I bought a F64-USB V1 last week, received it and mounted it on my simucube V2, it took a long time before it was recognized, about 30 Minutes but once it was recognized I could use it Sunday and Monday and this morning. But now It won't be recognized anymore I'm trying for several hours no and I have been waiting for over a hour not touching my PC but nothing happens. I tried different USB ports without succes, Does anyone know if there is something I can do to make it work again?
I know something,, Hello, I got it working again by unplugging all USB devices and replug them. Could this be caused by RaceRoom? That and a dotNet Update where the only chnges to my system. I noticed my wheel wasn't working anymore when I tried to configure RaceRoom. Now my wheel is working again RaceRoom hangs In the Startup screen
I have just seen it mentioned in the Racedepartment forum that the issues probably is caused by the exact time where Raceroom launched their 50%/25% summer sale. Because of the overwhelming traffic. And I admit that was also my own guess when I quarralled with the error screen because I couldnt get my daily Raceroom fix ByTheWay: I must also admit that Racerooms sales campaign (as allways) is extremely professional - and snappy to follow. At least if you have some eager VRP´s in your wallet. Hehe snapped 3 cars & 2 tracks. Greetings with your new wheel system.