Simhub bass shaker issues

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by Roland Van de Walle, Aug 4, 2021.

  1. Roland Van de Walle

    Roland Van de Walle Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Hi ,
    For a while now i am having issues with wheelsslip effect in AMS2 .
    Sometimes its muted sometimes it seems like the volume is at 200%, sometimes it feels fine.
    Mentioned this in another thread already No Telemetry | Reiza Studios Forum
    Have no issues in my other sims.
    Have not been playing AMS2 alot lately because its realy anoying.
    With the new update i tried again and its working flawless with the new porsche RSR 1974 on every track i tried so far, no issues whatsoever with that car.
    Other cars i am not so lucky and having the same issues.
    Been looking into the logs of simhub and noticed warnings when i have the issue.
    Anyone out here who understands what this means and perhaps some ideas on how to fix these issues.
    Would be very much appreciated.

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  2. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Please contact SimHub channel in Discord and show them that log file
  3. Roland Van de Walle

    Roland Van de Walle Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    thanks for the advice
  4. Benzaah

    Benzaah Member

    Apr 5, 2021
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    Ive been trying to work out a decent profile for months now and AMS2 doesn't have great LFE implementation. This is getting better but still not up the the iracing standard. My profile for Ams2 is drastically scaled back compared to my Acc and Iracing profiles. Each of those are running between 6 and 9 Fx where there are only 4 Fx that i find useful in AMS2. Try turning everything but gear shift, road impact, road vibration and road rumble off and see how that feels.
  5. Roland Van de Walle

    Roland Van de Walle Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Definitly some improvements for me with the wheelsslip effect , no longer do i have the errors in simhub and with some cars where i had issues before its working again.
    Still there are quite a few cars where its not working correct for me but happy to see some improvements here.
    Sorry for the late response but i find AMS2 quite good in this area when its working properly.
    Tuning is a pain i think , hope in time it wil be possible to tune it while driving like in AC.
    These are my settings

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    Last edited: Oct 6, 2021
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  6. Roland Van de Walle

    Roland Van de Walle Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Last edited: Oct 17, 2021
  7. Roland Van de Walle

    Roland Van de Walle Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Haven't tested all cars yet but did a test drive with the formula v10 , f3 and group c and was pleasantly surprised that it was working again , feels awesome again , thanks
  8. Roland Van de Walle

    Roland Van de Walle Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Wanted to make a short video on the performance issues i 'm having but it has become a video on the shaker issues again , had it again today 2021 11 09 22 23 11 - YouTube
    Hope there is a dev who takes a look at this when there is some time available
    This is from 10 min later , same combo and no more issues.2021 11 09 22 56 34 - YouTube
    Al i did was close the game , close simhub , did a steamfile verify check and started again and was working again .
  9. Roland Van de Walle

    Roland Van de Walle Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    2021 12 19 16 04 01 - YouTube
    Happening more and more lately and its just random , sometimes i have the issue and sometimes it works just fine.
    Kinda found a workaround , press alt-tab close and restart simhub but that gives some other issues.
    AMS2 either stops responding and have to restart the game or volumelevels of the wheelsslipeffect is very low.
    Its Madness , as long as i keep using the same car the issue is there , when i change the car the issue is most of the time gone.

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