AMS2 multiplayer

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by barnett71, Feb 14, 2021.

  1. barnett71

    barnett71 New Member

    Feb 12, 2021
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    Like i said in my previous post i mainly bought ams2 for offline racing after getting a little bored and frustrated with iRacing

    anyway I thought id give multiplayer a try today and my god what is the point? I had 2 races and vouched id never do it again unless something changes (maybe i was spoilt with iRacing)

    Race 1
    qualifying - someone was just at the start/finish line hitting people on purpose
    the race - first turn at least 10 cars didnt use their brakes and 90% of the lobby just left

    Race 2
    qualifying - someone kept slowing down in front of me to stop my laptime - id take them over and then they would just dive bomb me in corner
    race - someone decided to block pit entry -90% lobby left again

    I know i bought this for offline but some people play this for online races. They really need to do similar things to iRacing and ACC to stop people trolling and griefing because right now online races are just pointless

    on that note are there any UK leagues that promote clean fun racing?
  2. stealthradek

    stealthradek Smoothie operator AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    I don't think anything beats iRacing's multiplayer lobbies, especially those alien splits with higher iRating. Multiplayer right now is a mess in many titles (unfortunately it's widespread) and makes online unplayable for me too (which is why I like AI in AMS2).

    Reiza are working on some multiplayer rankings - it's upcoming but we don't know just yet.

    I think it's best to stick to single/offline mode for now and hopefully it'll reach at least ACC style where racing is ok-ish, or leagues, but then again, with amount of updates leagues might be hit and miss (BOP updates, physics, core engine changes... there's too many variables to run full season). Some leagues may have one-off races where racing should be sensible in the long run.
  3. barnett71

    barnett71 New Member

    Feb 12, 2021
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    I kind of knew it wasnt going to be pretty especially when a game like this is a one off purchase and there are no licenses/sfaety rating etc

    I thought id give it a go and it was basically playing wreckfest but not as fun
    • Like Like x 1
  4. F1 Hero

    F1 Hero Active Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    A well done rating system can make things better. I hope Reiza will deliver a great and innovative rating system for AMS2 - it could even be a differential to the game.

    On this area you can find some information about AMS2 leagues: Fan Sites & Community Events
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  5. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    This is pretty much true for any racing games that isn't iRacing unfortunately. If you want clean online racing in open lobbies, you'll have to find and join a league. A league will be a closed lobby but participants will be held to much higher standards and at that point the racing is much better than open lobbies in iRacing.

    Since most online servers are being hosted by private individuals, rating systems can't be done/enforced reliably and consistently, IMHO, unless there is a central system monitoring and controlling the racing and offenses during the races (ala iRacing). Something like that requires a large infrastructure and all the underlying code and design work. At that point the user base will have to pay to support such infrastructure, then we are looking at a monthly/yearly up keep fee. This game has way more bugs/issues to fix before it even decides to tackle a central rating system, IMHO.

    Complaining about randos in open lobbies is pointless, IMHO. It happens in Forza, GranTurismo, PCars2, etc, etc, etc.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    SimRacingSystem ran some AMS2 series last year. Unfortunately, the experience was mixed. One series was ruined by the car becoming undriveable mid-season due to physics changes, others were plagued by people being unable to join or getting kicked, some people getting random slowdowns etc. Simply adding a random number to everyone's user account isn't magically going to turn into a structured MP system, just like it hasn't done with any other sim other than iRacing.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I have been wondering if something in between could be working.
    Something between completely individual leagues with no other connection to Reiza than the AMS2 prog - and then a 100% centralised system ala iRacing.

    How about individual leagues but where a common rating for drivers was calculated by Reiza?
    I havent figured out how the drivers performing data could be "messenged" to Reiza and re-destributed back - but this is probably just technicalities.;)

    ByTheWay: Such a private league system under a common umbrella has not even been invented by iRacing. Because although iRacing have private leagues they are not connected to iRacings rating system.
  8. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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    The system will likely be based on PC2. A competitive score and a safety score. It will be up to hosts to set min ratings for lobbies, but this only works for a robust MP community.
    What I think could be useful is an official way to submit replays of intentional behavior for a ban.
    Or a programmed “black flag” when a car is on track for too long, too slow so they ghost or get kicked.

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