If you mean fix the percentage number so it goes from 100% down to 0%, I don't know how to fix that. If you mean the crazy-long colored bars, there may be something you can do. It seems the widget is messed up. The brake bars want to go all the way to the top and block the engine and tire info no matter what. In the image below, there are actually two Wear Widgets: one with no brake info and one with only brake info. I experimented with various size and padding settings to get it to look right. The one with the tires has z-index 0 and the brakes is z-index 1. You could go further and get the backgrounds to match and get the sizes a little more consistent. I haven't actually tested this in the game, though. Hopefully this helps.
Hi, how do you read this properly, for LF tires =62% wear, 93% grip? And for LF brakes, why is it more than 100%?
sherpa25, yes, that what those numbers mean, according to the editor. I don't know why the brakes health is over 100%. Maybe changing to metric fixes that, as Tim O'Glock says. I don't even use this widget, I was simply trying to help dino. .
Thanks. Where do you set to Metric? As you don't use these, any other recommendable widget for tires/brakes?
That's OK. It looks like this: It's part of the default Reiza DynHUD overlay. I have my overlay redesigned to suit me, but I still use this tire/brake widget. I think the Native HUD (non-DynHUD) has a pretty good tire health display if you don't use DynHUD. (I don't have a handy picture of that one right now.) .