hey while i personally dont like forced default setup servers i can live with them, but i dont understand the non existant consistancy. forced setup doesnt allow u to change TC/ABS/Fuel Map in the ICM, which in GT3 can all be adjusted from the Wheel or atleast inside the car. ontop of that, u can still change the Brake Bias. why can u change some things but not all the dynamic things or non at all?
sry if i wasnt clear u can only change brake bias, things like TC/ABS/Fuel Map, are disabled in the ICM, if forced setup is on weirdly enough the keybinds for TC/ABS (off low high) are still functional, but as i remember these change different things compared to what the ICM lets u adjust i wonder if the ERS is changeable on forced setup
Theres a difference between adjusting the ‘assist’ tcs/abs/scs from high/low/off (which is really important for gamepad users), and adjusting the ‘simulated’ assists from 1-9 in cars like GT3.
the high/low/off stuff is how much it limits the slip, and the setup/ICM TC changes how early/late kicks in. i think they are equally important, allowing one of the other doesnt make sense to me, just like being able to adjust brake bias while not being able to use other buttons in the car doesnt make sense to me tbh for me this is kinda like getting a car at the track, yes i wont be able to change the setup, but i can still twist the knobs and press the buttons
are u sure it is? if u have the "cheat" off, ur TC/ABS wont work at all heres a thread i created covering this, couple posts after OP u see the answer, they go hand in hand btw i am driving with authentic assists, the cheat settings shouldnt even be available if they were like 'fake' TC Traction Control "Gameplay" settings
I have always left the "cheat" off as I felt it was for rookies to get started. Now I'm not so sure what it's for. Watching this thread for a definitive answer.