FSR for OpenVR

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by NuScorpii, Jul 9, 2021.

  1. BazzaLB

    BazzaLB Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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  2. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    I don’t have the spotter mod - will try the retrolux method out of curiosity
  3. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    This works for me, thanks! Now to get testing....
    • Like Like x 1
  4. John Caetano

    John Caetano Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    So updated the problem ticket again in github. Mod is loading and working (now using AIS Loader), but it seems the settings aren't being applied? For example, if you guys change the radius or fixedFoveated setttings i the YMAL file, are you seeing changes in your HMD? I tried a bunch of different changes with extreme differences and i dont see any difference in the HMD.... Also when I revert back to the old mod version (openVR DLL) my image seems sharper... Also hotkeys are broken...
  5. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    *** UPDATE *** - embarrasingly, the dev has confirmed there's no upscaling going on, so I'm just seeing a placebo! Doh!

    Hey John, just read your reply - thanks for helping out!

    A few observations from my testing earlier.

    - I do believe it is upscaling (but my eyes could be deceiving me as I run at 0.8, so 80% qualtiy) with steam SS at 100% (Reverb G2)
    - Life you, hotkeys don't work for me.
    - Debug mode when set to true does not show the circle in the HMD where the full quality upscaling is applied. His previous FSR did do this hence me knowing that 0.3 is fine on the G2, which has a poor sweet spot. .
    - I was able to notice the difference when changing the sharpening value in the config file. I used NIS (not FSR) and dialled it down from 0.7 to 0.2, which I assume is 20%, in line with a setting I use in a similar NIS upscaling mod for FS2020 - anything above this looks too artifacty! I also dialled back the DX11settings.xml sharpening from 1.8 to 1.2 too.
    - So my final settings for my G2 in the Vrperf.cfg are renderscale 0.8, sharpening 0.2, radius 0.3 and foveated rendering on.

    Attached is the log and my settings for ref. (I had to add the .txt extension to upload here)

    I'll also post this over as github too.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2022
    • Informative Informative x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Javier Pro

    Javier Pro New Member

    Mar 29, 2020
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    Works for me with SteamVR and Pimax 5k+, logs but hotkeys don't seem to work
  7. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Are you sure?

    This was the response from the dev on my log and comments around keys/debug note not working

    "I'm afraid the log is pretty clear - there's no upscale happening at all. The mod is never seeing a submit call from SteamVR and hence isn't doing any post-processing. That's also why you are not seeing the debug circle and why the hotkeys aren't working. Whatever difference you think you are seeing between different sharpening values is a placebo.

    I don't know why it isn't seeing the submit, but at the moment the mod isn't doing anything. At best, it might be reducing render resolution, I can't be sure of that.

    For reference, this line must be present in the log to indicate that the mod is actually working:

    21:53:19 [10172] Game is submitting D3D11 textures, creating necessary output resources..."

    Do you have that in your log file @Javier Pro ?
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  8. Javier Pro

    Javier Pro New Member

    Mar 29, 2020
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    Don´t have that line Rob, but there is a performance increase with the mod
    "it might be reducing render resolution"

    07:16:54 [16464] ======================
    07:16:54 [16464] VR Performance Toolkit
    07:16:54 [16464] ======================

