How does the performance rating work?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Flying_Hawkic, Apr 25, 2022.

  1. Flying_Hawkic

    Flying_Hawkic Member

    Apr 24, 2022
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    U1500 is higher than U100, so you can join. You won't be able to join U1600 for instance.

    There are actually not a lot of ranked lobbies and most of them have such a low requirement that basically anyone can join.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. jimortality

    jimortality Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    Ah great thanks for the reply, I thought the lower the better you had to be so that's good to know thanks
  3. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Hi Jim
    You can join a lobby with rating ON but
    Only up to your U1500 score.
    IE: U1550 would be to high and appear red cant join.
    .U1500, u1450 ,etc and any value less than but up to and including U1500 green and joinable.
    There are a lot of lobbies with 'u' rating and joining most will reveal drivers with higher ratings as well as lower. With your speed it would not take you long to increase your U to an F and higher, and also increase your score! by beating players with higher than 1500. (and less)
  4. jimortality

    jimortality Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    Yes thanks I'm going to be doing more racing so maybe join you at some point
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  5. FADOQ

    FADOQ Active Member

    May 30, 2022
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    Thanks for the information guys. I was looking for such informations as from Day to Day it doesn't make sens or at least isn't intuitive.

    As you I have expérienced some wierd behavior.
    I had recently this issue that happend from Time to Time where the cluctch seems broken and your Rev but not going forward at race start... I lost 40 point only because of that. Then you Win a clean race and your got 3-4 points. Very fustrating.

    Or you end Up in a Mario kart race and you get bumped all around and been penalized because they use you as a brake, and your rating goes drasticly down.

    So you loose 100 point in 1-2h because of Forza players and it take Days to retrieve your previous Level.

    I was not Aware about the multi classe scoring logic. I Will pay attention but seems not fair if true. Multiclass race are really fun with Nice players.

    A clear and transparent logic could help cleaner race I think. This should be exposed in the HUD real Time.
    Last edited: May 30, 2022

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