Bug Reports - Automobilista 2 (Read the Opening Post)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 4, 2020.


    BRIAN ROGERS Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 2, 2021
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    Track & Layout Used: NA
    Car Used: C3 Corvette
    Applicable Settings: Cockpit view C3 street corvette
    Report: I don't know the exact year of the C3 street car in AMS2 but I'm pretty most, if not all, C3 Corvette Ignition keys are square, not oval. Oval are for the doors.
    Steps to reproduce
  2. Seight

    Seight New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 4, 2021
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    Version: from all the way to
    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: Driving in VR
    Report: Force feedback dropouts usually just in a fraction of a second (easily causes you to crash).
    Somtimes correlated with stutters in game (which also started occurring with
    I also experience total loss of force feedback, only resolution is to restart the game.
    I am using a VRS DirectForce Pro wheelbase
    I have tried renaming custom force feedback file.
    I have tried all 3 ffb profiles (default/default+/custom).
    Some times I experience less dropout, other times every 10-20 seconds (if I dont crash my car ;) )
    This bug makes AMS2 very hard to use. Please prioritze
  3. TDC

    TDC Caroll BackSpin

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: Spielberg
    Car Used: F Ultimate
    Applicable Settings: Any
    Report: AI pile up outside pits - every single race, nearly all of them
    Steps to reproduce: Race with mandatory pit, watch the chaos. This has been a problem for a loooooonnnngggggg time.

    Attached Files:

    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. Dave Dewhurst

    Dave Dewhurst New Member

    Jun 8, 2021
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    Track & Layout Used: Cleveland
    Car Used: Reynard Honda 98i
    Applicable Settings: VR
    Report: Left hand mirror in VR is static (not linked to head movement), righthand one works fine
    Steps to reproduce: Load a track (I used cleveland but any should work) using a CART car (I used the Honda but have also checked the Merc)
    Look at the right mirror and move head to see different parts of reflection, compare with left mirror.
  5. Jason Bradshaw

    Jason Bradshaw Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Custom livery overrides are still duplicating in Championship mode and Single Race mode. if you chose a livery the CPU will still duplicate your car meaning there are three of the same design on the track
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  6. Jason Bradshaw

    Jason Bradshaw Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    In custom championship mode the mandatory pit window never starts from lap one like single race mode so its unusable. in a 30 lap race the pit window opens on lap 29 every
    time and the AI still ignore it. Can we fix this please.
  7. Luciano Santos Filho

    Luciano Santos Filho Active Member

    Sep 7, 2017
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    Track & Layout Used: Spa (but prob not related)
    Car Used: group C (but prob not related)
    Applicable Settings: Performance > Pit Crew Detail = None
    Report: Despite the performance option, when I pit there are a lot of people there and this causes terrible FPS drops and even freezing with a crazy fast forward effect afterwards
    Steps to reproduce: Drive for a while in any session with max AI count, easier to reproduce in qualy because AI will pit more often
  8. MickT

    MickT Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    Track & Layout Used: N/A
    Car Used: N/A
    Applicable Settings: Simagic Alpha Wheel
    Report: When AMS2 regains focus after alt-tabbing to another application, AMS2 freezes. Most of the time, it'll wake up after 5 seconds, but sometimes it either doesn't come back at all, and the process needs to be killed, or it won't register any input from any device. Having tested the wheel via DirectX calls, I can see that there's a 5 second delay when calling IDirectInputDevice8::GetCapabilities the first time after creating the DirectInput device. Looks like AMS2 (and PCars2) enumerate and recreate all the controllers when returning back into focus. Is it possible for AMS2 to just keep hold of the controller objects when losing focus, so it doesn't have to recreate them, or at least make it tolerant of the delay when focus is returned?
    Steps to reproduce: Alt-tab out of AMS2 and then back in when running a simagic alpha wheel.
  9. Valle1950

    Valle1950 Belgium AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 22, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: Watiking glenn (seems to happen in any track)
    Car Used: Formula USA G2 + Formula ultimate
    Applicable Settings: Multi class race with F Usa g2 + Formula ultimate
    Report: The grid is full of F usa cars and none Formula ultimate
    Steps to reproduce: setup a race with F usa cars + F ulitmate cars
  10. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Track & Layout Used: -
    Car Used: -
    Applicable Settings: -
    Report: No live weather or weather forecast available anymore.
    Historic weather just till 07. Dec. 2021
  11. Tarkhax

    Tarkhax New Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Formula Reiza
    Applicable Settings: -
    Report: The cars shift noise in exterior view is buging out and making a very unpleasant noise instead of the normal shift noise
    Steps to reproduce: Drive FReiza on any track and then go into replay and trackside camera and you'll hear it.
    Here is an example clip from Johnnys Stream today to show you what I mean/lookout for:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. Andrew

    Andrew New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    This happenned also with other cars, but not all cars. Currently since latest update (V1.3.1.1), I am unable to access or load any of the ghost setups, even though they are available.

