Hi All, I'm sure this has been asked before, even by me when it happened before and then just mysteriously worked, but after a fresh install of Win11 an AMS 2 and all the respective drivers etc, its doing it again. Even though the wheel all works fine in the Fanatec driver app and windows and even in ACC2, AMS2 just wont let me assign the steering or calibrate it. I kinda wish I hadn't sold my old Logitech wheel as that worked plug and play, but for some reason, all this expensive kit fails. When I assign controls, it seems to put the steering on -X and when I assign throttle, it takes -X and so conflicts? Ive tried umpteen settings and deleting config files and restarting the game to no effect. I find AMS is the game I like playing the best as ACC performance seems crap in any setting, so Id really like to resolve this in AMS2 Any ideas?
I also have a Fanatec CSL DD and have no problems with it. I also use the CSW V2.5 profile in the AMS2 steering wheel settings and it works. I had also deleted the whole document folder from AMS2 and then set everything again and I also installed the latest drivers from Fanatec. In the beta, the CSL DD Wheel is already supported, so it should be at the latest with the next update in the normal AMS2 version.
Although with this setup Fanalab no longer recognises the kit! I wonder how I got it to work in PC mode before? Its all a bit rubbish? Is it a Fanatec issue or a AMS2 issue? Im guessing the latter as ACC works fine
Ooo, thank you guys I have to admit, those FFB settings in the vids above have transformed the game for me So much detail just where its needed