Automobilista 2 -Time to Beat The Best! Can We Set The F309 World Record at Guapore?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Ralonso, Jan 16, 2022.

  1. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I just checked my favorite track/car combi out.:p
    And eventhough my top position have been destroyed then the 2 guys who executed this cruel thing - did it without just copy pasting of my setup.;)
    They have created 2 somewhat rather sophisticated setups.
    Respect guys :/ThumbsUP :cool:
    Not the usual moaning copy/pasting mob :rolleyes:

    Last edited: Feb 3, 2022
  2. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Congrats for the fast time because it proves... ... . . . absolutely nothing about how people should deal with sim racing.
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  3. DavitW

    DavitW New Member

    Jun 19, 2021
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    I agree with you. Bunch of poor sports in here needlessly upset others can drive faster than them in a video game.
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  4. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    If you check my postings then I have tried to not get too personal.
    But instead I have mostly been talking about peoples group attitude.
    While now you suddenly are becomming pretty personal and insulting.:rolleyes:
    Which often happens when people have no arguments.
    Or are unable to use arguments.

    But the funny thing here is that you have no clue of what you are talking about conserning my laptimes.
    Check the 2 pics.
    Im #2 in one of the mid speed cars in an extremely fast time compared to overall laptimes.
    Here I used my own setup and succeded to not get it saved ;)
    My laptime in the Mercedes thing is with half speed just cruising ;)
    because in that car Im only experimenting with how its possible to not get the setup shared/saved.
    Because I was not sure about the save thing I used a slightly tweaked default setup instead of my very speziale fast one :p
    So much for your cleverness and your insulting things about my racecraft.
    Very adult.

    ByTheWay: Its not so easy to not get the setup saved - but Im working on it.
    While Im just cruising around.;)
    And I know exactly how high I can get when I stop experimenting :cool:

    cruising time experimenting.png fast time no save.png
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  5. Erzurum

    Erzurum Salvador Street Circuit Fan

    Jan 6, 2022
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    I think you are wasting energy with these people you know.
    Once it goes to insult, especially personnal one, you've already won because as you said, it show lack of character and respect, values that are way harder to learn than going fast.

    Though I have a question because you seem experienced with setups and time trial. In your honest opinion, how much would the setup affect performance ?

    It seems to me it's car or even track dependant. I tried a little bit to improve at Guapore and have yet to find something that feels good, yet on some other tracks or car I can get my bearing quicker. :confused:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Hey guys just to intertain a bit how lacking my racecraft is I made a little further show off :D
    Still with the "default" setup in the Mercedes thing I tried to keep my laptime to about similiar with Saxohare in the same car.
    I did choose Saxo because I consider him as a rather good driver - hehe and he is furthermore not "stealing" my setups.;)
    If you launch us 2 Mercedes ghosts up in the Road America LB you will probably get some kind of a surprise.
    The first half of the lap Im just cruising as I call it - but about halfway everybody able to see can see that now BrunoB goes all in.
    Haha untill ½m before the finishing line.:rolleyes:

    ByTheWay: Conserning my socalled missing racecraft - Im working on it :)

    Same laptime Saxo vs Bruno.png
  7. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Aways depends. With the Formula Reiza at Brands Hatch with a plentiful of updates ago, I cut almost 10s of my lap because of a very good setup. Can say that because the default setup were kinda unstable and slow at corners. But, in another occasion, I spent almost an hour trying to improve a car to only gain a few tents of a second. In both cases, my driving skills were as far as I could go.

    The tendency is that Reiza give good default settings to all cars over the incoming updates (they are already doing it). But there is also a tendency that AMS2 player base becomes bigger and stronger, what means that the LBs could get more competitive. Now it's kinda easy to set some world records (I got few, plus the track/car combos that I am around top 10, 5 or even 3). You can see the times posted in this topic, usually are very sparce, with more than seconds between drivers on top positions. On a really competitive LB, times will be very close... by those tents of second that I spent about an hour to gain with a setup. That said: Maybe a setup don't make you too fast... but can make you fast enough and be the difference.

    EDIT: Some car/track combos may DEMAND that you make changes in your setup. Some cars aren't default set to race fast/slow tracks or to do very narrow hairpins or wherever. And there is aways the weather relative sets, like tire pressure/compound, radiator opening an etc. Even a gear ratio must be changed from track to track. Personally, I can use some setups in different tracks, but there is a limit to it if you want to go faster... and, sometimes, it's not even a luxury but the fun itself. For example, If you get a F1 or GT car and use a set made for Monaco at Monza, you will be very bored to reach max RPM with the last gear in the middle of a long straight... or even sooner. And not even talk about hardware differences. I use a Driving Force GT to race against people with direct drive. I just can't drive some cars without a simple braking sensitivity adjustment. @BrunoB use a steering wheel with adapted pedals (to use these with his hands) and aways need to change it.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
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  8. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Good description Jugu :)
    Now this is not some moaning about my leg injuries :rolleyes: - but in my 5+ years membership of iRacing the devs offered me a special (only pour moi) service because of those legs.
    The mandatory delay included if you enabled autoclutch/auto blip would be set off on my case.
    But I said no because personally I would feel "cheating" when I mainly in iRacings TT competition tried to get near (of even topping :whistle:) some of the LP lists.

