So I had been running the performance settings at pretty much what pc2 was running at since the game launched pretty much. But recently there's been updates, my controller settings needed to be reset, and the graphic settings were much more taxing. Especially the shadows. Had to turn those down to low - that solved it in most settings, but if its muggy out there, the MSAA also had to be turned down to low, grass to low, etc. Anyone know?
A month or 3 ago AMS2 shadows received an upgrade in some way, (i haven't noticed much improvement) but Renato said if you have issues with performance to drop down a setting as it has basically increased a step, so high is now ultra and ultra is now epic or something like that. When i say the patch noted i was really excited that the ugly shadow shimmer was going to be a thing of the past but sadly nothing changed from that point of view
I was hopeful when that update came too but shadows in VR are still an issue in pretty much every game, whilst nothing has improved the shimmer and jagged nature of the shadows. I turn them down, off or run on overcast days to improve performance and avoid the ugly look. I don’t lay any blame at Reiza for this, just accepting that VR still needs much beefier cards than are currently available. I’m actually pretty happy with the mix of visuals and performance at the moment but I don’t know whether I just have a very high tolerance level?!
I play on trples and can set shadows to Ultra or Low with no difference to the shimmer/flicker from them. Even at 4k Ultra they look bad, just like pC2, no better at all imo.
Ouch! I had assumed you were talking about VR, I'd also assumed that the shadows and flickering were only a VR thing. Does running triples have a similar effect on image quality as VR or is it simply an AMS2 issue? I've never had triples screens before so don't know if it swallows GPU power in a similar way to VR or not.
I run shadows set all the way down on Reverb G2. I'd rather use the processing on more "useful" details.