I want to scream and need help! I have a 1080ti PC and been running 3 X 1080p 60Hz monitors for a year and on Monday got a deal on 3 X 27G2 144Hz G-Sync monitors. Got so stocked to finally be able to run G-Sync. Hours of testing later I can't get G-Sync to work even though it is on in NVCP and on monitors. I run surround on. Turns out Pascal can't do triples G-Sync! Does anyone know if I can run without surround and just G-Sunc the centre screen? Or does anyone have a working solution for G-Sync triples on Pascal? I'm asking everywhere hoping someone knows a solution.
Just searched - and it looks like it principally should be possible: {{MetaTags.og.title}} ByTheWay: Principally
nVidia seem to say otherwise, i guess in the attempt to get triple screen users to upgrade to Turing In the current GPU pricing climate that wont be happening for me Thanks for the link but i gather that guy in the last post in using actual G-Sync monitors where mine are G-Sync compatible and nVidia only allow a single to G-Sync on Pascal In the driver it has a page that allows you to "turn on/off" G-Sync but selecting one and turning it off turns all of them off I don't get it, but running in 1080p single screen sure is nice with it enabled, Days Gone at 1080p at 200% resolution scale drops down to 50fps and it looks and feels like 60 with no tearing and smooth! It would be amazing if it worked like that across all 3 for AMS2 when it starts raining ATM i get dips below 60 and it could really use some sweet AF G-Sync
When I did read the discussion more thoughtfully I came to the conclusion that the guys didnt exactly know if the G-sync was actually working with the tripple system. I mean its ofcourse possible to connect 3x G-sync monitors and get them to work but that doesnt mean that the G-sync feature is active. That was the reason I added: Principally ByTheWay: It would be a nice feature if it did work
Time for a 3090ti I guess. As said, with the current price madness it will be not for me in a long time. I really want to upgrade my still very good 1080ti card but no way I’m gonna pay the price they currently ask....
Good for you My impression is that if you dont jump on the VR waggon then this card is the absolutely best if you dont wanna invest in the newest generation. Personally I manage reasonably good with my old 1060 - but that is probably only because my G-card dont even have to move as many pixels as a 1080p resolution ByTheWay: If just the whole mining industry with their crypto thing became obsolete or forbidden because of ecological reasons then even I could (maybe) afford a reasonably G-card
I play PC2 and AMS2 in VR. Good enough for me. A bit pixelated but fine. It is nice to jump in a VR car once in a while. But normally just with my triple setup in 7800*1440. AMS2, Pcars2 and R3E do run perfectly on my system. ok no night races with rain, but if I want that, I can drop back to 1080p. All in all, happy times.
Conserning the VR thing Im absolutely pro this kind of tech. And in a way pretty familiar with recording my own 3D pictures My problem at the moment to get on the VR waggon is that I need a complete updated system. Because beside the PC and VR hardware then I also have to allow the Win10 garbage into my HD. ByTheWay: Even back in the photographic analogue days I was kinda pioneer by taking 3D diapositives by using 2x side by side cameras and then displaying them on top of each other on a screen using polarizing glasses to filter the L/R pictures back to the correct L/R eyes. Just like in modern 3D movies.
Send the triples back. You've a 14 day or/and 30 day send-back in Europe. But I remember you living in Australia, so yeah... Don't know.
Lol nah they are great and work perfect for other games on the single centre screen and looks better in AMS2 also due to the lower response time and low motion blur. Also set for when I do finally upgrade GPU.
Oh yeah, plus I have already sold my old monitors anyway so I just have to keep em. I got $120 each for them so these cost me $109 each
Hehe dont wanna de-railing this thread too much - but eventhough I was kind of "pioneer" then it was only in the DIY 3D photo area. I mean creating a 3D camera yourself. Because Kodak had allready shortly after 2nd WW both a 3D camera and a 3D diapositive (stereo slide) service. I just kind of making my own replica of the same system using 2x much more modern (analogue) cameras about 30-40 years later.
I'm not sure if it actually works but my Nvidia panel shows g sync enabled on my triple monitor setup and I have agtx 1070. But you need to run displayport it does not work via hdmi
Unfortunately it's not good news but what has occurred sounds right. Nvidia supports multi-monitor Variable Refresh Rate for G-Sync or G-Sync Ultimate monitors. However Nvidia only supports multi-monitor Variable Refresh Rate for G-Sync Compatible monitors if you use their latest Turing cards. Some users claim they have got VRR to work across Triple with G-Sync Compatible monitor with Pascal cards, but they didn't provide any proof.
I'd be happy enough if I could figure out how to turn VRR off for the outer screens and just use the Pascal single screen VRR on the centre. As is it turns off all 3 even when selecting just one.
Really? You get the G-Sync icon showing up in AMS2 when triples is enabled? Can you please share every setting used ? Please, that would be fantastic!
I don't have a 10 series card, so this might not be helpful, but here's my 30 series settings in case it is: In game you must use your bezel correted resolution (In my case 5760 x 1080 @ 74hz), and V-sync off and running Full screen mode. When I first got my G-sync compatiable monitor I spent ages trying to get them to work, the articles about G-sync on the blurbusters website was useful: G-SYNC 101 The refresh rate cap in NVCP is a few frames lower than my monitors can handle (72fps). As I said, I can't comment on the 10xx cards, but that's what works for me. G-sync is witchcraft btw! I know from reading some of your other posts that you are sensitive to graphics issues (I am too), and if Pascal doesn't work with Gsync, then it's a new GPU incoming!! (Another credit card bill that will need hiding from the wife! ). My old 2070s was great in most conditions (medium / high settings), but my FPS was capped at 60, and taxing conditions would drop it as low as 44. When I had that card I didn't have G-Sync compatible monitors, and the frame drops were unbearable for me, so I only did daytime races with moderate grids. Ams2 runs great on my current GPU with everything on ultra (only environment map at medium), full grids etc. Occasionally my FPS drops to ~68 in taxing conditions and it's barely noticable with G-Sync. Oh, and on NVCP under the 'Display' tab set 'G-Sync compatible indicator' to on, so you know if it's working without driving too much.