Please make the mirrors adjustable for everyone. The side mirrors are typically useless, especially once you move your seat position from default. It's a problem for all of us, whether we use a single monitor, triples, etcetera. It's disappointing reiza only provided this option for users of vr headsets. Which is a minority of the user base. Most of us just have a monitor and we would like to use our mirrors too. Thank you.
2D screens players matter. Yes please we need to be able to adjust the angle for us triple screen users, some mirrors are quite a way off.
This is what concerns me most. I've been saving my money to invest in triple monitors and I'm really going to want to use the mirrors once I do
Probably because it's different parts of the code. My speculation: Perhaps VR mirror adjustment was the low-hanging fruit that Reiza could fix quickly, while they still are looking into how to enable this for desktop monitors as well.
Oh mate they do work just be better if we could along them perfectly to our taste, most cars adjust with the seat movement but a few still not perfect. If we had full control it would be better. You are going to live triples, it may take a bit to get lined up right, spend the time first time and you'll be set. Will from Boosted Media just redid his setup, its worth a look to hear his first time mistakes that he rectified now in his latest build.
This is why we need adjustment also, i've moved the seat back too far, more than i normally would and even though i can see the mirrors they are useless!
Is it possible to load the game in vr mode, adjust the mirrors and then load the game in pancake mode and the mirror position stick?
The view will be aligned definitely different in VR then in pancake mode, so no change it will work properly and not everybody has a VR set .
You can still see the image on the monitor whilst in vr. It was just a thought, trying to help n all that