Side mirrors are weird looking

Discussion in 'Automobilista - General Discussion' started by nsw, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. nsw

    nsw New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I'm running triple screen with "Multiview" off.

    It seems that side mirrors of some Marcas cars are incorrect (see attached image). The side mirror of this Marcas (Forcus) is a crop of the rear view mirror, the bottom left of the mirror shows the inside of the car's C-pillar, this is not possible in real life.

    Some of the formula cars are also having weird side mirrors, either mirror FOV is wrong or the reflection point of the mirror is wrong. Adjusting mirror poistions with Shift+Seat keys does not help at all.

    Anyone with the same problem?

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  2. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Yep,it looks like the mirrors have their own graphic settings.
    And it divers per car, the Lancias also have bad mirrors
    and the DynHUD mirrors are out of proportion for some cars
  3. AosudiF1

    AosudiF1 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Mirrors in AMS's graphic engine work like that. You have one big rearview image, one point of view. The side mirrors just show a portion of that centered rear view image, so you don't actually see a rear view pov on each mirror.

    It is a limitation of the engine, as far as I know.
  4. nsw

    nsw New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Can any Reiza's developer confirm on this point?
    It's such a shame because the side mirrors are of not much use in races if so.
  5. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I hope it isn't true, but if it is
    Can this be of better quality and the same for all cars ?
  6. Tommi

    Tommi Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Hello there.
    "Visible parts in the rearview mirror" is one of the great features of Reiza titles since the first "Game Stock Car". And I love it, too. :)

    As it is known, this is one of the basic tips about Reiza titles, we can change the "Visible parts in the rearview mirror" setting by editing ".PLR" file in "UserData" folder.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Automobilista\UserData\(Player Name)\Player Name.PLR

    <For the visitors who don't know the way, to be more precise,>
    Please open "Player Name.PLR" with Notepad, and search (find) the line by keyword "Self In Cockpit Rearview".
    I think you can find the following line in [ Graphic Options ] section.

    Self In Cockpit Rearview="0" // add values for any that should be visible (0=none): 1=rear wing & wheels, 2=body & susp, 4=cockpit, 8=steering wheel (15=all)

    Then change the number of Rearview="0".

    I changed the number from "0" => to "1". Then I could disable "Visible parts in the rearview mirror" like this.


    This is not a perfect solution, but we can use this way if necassary.

    About the current rearview mirror system, I think AosudiF1's explanation is right as far as I know.
    But about the further improvement, the dev only knows. I'd also like to wait for the information from the dev. :)
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  7. PIO79EK

    PIO79EK New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    As I understand, the rear view is using a single camera. It can not have additional cameras for the side mirrors for some reason.
  8. Tommi

    Tommi Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    @ Reiza Studios
    I'd like to report what I noticed about "Self In Cockpit Rearview" setting.

    1. After I installed Automobilista, the number of "Self In Cockpit Rearview" was set to "0".

    Self In Cockpit Rearview="0"

    I thought it was strange because "0" should be "None". But all parts were visible in-game.

    2. Next, I changed the number from "0" to "1". Then I could disable the visible parts in the rearview mirror as I explained above.

    3. I deleted "UserData" folder to restore the original settings.

    4. I launched AMS again, and I found

    Self In Cockpit Rearview="0" => now works properly as "None",
    Self In Cockpit Rearview="15" => now works properly as "All".

    I'm not sure whether this is normal or not. But just for information.
    Thank you. :)
  9. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    do you know how to improve the quality? it seems Anti Aliasing isn't working in the mirror
  10. Tommi

    Tommi Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    @ Reiza Studios & Everyone
    I forgot the profiles were moved to My Documents. I'm really sorry.
    It looks like it will take time to get use to the new save system.
    I'll be careful next time.
  11. Tommi

    Tommi Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Unfortunately, I don't know about the advanced graphics settings of the mirror in AMS.
    I checked the file. And Marcas cars use "mirror.bmp" file with 5120x256 (usually high enough) resolution.
    I've tried the classic modding way to use the "mirror.bmp" with higher resolution. But it didn't make that noticeable changes.
    Personally, I don't have a problem with the details of the mirror. But if I find the new information, I'll report it here.

