What is it and how does it change your view? google just mentions that some older sim racers will prefer Legacy but doesn't say why. There is a thread on here where people input their preferences but don't really say why. I need to know more cheers
"Legacy - Off" focusses on "straight horizon", so you always look ahead at same "attitude" even if going up and downhill you will be alligned with the cars nose pointing direction, but the car can move around you fully detached from your head at 100 head movement. "Legacy - On" focusses on the planets horizon, which also means the cockpit will tilt at up/downwards slopes. Disadvantage here is that at too steep slope it can happen, that the camera "locks" to the cockpit again. (This was the pCars2 cockpit cam)
Also legany off can disconnect your simrig and the monitor. Your rig is static, but the camera moves, so you basically driving 2 cars, sort off. With legacy on your simrig and cockpit stay in line, tho. but with some cars it can lead to a lot of bouncing which can create dizziness but your body will adapt.
I do not understand why they do not change the name legacy mode to lock horizon, it is confusing for new players and it is changing two words in the code
It's only Lock To Horizon with 100 head movement, while with 0 head movement it's Lock To Car, and with a value in between it's neither.
ok, but there has to be some way to explain that with less confusing titles than legacy mode xd, eg lock to car - yes or not and/or lock to horizon - yes or not and better description