Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    It is not a fancy name but it is precisely the use of the strech to influence the grip and other voices ... the game or its physics processes its Strech value for each wheel FL, FR, RL and RR ... in the top of Karsten's file we have how this code is after utilized or managed...

    (FL_stretch (power FL_stretch (power (abs FL_stretch) -0.025)))
    (FR_stretch (power FR_stretch (power (abs FR_stretch) -0.025)))
    (RL_stretch (power RL_stretch (power (abs RL_stretch) -0.05)))
    (RR_stretch (power RR_stretch (power (abs RR_stretch) -0.05)))

    The strech above indicated in 1° Block (with different front/rear power coefficient) is oblivious linked to the fuction tyre_strech (2° Block where are all the component for the karsten strech tyres) ... where are even the grip function, but even here i remenber that in original code, in the front the grip_fl/fr is absent...

    (tyre_fl_stretch (* front_tyre_stretch_feel grip_fl FL_stretch angle_d_l wheel_diam_FL 0.5))
    (tyre_fr_stretch (* front_tyre_stretch_feel grip_fr FR_stretch angle_d_r wheel_diam_FR 0.5))
    (tyre_rl_stretch (* rear_tyre_stretch_feel grip_rl RL_stretch angle_d_l wheel_diam_RL 0.5))
    (tyre_rr_stretch (* rear_tyre_stretch_feel grip_rr RR_stretch angle_d_r wheel_diam_RR 0.5))

    I solved the intrusiveness and the management of the grip on both fronts (front and rear) by first leveling the strech equally on the first block of code (increasing or reducing strech), and then I can define how much this modification impacts on the grip and others inserted in all the lines of the second block of code (the items multiply each other and therefore affect each other) ... so now by increasing or reducing the strech I also affect the grip and all the other items within the second block ... this has brought not only the possibility of management but also the homogeneity of the values obtaining less oscillations because there is no difference between the wheels and fronts.

    The values to choose in 1° Block are as many as 0.025, 0.050, 0.075 or 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 ... and so on ... and each one has a different and homogeneous result allowing the values coming from physics to do the rest ... or at least I hope so! :D

    I created and inserted a new variable to manage it "strech_tyres_power_feel" ;)
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2022
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  2. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    @Stakanov This latest file is extremely heavy for me in cornering. Loads up a lot. I have change a lot of the normal lines to counteract it but is still heavy. If I lower GAIN, it is just too light around the centre. I will try increasing power steering value to see if that helps.
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  3. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Yes @Michael Enright is only to be adjusted using the alternative values according to your tastes and wheel or try using or insert the values of your favorite file ;)

    btw the main items for modify this heavy in corner are: power_steering, power_steering_angular, velocity_res_scale velocity_rot_scale, velocity_rot_limit_coef ...

    and for general load we have even this items: tyre_resistence, limit_high_df, exaggerate_load_feel, static_force_reduction and the two variables exp_static_force_reduction ...

    i insert this note in the post of the file ;-)
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2022
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  4. jtortosen

    jtortosen Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 14, 2022
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    @Stakanov amazing job, I have a TMX and It's the first time i feel the same feel of rfactor2 in ams2. Very punch and dry feedback, without been too heavy, squishy or rubbery.

    I'm using your previous file (rfactor 5.0.x.x), with values 72-85/20/60/15. And all cars at 100% gain (I prefer modify the global gain, it's better or worst than modify the % gain per car?).

    I'm going to try your new file and read about which values in the file I have to change to fine tune. Amazing job all of you, dudes.
    One question Stakanov, I read that you modify the file using reference from users using DD, but this file is made for low end tier wheels like g29/tmx, no? Conceptually which properties are you changing from the base file and why? Just short and simple explanation, i don´t have knowledge about simracing physics.
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  5. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    The DD users feel and express sensations things that the low end does not feel ... if the low end does not feel it I do not see why it should not implement it, so much I do not feel it :D ... then I add the tuning of the values that we both feel and share ;) ... in the end there are only those few irreconcilable values between a DD and a Low/Med range, but it is only the intensity that is different ... obviously using a cheap Logitech G920 I chose the values for the Low/Med range but I indicated in the file what to change for DD and High (only 5 voices would seem particularly different).

