next update

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by MarcoMd, Mar 26, 2021.

  1. bandqit

    bandqit Active Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    I’m a big big fan of AC. It does so many things better than any other sim. But it pales in comparison to AMS2’s FFB and general driving feel. And this will be sacrilege to a lot of AC fans but it’s starting to show its age graphically at this point, despite the incredible work done with CSP & Sol. AMS2 looks better. Tbh I don’t think there’s much between them when it comes to VR. I would just try it and see. Put the popularity (or lack of) to one side.
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  2. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Not because of Kunos but the modding community! Like i said it is the mods that keep AC relevant. Also rain isn't even in the base game plus CM/ shaders, you need to pay a patreon to get access to rain ATM.
    I played AC last week actually, it is a nice sim but IMO doesn't feel anywhere as nice to drive as AMS2.
    I think AMS2 struggles because of the pC2 stigma that hangs over its head.
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  3. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Just so you can see i don't have Fanboy glasses for any one Sim ;)
    Screenshot (889).png
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  4. MarcoMd

    MarcoMd Member

    Sep 4, 2020
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    no no i hate ACC, is only Gt car.. for the weather, graphics i feel AMS2 is much much better than AC... but i think ac became famous for many reasons like mods.. they developed so many mods so u can have everything.. every car.. like i love to drive Ferrari 488 or 458.. in AMS2 no Ferrari :(
    eh eh.. or Tokyo map.. wow.. is something amazing.. so actually i will play Ac and AMS2..
    Ac became huge, big, amazing.. AMS2 is amazing also but should attract more people and mm with 114 price.. i donno .. or as i said Demo version can help a lot. as i said in the discord group they all listened this boy that said that AC is better than AMS2 in Vr.. i said not true.. how to compare.. but people without try they can see only youtuber.. and in youtube they even say that THE EARTH (planet) is flat !!!
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  5. SRS13Rastus

    SRS13Rastus Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 12, 2020
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    There are some very valid points raised here but there's something many many people forget about AMS2 and Reiza in particular.
    According to Zoominfo SMS has 175 staff and a revenue of $41,000,000.
    Codemashers *ahem* Codemasters has 500 staff and $144,000,000 revenue.
    Looking at AMS2 game credits there's between 40-50 staff (plus the "special thanks to" list) yet according to some sources many of these listed in the credits are temporary staff that worked there for a short time, several are people that worked there upto 7 years ago.
    Zoominfo lists Reiza with a mere 24 staff and $4,000,000 revenue.

    Both Codemasters and SMS have consistently promised the earth yet failed to deliver on those promises to their fans, we've had comments like "Manage your expectations." from CM regarding the GRID reboot, a series that just cannot come close to it's 1st title and swayed from simcade to pure arcade with each title whilst destroying or completely removing parts of the games heritage to the point GRID 2019 has less content than Race Driver Grid had 16 locations vs 13 in the reboot, the only thing Grid 2019 has more of is cars 82 to the 61 found in it's forebear, then factor in the removal of drift and derby you can kind of understand why GRID 2019 was the worst reviewed Codemasters game on Steam just 64% positive.
    Until CM bought SMS and PC3 came along with Ian Bell promising it would be "All the sim you'll want" with player reviews at 55% only to be followed by the even worse Fast and Furious Crossroads with a paltry 33%..

    Yeah, sure, these are not comparable games as they're essentially different genera's (Despite Ian Bells' promises)..
    Yet when push comes to shove Reiza have produced a game streets ahead of "the big boys" using the game engine designed by one of them..
    That's just ASTONISHING given the staff numbers and revenues listed above, to cap it all off Reiza have managed monthly updates with multiple bugfixes from day 1 whilst the "big boys" have actually refused to fix many of the flaws in their own titles or delayed them so long the playerbase died off.
    Grid was so poorly recieved it has only been full price for 78 days since launch with a free weekend and 7 bundle deals to boost sales figures yet players numbers are falling to this day, player numbers show the same for PC3, falling consistently...
    SteamDB lists the sales numbers like this:
    GRID 2019: 80,240 to 240,720
    Project Cars 3: 35,920 to 107,760
    AMS 2: 50,940 to 152,820

    AMS2 player numbers are slowly increasing month by month because of player reviews, routine updates, meaningful patches arriving in rapid succession plus Reiza listening to players instead of paying lip service to all the promises.

    GRID 2019 I bought for £65 and played 475 hours before I gave it up as the travesty it was, that equates to £0.136 per hour. (TBH I only played that much to get my money's worth)
    I refused to even entertain PC3 after watching gameplay as I could SEE it was a dogs dinner.
    AMS 2 I've paid £82.57 (EA price for the base game £24.99 and £57.58 for the season pass during the winter sale) so far I have 637 hours in game which means £0.129 per hour.
    If I keep that up till the season pass runs out in 2022 this will be £0.043 per hour..