    07:16:54 [16464] Current configuration:
    07:16:54 [16464] Upscaling (NIS) is enabled
    07:16:54 [16464] * Render scale: 0.77
    07:16:54 [16464] * Sharpness: 0.7
    07:16:54 [16464] * Radius: 0.6
    07:16:54 [16464] * MIP bias: enabled
    07:16:54 [16464] Debug mode is disabled
    07:16:54 [16464] Currently active hotkeys:
    07:16:54 [16464] * cycleUpscalingMethod 17 113
    07:16:54 [16464] * increaseUpscalingRadius 17 114
    07:16:54 [16464] * decreaseUpscalingRadius 17 115
    07:16:54 [16464] * increaseUpscalingSharpness 17 116
    07:16:54 [16464] * decreaseUpscalingSharpness 17 117
    07:16:54 [16464] * toggleDebugMode 17 112
    07:16:54 [16464] * toggleUpscalingApplyMipBias 17 118
    07:16:54 [16464] * toggleFixedFoveated 18 112
    07:16:54 [16464] * captureOutput 17 119
    07:16:54 [16464] Installing hook for LoadLibraryA from 00007FF9B204F500 to 00007FF940CCB2C0
    07:16:54 [16464] Installing hook for LoadLibraryExA from 00007FF9B204D680 to 00007FF940CCB310
    07:16:54 [16464] Installing hook for LoadLibraryW from 00007FF9B204E880 to 00007FF940CCB3F0
    07:16:54 [16464] Installing hook for LoadLibraryExW from 00007FF9B20493F0 to 00007FF940CCB380
    07:16:54 [16464] LibOVRRT64_1.dll is loaded in the process, installing hooks...
    07:16:54 [16464] Installing hook for ovr_Initialize from 00007FF94F4C8530 to 00007FF940CAF090
    07:16:54 [16464] Installing hook for ovr_GetFovTextureSize from 00007FF94F4C95F0 to 00007FF940CAEFA0
    07:16:54 [16464] Installing hook for ovr_EndFrame from 00007FF94F4C9980 to 00007FF940CAEE20
    07:16:54 [16464] Installing hook for ovr_SubmitFrame from 00007FF94F4C9A70 to 00007FF940CAF300
    07:16:54 [16464] Installing hook for ovr_SubmitFrame2 from 00007FF94F4C9BC0 to 00007FF940CAF180
    07:16:55 [16464] d3d11.dll is loaded in the process, installing hooks...
    07:16:55 [16464] Installing hook for D3D11CreateDevice from 00007FF9AA9E5440 to 00007FF940CACBA0
    07:16:55 [16464] Installing hook for D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain from 00007FF9AA9E55C0 to 00007FF940CAD020
    07:16:55 [16464] Oculus runtime initialization for version 3
    07:16:55 [16464] vrclient_x64.dll is loaded in the process, installing hooks...
    07:16:55 [16464] Installing hook for VRClientCoreFactory from 00007FF94D202AF0 to 00007FF940CB48B0
    07:16:55 [16464] OpenVR: requested interface IVRClientCore_002
    07:16:55 [16464] Installing virtual function hook for IVRClientCore::GetGenericInterface
    07:16:55 [16464] Installing virtual function hook for IVRClientCore::Cleanup
    07:16:55 [16464] OpenVR: requested interface IVRSystem_009
    07:16:55 [16464] Installing virtual function hook for IVRSystem::GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize
    07:16:55 [16464] OpenVR: requested interface IVRCompositor_009
    07:16:55 [16464] Installing virtual function hook for IVRCompositor::Submit
    07:16:55 [16464] OpenVR: requested interface IVROverlay_007
    07:16:55 [16464] IVRClientCore::Cleanup was called, deleting hooks...
    07:16:55 [16464] Removing hook to 00007FF94D19DFD0
    07:16:55 [16464] Removing hook to 00007FF94D19DEF0
    07:16:55 [16464] Removing hook to 00007FF94D1C17D0
    07:16:55 [16464] Removing hook to 00007FF94D1C7C50
    07:16:55 [16464] Loading DLL at "C:\\Windows\\system32\\dxgi.dll"
    07:51:31 [16464] Shutting down
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2022
  9. John Caetano

    John Caetano Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    @javier_pro Yea that's what we're all experiencing at this point. The mod loads but the settings we're customizing is not being applied. So in summary it's not really working as designed and you're better off using the original mod from this post or going back to vanilla
  10. jonathon

    jonathon Linuxer

    Dec 21, 2021
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    The new implementation with Oculus support is working nicely for me on AMS2 and ACC. Massively increased the available overhead, and with the Quest 2 lenses you can reduce the radius to around 0.5 without any additional loss of clarity.
    • Like Like x 3
  11. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Good to hear @jonathon

    perhaps it’s the steamVR/WMR pipeline that’s the issue then rather than AMS2.
  12. nabelo

    nabelo New Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Yes it is...like i say in my prevoius postings...It works fine with the Oculus SDK...It's only the STEAM/OpenVR API which wont work propperly
  13. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    You think Holger has any appetite/time to help?
  14. John Caetano

    John Caetano Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Based on lack of replies and him stating he does not own the titles, its unlikely but i'm still hopeful. I think he tried what he could for now without digging into it more.

    I wish i knew more but I'm really interested what the change was on this original mod/DLL file as it could be a related fix for the new mod. I tried looking into apps to break down the DLL files but i was unsuccessful sadly
  15. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    I guess the guy that modded the mod 1st time around was @NuScorpii - not sure if he can be the saviour again? *crosses fingers, toes and everything else*....
  16. Adam-80UK

    Adam-80UK Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 4, 2020
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    I just want to clarify please, right now there isn't a version of fholger mod that works in AMS2 running on SteamVR? Thanks, and posted this in the general VR thread before remembering this one, sorry not spamming lol.
  17. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    The one in the first post was the original FSR mod of fholger that @NuScorpii changed to work with AMS2 - the link is still there I believe and yep, this does work with steamVR.

    Personally with the G2 and running it at 0.8 upscaling and 0.3 radius I didn’t see much benefit over reducing steam ss% to 80% (in fact the latter was sharper) so don’t use it now.

    The new mod has nvidia NIS as an upscaling option (in addition to AMD FSR) which I find better in other games (MSFS2020 using the NISUpscaler mod) - sharper with far less artefacts and seems to remove some frame stutters. It also has foveated rendering which I don’t know for sure, but looks to be a more advanced version of radius-driven upscaling methods that allows for more bang for buck (fps)
    • Useful Useful x 1
  18. Adam-80UK

    Adam-80UK Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 4, 2020
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    How are you using the new one with MSFS as that's on OpenXR?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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  20. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    AMS2 / PCARS2 uses an ancient version of OpenVR from just before a change in the API that broke backwards compatibility. That's why adding support originally required a separate version of the mod and wasn't merged into the main code.

    I don't have the time to work on this currently but someone did contact me today about the code I wrote so they might be able to produce something that works for the new mod...
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