i want to delete anything that AMS 2 installs on my pc so i will install a fresh new AMS2 my FFB doesnt feel good anymore i play with csl elite ps4 version what folder to delete other than the steam unistall button ?
Don't unistall the game. Verify your cache Delete AMS 2 folder in my documents Make sure your wheelbase drivers are installed etc. Have fun!
the game feels like project cars 2 and i have already delete ams 2 folder from documents and using latest fanatec drivers sure there is no hidden files elsewhere ?
it is not so much informative as it use to be i tried custom files and default and default plus many defferent settings it just feels mediocre not much information no matter what i try on setings i play rf2 ac acc ams1 all of them feels good but not AMS 2 anymore
I had a similar issue as op after the transition from release candidate to main version, I tried all the usual tricks to reset things without uninstalling, but ultimately what fixed it was a reinstall. It’s not a big hassle if you are organised and let it download at a time that your doing other things, and make a back up of your docs folder, so you can put your graphics settings and user profile back into the new docs folder after doing a fresh install and game start. the cloud save helps keep all your skins etc. so you don’t have to go through and redo those.
Are you sure? Keeps steam a backup of these local folders? If I delete these local folders, does steam restore them? steamapps\common\Automobilista 2\UserData\CustomAIDrivers steamapps\common\Automobilista 2\Vehicles\Textures\CustomLiveries\Overrides
Mesfigas are you using the latest 440 Fanatec driver? I had a similar issue with my CSW 2.5 a couple of weeks ago after updating to 339, the FFB in most Sim’s had completely changed and I had lost a lot of ‘road feel’. I read some information provided by Ettore on Discord regarding this issue and having something to do with dampening being affected. Anyway after a lot of frustration and lack of FFB feeling I then updated the Fanatec driver to 440 and all FFB in all Sims now feels amazing to me, especially AMS2.
Even crazier things can happen. Back when v400 was new I upgraded my CSW2.5 to that. I got mega stutter that went worse and worse with time. I reinstalled them a couple times. I downgraded back to v328 and it was fine. Then much later I upgraded to whatever I have now (v410 maybe) and it was fine. One thing I've read is you want to completely uninstall Fanatec drivers before installing new ones. I don't know if that's just a myth and I can't prove it worked for me since I had much time in between attempts and went for a newer version.
i used 339 and had no problem in other games but i updated last night to 440 i havent tried 440 with latest ams 2 yet cause i reinstall game but i ll answer later today to see if things goes better
i always do a full clean install of Fanatec drivers and software even deleting fanatec folders after uninstall before install new