    The last game that I got that kind of value for my money was Race Driver Grid £30 and 670 hours + £0.044 per hour..

    At the end of the day you have to work out if your getting good value for money, GRID almost destroyed my faith in the gaming industry. Hell I even debated quitting completely.
    AMS 2 and Reiza have restored it... Almost... Never again will I stump up cash on blind faith, now I wait for friends to buy and player reviews to be shown, particularly as the professional "REVIEWS" for both GRID and PC3 were so high (8-9.5 out of 10 for Grid and 8.0-9.0 for PC3) whilst player reviews were no where NEAR them.

    Reiza DID have a roadmap but with several delays (for OBVIOUS reasons) and despite being clear about the reasons each time, so many vilified them for the delays the roadmap was removed entirely leaving us with little to no info of what's coming and when, the only clues you have to work with is the player numbers week by week, there's usually a visible drop in player numbers as the backers switch to the Beta test servers roughly a week before the next update, this is actually happening right now so the next update COULD be here within 7-10 days and it's the 1 year anniversary so watch this space....

    Soz for the wall of text but I think it's all important information to understand the details BEHIND the struggle to get this game out at the standard we now see before us and keep the improvements coming along...
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  6. bandqit

    bandqit Active Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    You played GRID 2019 for 475 hours?!!
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Except the cars will wobble like jello and become undriveable when you drive far enough from the starting point, because AC physics model uses single-precision calculations and is fundamentally flawed.

    Again, there's no reason to buy the Season Pass atm if you just want the DLC tracks, it's much cheaper to buy the base game + track pack DLC. You should compare buying AC Ultimate Edition at full price (71 EUR) vs. buying just AMS2 + track pack DLC (78 EUR). AMS2 comes with way more tracks by default and with more variety in the race car department as well.

    But sure, AC is a better option if all you want to do is cruise around in street cars.
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  8. Gagaryn

    Gagaryn Out To Lunch AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 26, 2019
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    This is a perfect example of the sunk cost fallacy. You didn't get your money's worth - you lost £65 and endured 475 hours of torture. Losing £65 and moving on to something more enjoyable would have been more sensible.
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. bandqit

    bandqit Active Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    Strongly agree. This is such a bizarre mindset. That’s more hours than I have on AMS2, and I f*ckin love it...
    • Agree Agree x 3
  10. MarcoMd

    MarcoMd Member

    Sep 4, 2020
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    anyway, i wanna talk clear, for me no problem, i think i will buy the full package, games like Assetto Corsa, Flight Simulator, AMS2 for vr are games i think that will stay like 10 years.. so if is 10-20 euro more than another game is ok.. but what i was trying to say is that there are lot of things that not attract gamers i think and the game, AMS2 that is amazing will risk to disappear..
    i am sure that all of u tried this mods: Downloads Autmobilista 2
    but please,, if someone read do FERRARI, for me a racing game without FERRARI is a shock !
    :) :) :)
  11. MCor57

    MCor57 Active Member

    Aug 15, 2020
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    Last edited: Mar 30, 2021
  12. SuperMonaco_GP

    SuperMonaco_GP Active Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    ever heard of licensing? do you have a general idea of how much costs licensing Ferrari content?
  13. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    And you think it's done with the next update, considering the threat you post this? ;)
  14. MarcoMd

    MarcoMd Member

    Sep 4, 2020
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    no i donno about licensing.. no problem man.. but in every racing game they have Ferrari.. the page that i sent has Jaguar, Porsche and others.. so if someone do a Ferrari will be cool
  15. MarcoMd

    MarcoMd Member

    Sep 4, 2020
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    no i donno about licensing.. no problem man.. but in every racing game they have Ferrari.. the page that i sent has Jaguar, Porsche and others.. so if someone do a Ferrari will be cool
  16. F2020

    F2020 Active Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    I've put some decent time into AMS2, AC and ACC over the last few days and they all do lots of things really well as we all know.

    It would be great if the next update really polished all cars / handling / ffb up to a uniform level.

    I have been driving the open wheelers between sims, AC has IMO got the edge, although the McLaren AMS2 and the V10 Ferrari AC are close, the road contact feel and all round accuracy of the experience in AC means it just pips it IMO. Some of the Formula cars in AMS2 are great, some and not great.

    AC has a very uniform and correct feel to it, its been around for longer of course, but getting AMS2 up to this stable and consistent level is key.

    ACC just has the race day experience and licence, but its not as good where it counts, imo AMS2 is better in spades when driving the GT3s, ACC doesnt have an "alive" feel to it i believe, AMS2 has the seat of the pants feel.

    Full championship mods would also be good in a future update, like AC has, proper skins, names etc.
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