Official General AI Comments & Discussion Topic

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. Ivan Jurković

    Ivan Jurković Member

    Dec 17, 2020
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    Great, thank you! But at the end I am expecting Reiza to fix this and give us playable AI straight out of box.

    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. James Lee GTE

    James Lee GTE Active Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    General AI in multi class which basically ruins the experience.
    Faster cars get stuck behind lower spec cars and can’t seem to figure out how to pass them.
    I’ve had this with a P1 getting passed P4’s. DPI getting passed GT4’s GT3 and GTE.
    I was racing P1 and I’m catching the leader and they come up against a P4 at modern Silverstone and they get stuck behind them almost falling into formation behind them when it would be far easier to pass them and then gives me the easy over take and lapping of the P4. I watch them in my rear view mirror, as I get easily passed a P4 in my P1 the AI P1 prefers to queue behind the P4.
    Same things happen with DPI GTE GT3.
    The lead AI car will be half a second behind me at Daytona, getting onto the banking, but as soon as it comes across lower spec cars on the banking instead of pulling out to the centre it will sit behind a GTE and by the time we hit the bus stop I’m now two seconds in front.
    Really wrecks the experience of multi class racing.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  3. Gordon_Jacobson

    Gordon_Jacobson Member

    May 26, 2020
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    Just an Ai report.....

    They don't obey or acknowledge Blue Flags...
    On 70% Ai they are very aggressive, ramming, not allowing for other cars on racing line...

    Just a report not complaining...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Ivan Jurković

    Ivan Jurković Member

    Dec 17, 2020
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    First they need to solve singleclass AI behaviour. For me main problems are AI skill spread in race (cannot see difference between overtaking first and last car) and AI weak spots on every track which are very pronaunced; now I have been driving Dpi on Monza and AI was matched to my skill but they where so slow during Lesmo 1 and 2 that racing with AI does not make sense. Currently I am very disapointed with AI in this game....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Silvano

    Silvano Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 15, 2016
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    The same old problem...i have been discussing AI with @Renato Simioni a few years ago when AMS came out, i was saying that there would be no good AI on each tracks because of the speed on corners and straigth, i argumented that there should be a AIW Editor to change the AI speed in a simple way, once this is done, you will not have to do that track again, the only thing would be to change the strength of AI.
    For many years the diff on cornering speed between AI and player are constantly a source of problem
    But i got a answer that shows that Reiza dont care about doing such a application that would eliminate all AI issues as far as cornering speed and long straight.
    So my argument went to the garbage can.
    I take every opportunity to emphasis this as in my point of view is THE way to cure this allways recuring issue.
    Of course the other issues would have to be fixed too, like overtaking and such.

    Thanks for reading
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. tuari

    tuari New Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    Version: V.
    Car: Formula Vintage Gen. 2
    Track: Oulton Park Classic
    AI Strength: 100%
    AI Aggression: 50%
    Corner (if issue is corner specific): first left-hander (Cascades)
    Session Distance: 10 laps
    Weather when the issue was observed: dry
    Player Tyre: dry
    Type of session when the issue was observed (practice / quali / race): race

    AI is quite slow through Cascades, esp. at corner exit
  7. tuari

    tuari New Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    Version: V.
    Car: Formula Retro Gen. 3
    Track: Spielberg 1977
    AI Strength: 100% (also tried 115%, same here)
    AI Aggression: 50%
    Corner (if issue is corner specific): Dr. Tirok Corner
    Session Distance: 10 laps
    Weather when the issue was observed: dry
    Player Tyre: dry
    Type of session when the issue was observed (practice / quali / race): race

    AI suddenly stops to accelerate out of the corner for a moment (experienced the same with Formula Retro Gen. 1). I feel like they're also a bit slow through the first Texaco, but not as severe.
    I would also love to have the Gen. 3 AI's starting behaviour improved a bit. (Edit: Ah I think it's just that the turbos start worse than the others)
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2022
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Could anything be done about the logic AI leaves pits in qualifying?