    BTW, I seem to have missed out "Self in Rearview" option in "Options - Display" menu.
    I get used to the old way too much. Sorry again, everyone.
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  12. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Thanks, but i don't think its in the MIRROR.BMP.
    i swapped some around and the mirror quality stays the same.
    I think AA just doesn't apply to the mirrors for some reason?
  13. Tommi

    Tommi Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Thanks for your reply, SaxOhare.
    Yes, "MIRROR.BMP" and "AA in the mirror" are different topics. :)

    Easy way to check "MIRROR.BMP is working or not" is to test the files with different aspect ratio. Marcas cars already use the file with high resolution (5120x256), thus the file with higher resolution does not change the details that much in-game as you said.

    And generally. both "AA" and "Mirror(s)" directly affect the frame rate, so it might be for performance reason. :)
  14. nsw

    nsw New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Hello guys, I found a discussion in RD with a detail account of the same problem in GSCE, I believe the same issue was carried over to AMS.

    Cockpit Mirrors, ViewPoint and XY Scale

    From what I have gathered:

    1) Rear mirrors (all 3) are generated from only 1 POV. The mirrors are basically a "cut out" from this big rear view. The portion of the cut out is a design choice, which on some cars are really bad.

    2) The position of this "rear view camera" can be changed in *_cockpitinfo.ini file of each car (MirrorPos=xxxx)

    3) The vertical FOV of this "rear view camera" is per user setting in the PLR file. "Rearview Height="

    4) The last piece of the puzzle would be selecting the cut out portion to use for the individual mirror, however this seems to be related to the car's 3D model itself.

    5) Mirror AA are probably left out due to performance concern.

    My main concern is to make the side mirrors more usable in races, even at the expense of having mirror views which are slightly compressed in proportions. I have not try to edit the above files yet, those who have tried please give your feedback. Thanks.
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  15. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    "2) The position of this "rear view camera" can be changed in *_cockpitinfo.ini file of each car (MirrorPos=xxxx)"

    The cockpitinfo.ini construction isn't the same for all cars, i think this explains the difference between cars, the cars aren't developed the same way

    "5) Mirror AA are probably left out due to performance concern."

    I wish this is optional, but i can live with it as it is,
  16. wim imme

    wim imme New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    me same problem. my mirrors are to zoomed in.
    using triples @ 5918x1080
  17. Tassydevil

    Tassydevil Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 13, 2016
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    I am running triple screens and found you must run with "multiview" on to get the correct perspective of the left and right side of the car, the mirrors are then also correctly shown, especially their size.

    The only thing I can't do is alter the side mirrors to show cars overtaking. Can anyone help?
  18. rocafella1978

    rocafella1978 Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 22, 2016
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    side mirrors and rear view mirror? (graphic settings)
    is there any way to to change settings on the SIDE MIRRORS and REAR VIEW MIRROR (not virtual) so that the quality is better? in all the vehicles i use/ drive in, looking to sides and rear, horrible, jagged/ corners and very low resolution graphics. is there a way to change this?
    cheers all.
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  19. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Thank You for this post .
    I asked how to adjust mirrors a while ago and got no response but after looking and looking and , you guessed it , more looking i found your post .
    Great , this helps alot , as you say its not perfect but for open wheelers it nearly is perfect .
    Also noticing that some cars mirrors have a lot higher resolution and better AA than others , can this be something that could happen for all cars?
  20. GTSpeedster

    GTSpeedster Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 20, 2016
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    The low resolution problem on the mirrors is only a matter of... resolution. :)

    I's always been like that for all gMotor2 based titles. And honestly it's simple enough to fix as it is indeed just takes adjusting the mirror.bmp and having it set in all the right places.

    Personally I've been using 8192x512 for many years now in rFactor and I simply copied it over to both AMS vehicles folder AND to the car specific folders as well and it works as it should.

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