    But this (rather positive) experience raised my interrest and skill in setting virtual cars up.
    But I will also admit that my attitude against people who both moan because they "are sooo unable" to set a virtual car up and at the same time dont consider it a racing car drivers duty - is anything else than positive. :rolleyes:
    And when these people upon this rather blaze attitude also feel its their holy right to "steal" my personal setup creations I loose all respect.

    ByTheWay: Lately I have experienced some drivers who completely using default setups can top some of the TT LBs. Talking as example about Imola historic ;).
    And I admit that these drivers I does respect (in second potence :D) Good driving guys!
  9. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    But to spoil the "stealing" of my custom setups I have only used a slightly tweaked default one.
    Free to "steal" for the "I only want to drive the car" :p:p:p

    ByTheWay: I wonder what the laptime would have been with my spezial custom setup instead?:whistle:

  10. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Oh man such a cruel animal has just destroyed my #1 above with some tiiiny fragm of a sec.
    And the animal is using defaults :eek:
    But then BrunoB just changed car and guess what? :D

    Pinguin.jpg 138882.jpg
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
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  11. Bull Shark

    Bull Shark "Later has already begun." AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    That is really quick. :eek:
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  12. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Thank you my good man :)
    But as can be seen in this thread I have tried with a toungue in the cheech :D to joke about how fast I really could be if I was allowed to use my own very speziales setups.
    "Allowed" to be understand as without the idiotic possibility that some from the uncreative moaning mob can just "steal" it and then even worse :eek: use it to also "steal" my #1 position on some of the LBs.:p

    But I hope that I also have shown that beside my disrespect for "the stealers" I really have respect both for drivers able to create their own setups :/ThumbsUp
    - and for the skilled stubborn group able to challenge top positions using plain default setups.:eek:

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  13. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Oh man I have just had some extremely good fun loading up Saxo and Kukus ghosts while trying to position myself on the fast Reynard 2Ki Ford LB.
    And it feels rather "live" when I pass them and they recover few secs later.
    Hehe we are absolutely not in the top - and I cant seem to beat these 2 guys.
    Hehe at the moment :p
    But Im working on it guys!
    While I tell myself how fast I would be if I was "allowed" to use my own speziales setups:D

    Later: This guy Saxo is pretty hard to beat. But still working on it. But also close to give up.
    Oh man If I only could use my speziale ... ;)
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2022
  14. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    OK just for fun but also to prove that eventhough Im joking a bit here then I AM actually faster if I use my very spezial secret setup instead of the slightly tweaked default..
    So eventhough I dont want it mandatory published I loaded it up up to set a reasonable fast laptime - seen in the pic.
    This would have raised my position from 9 > 5 on the LB :cool:
    But no ;)
    So I tabbed out before the setup and ghost was saved to the stealers. :p

    Speziales #5 137704.jpg
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2022
  15. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    Look at me pretending to be good at AMS2 and setting a WR with the F3 at Nurburgring GP... I'm sure some of you guys will beat my time but at least for a while I can enjoy the attached screenshot.

    PS: feel free to copy my AMS1-based controller-biased car setup. :)

    Attached Files:

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  16. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Since my days in the US based FSB Racing League (NR2003 mods) I have realised that there is almost allways someone (or maybe two :p) who are faster than you.
    Its hard to accept in the beginning :confused:
    But after some time it just become one of the minor things in life:D
  17. Erzurum

    Erzurum Salvador Street Circuit Fan

    Jan 6, 2022
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    Maybe it would be smart to actually have a Time Trial general discussion topic, to exchange our success, failures and experiences about time trial.

    I actually play most of my time in TT on AMS 2, so a general thread would possibly be great just to chat about it.
    And, I see a good chunk of people on the forum are on the leaderboards so it seems kind of logical to me. :D

    What do you think about it ? :whistle:
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  18. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    Does a WR count if there's only 4 people in the LB? :D
    I can drive the F-USA cars but they feel a little too slippery for my taste.

    Attached Files:

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  19. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    It does count just as much or just as little if there are just 1(one) guy/girl on the LB.:p

    ByTheWay: WR is just a word - or rather a contraction of something that in RL often means something :whistle:
  20. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    It's not your fault that yellow bellies yellow bellied and just a small bunch of brave gentleman shown up:D
    • Funny Funny x 1

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