    About the file ... Karsten's original takes data from physics, when it serves all 4 wheels, but when it does not only serve 2, it implements some differences between the front and rear axles or between the front wheels and the posterior ones and simulates some posterior voices by taking the data from the previous ones ... finished everything develops its code by merging the results in the momentum rack and in the output ...

    I have only extended the data collection always from all 4 wheels and not just from two, I have standardized the physics of the front and rear wheels only where this was different (grip and strech), and therefore not I simulate the rear with the data of the front but I take it directly from the rear because now calculated ... the rest does not change and everything goes into the rack and finally into the outpout.
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  6. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    @Michael Enright , @Roland Baltes and all with the problem of heavy wheel during curves ... i carried out some tests to reduce the lateral forces of the steering wheel when cornering at high speeds ... I found that, among others and after "velocity_res_scale", the item that most reduces the effect and the lateral force is the following with this increase ....

    (vel_rot_limit_coef 1.40) ----> Original is 1.00

    and with this above you should already feel the lightening clearly ;) .... indeed you may need to fill your forces a little and only in this case let this item rise a little to rebalance (optional no mandatory)
    (vel_rot_scale 1.20) ----> Original is 1.00

    Only for correctness should be specified that this is a setting that is used in a more extreme way by @Danielkart with values of 1.50 for the first item and 1.25 for the second ... but I find it applicable to the low/med range without problems in size 1.4 and 1.2!!! ;)

    Let me know if it helps you, if you apply them both or only one and with what value ???
    You can test this on any file not just mine, the rule is the same :) ... because, if I'm right, maybe we can also standardize this weight and speed characteristic between both DD/High and Med/Low wheels ... :whistle:

    Thanks in advance and good night to all!!
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  7. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hello, everyone!
    Unfortunately I haven't been able to test Stakanov's new custom yet because I'm on vacation until tomorrow. Yes you can increase the (vel_rot_limit_coef ) and (vel_rot_scale) values. With (velocity_res_scale I would not go below 0.3, you lose a lot of information as a result. Tomorrow I will try to eliminate this hard and heavy without losing this fantastic feeling. Good evening
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  8. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Thanks Stakanov. I will give it a try a bit later.
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  9. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    After initial tests with Stakanov's file, I can confirm the hardness and heaviness of the steering. But I already have a solution for dd wheels. It will be a combination with some changed values. If I can, I'll post these changes to you today. The commuting is still too extreme at dd, but that shouldn't be a problem either. And the 3 point is the very big bouncing of the cars, also on the curbs. But everything is easy to improve, I hope I can post you a suggestion for dd wheels today. Then Stakanov can customize it in his custom :)
    Many greetings
  10. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Sure you can Daniel .... for now the curbs I have already reduced a little and also the two parameters for cornering hardness ... i still WIP for yours and Michael suggestions ...

    (kerbs_surface_scale 7.8) -----> Original 7.5
    (kerb_bump_scale 3.4) -----> Original 3.0

    (vel_rot_scale 1.20)
    -----> Original 1.0
    (vel_rot_limit_coef 1.40) -----> Original 1.0
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2022
  11. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Try these values and give stakanov feedback please. This is for dd wheels
    (power_steering 0.35)
    (power_steering_angular 1.5)
    (tyre_resistance 2_lo_df 1.3 )
    (tyre_resistance2_hi_df 1.2 )
    (vel_rot_scale 1.2) this increased value is also good for the middle
    (vel_rot_limit_coef 1.4)

    These settings give about the power of my custom file without becoming extremely hard and heavy. I will also post the jumping of the cars and the commuting for dd wheels
  12. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Ok i go to test ... but you mean in my file so you increase the power steering to 0.30 - 0.35 .... and the angular from 1.66*power_steering to 1.50*power_steering ... right???