    When session starts, all the AI immediately go out. As the cars have problems with overtaking even with custom AI on many tracks, they start forming trains and faster drivers have poor laptimes because of crawling behind a slow one. Then they tend to end their first stint together, come back to pits and the procedure starts all over again.
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  9. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    After update to V, this horrible behaviour of the AI is still there: Going side by side for ages without overtaking, just blocking the whole track. And when player is beside them, they do crazy lateral moves and ram.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2022
  10. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Well the changelog does show that there was not much done to the AI in this update.
  11. stlutz

    stlutz Active Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    Version: V.
    Car: Formula USA Gen 2
    Track: Adelaide 1988
    AI Strength/Aggression: 88/50 (with custom AI)
    Session Distance: 28 laps
    Weather when the issue was observed: dry/cloudy
    Player Tyre: soft
    Type of session when the issue was observed (practice / quali / race): race

    In the first half of the lap through all of the slower-speed corners, AI are too fast (their tires are always at 75 degrees?) and too aggressive (there aren't any passing zones here!), and then they are slow and passive in the second part. Although the second part is probably due to my low AI setting resulting from the first part of the lap.
  12. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    In my oppinion, there is a general bug within AI's behaviour when it comes to overtaking.
    I observed many races/qualfyings (behaviour is the same in both sessions as the AI does not care about blue flag rules) with and without custom AI in different classes.

    In general, the faster car comes out of the slipstream, is already going side by side on the inside before corner, but does not take the last step, which would mean to brake a bit later and cut the slower car off. Instead of that, they suddenly want to go on the racing line again, although the opponent is driving there, which means that they just ram the other car without overtaking.
    The AI rather takes their chance on the outside after certain straights/fast corners, if their abilities in the AI file are much higher than the ones of the opponent, but on many tracks, they do not manage that, too.

    This leads to forming those trains, where the faster drivers are crawling behind the slow ones, just as if every track was Azure Circuit.

    If the devs could finally solve that issue and give the AI the ability to brake a bit later and cut a slower car off on the inside before corners, the AI in this game would be great.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2022
    • Agree Agree x 4
  13. Bull Shark

    Bull Shark "Later has already begun." AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    For me the AI breaks way to early. That is a pity.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Formula Classic Gen 1 (the Turbos):

    Whilst the player has much work to do in order to control this monster at race starts (with driving aids=off), the AI drivers start like on rails, no wheel spin, just as if they had Stability Control, TC, Launch Control and turbo at 100%, willing to ram player off track when he is in their way.
    I know that AI has simplified physics, but their starts in this class are too perfect. Maybe the devs could do something about that?

    Edit: I could change that behaviour a bit by lowering the values for start reactions within the Custom AI file, but they still start like rockets.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2022
  15. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Formula Classic Gen 1:

    AI can accelerate out of slow corners just as if traction problems in a turbo charged car with 1300 hp would not exist.
    They can also go full blast on a completely wet track through corners like Eau Rouge/Raidillon.

    Edit: Please reduce grip for AI when coming out of slow corners and at start.;)
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
  16. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Instead of doing overtakes, AI loves to ram car in front 50 times per lap, which can have results like below...:whistle:

    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    Is that a flying lap or a diving bomb?
    • Funny Funny x 3
  18. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Instead of overtaking, one AI was going over the rear tyres of car in front.
    As they usually drive much to close to each others without feeling for the right distance and doing lateral moves for no reason all the time, they touch tyres of opponent instead of passing him. And sometimes they test their ability to fly that way.:)
    • Informative Informative x 1
  19. Bull Shark

    Bull Shark "Later has already begun." AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    The fun thing is, it looks like we all forgot how difficult it must be to program an AI so it behaves like a human. I think we have to wait until the quantum computers are mainstream. Then there will be hopefully enough power to calculate the zillion possibilities to mimic a human.
    The AI of AMS2 is not that bad, could be better but hey, we all could do better. Another problem is that we probably act different when racing against AI then we act when we race against humans. You feel less sorry or even not at all sorry when you dive Bomb an AI. When you race against humans, you pay more attention and will keep your distance. Whether consciously or unconsciously. At least I hope you will.
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  20. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    I don't see any issue there, what is the problem? :D
    • Funny Funny x 1

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