    Also, top ranked times on the top of leaderboard are violating track limits, but their times are still kept?
  13. Andrew

    Andrew New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Also happenning with F-USA.... my audio seems to switch between an 'internal' and 'external' sound
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  14. I Drive Demons

    I Drive Demons Member

    Mar 2, 2021
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    Track & Layout Used: Brands Hatch, but this could be any race track.
    Car Used: Formula USA Gen 2
    Applicable Settings: - 100% damage enabled.
    Report: The below link shows an AI driver get knocked straight after a spin only to over take me and hold me off an entire race. With damage enabled, it appears there was nothing wrong. Going into the cockpit still shows his wheel being straight despite him taking on damage.
    Steps to reproduce: Ai collision, thats all you need.

    Here is an example clip from Johnnys Stream today to show you what I mean/lookout for:

    Dropbox - 2021-12-13 04-31-02.mkv - Simplify your life
  15. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: Velocitta (first layout)
    Car Used: Formula Trainer Basic
    Applicable Settings: New FFB with a Logitech Driving Force GT (don't fell like it was a hardware/drive issue)
    Report: FFB turned into a loop, being absurdly heavy, forcing centering and with an strong rumble after a wall crash when controlling the car (not on menus) independently of exiting the race or switching car & track
    Steps to reproduce: During the race (after 1h practice and 10m qualify in a 20m race), at the third lap, I crashed into a wall and restarted the race. Them, when controlling the car again, the loop begun. Restarting the game solve the bug. I didn't try to reproduce it because my wheel felt like it would be thorn apart lol

    OBS: The game seems to have some "car state" memory, because it's common when using the "return to garage" option in menu, without stopping the car, when I exit the menu, back into car control, it will start to move by itself even before the engine start, as if it kept some inertia from before. Maybe, the FFB crash loop happened because of the same issue or both things are, somehow, related

    EDIT: There is a control to reset FFB ingame? Didn't found it on input edit.

  16. f4ffie

    f4ffie New Member

    Apr 5, 2021
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    Track & Layout Used: Spielberg
    Car Used: Formula Ultimate
    Applicable Settings: - reset to default (setup) on test day (not tested on other settings)
    Report: setup changes not kept after resetting to default. the first change will be kept but after driving and wanting to make another change it will keep reverting to the first change you made after driving.
    Steps to reproduce: have setups saved. use your last setup. the reset to the deafult setup. make a change (don't save as you shouldn't have to keep doing so for every minor change.) go for a drive, return to garage, make another change, go for a drive, return to pitbox and see if your change is still there cause mine keeps revirting to the first one.
  17. Nats

    Nats Member

    Jun 14, 2021
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    Absolutely I cant beleive the bust Puma roof top camera view is in a finished game really.

    I would like to see Reiza paying more attention to roof and bonnet cams in this game, I love using them but some of them are terriblt placed, and quite a lot of the bonnet cams show pixellated car art would prefer to see them moved back a bit to be just in front of the windscreen.
  18. Thebreach46

    Thebreach46 New Member

    Apr 4, 2021
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    Hey everyone !
    My bug today is that the ''Max available'' option when choosing the number of Ai opponent doesn't work like it should. The option description mention to used this to avoid duplicate liveries within the grid, and when selected, will set the number of opponent to the number of livery available for the class, minus one to account for the player.

    The problem is that although the set number Ai is good and doesn't duplicate between themselves, it doesn't take into account what livery the player is choosing and will most likely duplicate it. It's basically a game of luck, with a 1 in X (number of livery) chance to not duplicate your choice, since every custom race restart will apply new driver/livery combo. Its also the case when creating custom championship.

    My particular example for this is with the F-Reiza modern formula 1 cars :

    I will select the Max available option, so it sets the number of Ai to 19. (20 colors so everything good)
    I will chose for example the Red pseudo Ferrari livery
    Then when starting the race we will end up 3 car in the same team, since all the liveries in this class comes in pair to simulate F1.
    The only solution for it is to restart the race/custom championship until you are lucky.

    So in conclusion, although the set number Ai is good and doesn't duplicate between themselves, it doesn't take into account what livery the player is choosing.

    I know this isn't the biggest issue, but I think its worth mentioning


    Track & Layout Used: Any track
    Car Used: F-Reiza
    Applicable Settings: Using ''Max available'' in number of opponent
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2021
  19. FrankyRed

    FrankyRed Youtuber

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: Brands Hatch (full)
    Car Used: Caterham
    Applicable Settings: - Test day
    Report: When exiting the pits my vehicle gets stuck moving forward, My steering inputs don't do much.
    This also happens if i go off track.
    This happens in various cars but not all of them as the chevette seems ok.

    Sorry there is no audio but you get the idea... My steering wheel is clearly turning but the car just drives forward and as i said above this can also happen if i go off track.

    I tried deletion of the docs folder but that did not fix my problem.

    I've found this happens in Test day and TT at the very start.
  20. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Administrator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Can't reproduce (yet). What livetrack preset were you using?

    Btw. your video shows Goiania Short. I tried it on both tracks with same settings, seen at the top in your video with Cat Supersport.

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