Hi all, just wondering if there was a way to save a custom championship outside of the game so I could add and remove it at my leisure. Alternatively is there a way to make the game stop deleting my custom championships on game restart? Thanks
Hey! You can find your Custom Championship saves here: C:\Users\(USERNAME)\Documents\Automobilista 2\savegame\374689817\automobilista 2\singlechamps What do you mean by the game deleting Custom Champs at restart of the game? You mean, it literally removes them at each game restart?
So it will save the championship I'm actively in now, however, I cannot create a season and then pick it later.
The thing is you need to start the championship after creating it and then in free practice or whatever restart the game. If you just create it and leave, the work is lost.
That sucks, so once I finish the championship I cannot run it again with another car unless I rebuild it from the ground up? I'll just have to remember to start a championship with each car, and then manually save the files.