvrsettings files go the only edit I've made is to sharpening, which I currently have set at 1.5. I have no reason to edit the other settings you've mentioned, I haven't seen editing them suggested elsewhere.

    I would say that settings like environment map, track detail, shadow detail all have significant performance impact at ultra even with the 3080 @60hz I would not use those settings and expect a smooth experience in all conditions. Settings that work well for clear daytime are not going to work for sunset or nightime.

    So yeah lower your ingame settings, dial in your render resolution for the headset in conjuction with in game AA and then start to figure out what graphics settings are most important to you. Just don't expect to be able to play at 90fps with everything maxed out.

    Anyway dude I hope you get it sorted, I don't want to comment on Quest 2 stuff too much though as I don't personally have one and like I said the link cable adds another element to the equation, there is lots of good advice in the main VR thread if you want to have a root around there.
  20. Robert Gerke

    Robert Gerke Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I drive with these settings and Quest 2 at 80 hz. Before that I had a Rift-S.
    No comparison, Quest 2 is much sharper and I am extremely satisfied.

    Important! You need extreme graphics power, but the result and driving experience
    are so fantastic! :)



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