    (power_steering 0.35)

    (power_steering_angular 1.5)
    (tyre_resistance 2_lo_df 1.3 )
    (tyre_resistance2_hi_df 1.2 )
    (vel_rot_scale 1.2)‎
    (vel_rot_limit_coef 1.4)
  13. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    I still have small suggestions or insights for the game settings Gain, LFB, FX, Dampening.
    Each simulation has an ideal gain value, try to keep to this, with ams2 this value is about 60-65%. You can do a simple test. Go on the track with a gain of 95% in the game, lfb 0, FX 0, damping 0 and on the base with a gain of 5%. Now see what happens to the ffb graph, it will take effect and you have the full ffb variety. Now do the same with gain in the game 5%, lfb 0, FX 0, damping 0 and at the base 95% gain. Almost nothing will happen with the ffb graph, you have almost zero ffb. That's why it's very important to choose the right gain in the game, if it's too little, you lose ffb feedback. If there is too much, it goes into clipping. That's why I always adjust the gain on the base depending on the wheel, not via the vehicle-specific gain, otherwise I'm out of the ideal gain in the game again.
    LFB anything over 0 will cause sway on dd , sway is bad for vehicle control , even worse with shifter. For non-dd bases, lfb might be useful. FX I think the ideal value at dd is between 30 to 40%. Dampening, I always try with 0% additional dampening, because I don't want to suppress the ffb too much. Maybe that helps a little for dd users;)
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  14. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Yes Stakanov
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  15. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Thanks Daniel, this is useful and makes sense in my experience.

    with my DD1 base at 100% and in-game at 40% it doesn’t feel as detailed as 80% on base and 60% in game… your explanation tallies.

    I tend to run 10 LFB (maybe because I’m the 100/40 situation the LFB brings some derail back) but will try with 80 wheel, 60 gain and 0 LFB.

    I also run 0 dampening.
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  16. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    zum Vergleich für die DD-Benutzer. Ich werde versuchen, das Schwingen des Rades nach Stakanovs Sitte zu eliminieren. . Dann das Hüpfen des Autos. Dann das Hüpfen des Autos. Bitte sagen Sie uns, was Sie fühlen, damit wir unsere Bräuche perfektionieren können. Besonders DD-Benutzer, weil ich glaube, dass Stakanovs Custom perfekt für Nicht-DD-Basen ist:)
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2022
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  17. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    against the swinging of the wheel .
    (master_rack 0.72 )
    (power_steering 0.4 )
    (dt(/267)) the latency is not noticeable but it is useful against swinging
    (centering 0.52)
    (over_steer_scale and under_steer_scale) set the same values, this makes steering much smoother and more homogeneous
    (center_full (blend(min 1.00(*lfb slider 10.0))) 0.45 0.4.
    Stakanov, it's already much better for my dd1. I'm curious what other users give for feedback on dd bases;)
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  18. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I'm at office now ... one hour and i can try at home ;)
  19. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Stakanov at (stretch_tyres_power_feel ) you have an error. _tyres_power_feel) you have an error.You wrote strech like that. I would set the value to 0.5. And (steer_spring_strength 0.65) for dd)
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  20. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Here is my suggestion for road settings for dd
    Nice evening

    # Road features settings
    # Item # Value # DD or alt. value # Description, detail or suggested values

    (texture_scale 0.60) 0.60 #How much you feel the texture (consistency or grain of surface).
    (micro_bumps_scale 0.40) 0.30 #How much you feel the micro_bumps effect.
    (micro_bumps_smooth 0.0) 0.008 #How much smooth the micro_bumps. Suggested values to try: 0.002-0.005-0.008
    (large_track_bump_scale 0.30) 0.05 #How much bumps on the track are felt.
    (large_offroad_bump_scale 0.05) 0.05 #How much bumps off the track are felt.
    (kerbs_surface_scale 14.40) 7.50 #How much you feel the kerbs_surface effect.
    (kerbs_surface_smooth 0.04) 0.03 #How much smooth the kerbs_surface. Suggested values to try: 0.03-0.04-0.05
    (kerb_bump_scale 0.40) 3.00 #How big the tall curb bumps are.
    (rear_micro_bumps_scale 0.30) #How much the rear_micro_bump is felt.
    (rear_micro_bumps_smooth 0.05) #How much the rear_micro_bump is smooth.
    (rear_kerbs_surface_scale 0.40)
    (suspension_scale 0.20) 0.35 #How much the suspension is felt.

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