I've noticed messages like this in the changelogs: F-Vee: Reduced baseline steering lock by 1.5 deg So I'm wondering: how should I change the in-game value in order to get a desired steering ratio for a given car? It makes it slightly complicated that the steering rotation of the individual cars is not displayed anywhere in the game, so I always have to check that inside the car, but anyway. AFAIK the formula for calculating steering ratio is: steering ratio = steering rotation / ( steering lock * 2 ) so for example, for a 12:1 steering ratio I have to set: 12 = 900° rotation / (37.5° steering lock * 2) 12 = 720° rotation / (30° steering lock * 2) 12 = 540° rotation / (22.5° steering lock * 2) ... and so on. But what is this "baseline steering lock" and how does the calculation work in AMS2?
But that 1.5 deg adjustment is interesting, because the UI uses integers, that's why I thought the in-game value is just some sort of multiplier.
Oh, now I see your point. I don't know strictly the terms but maybe they're referring to steer ratio and this way the decimals make sense. All I can say is these data are used by RST (telemetry setup app) as parameters and steering ratio is referred there as steer lock. This way, I can assure you that Reiza change DOR of "all" cars in a high frequency over each build/update. Since steering lock at standard setup seldom varies, it was common (before 1.3) that steer ratio changes from 0.1 till 1.0 Really, 1.5 is noticeable.