RST Telemetry App by RacingSimTools

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Zeraxx, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. Bull Shark

    Bull Shark "Later has already begun." AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Yeah I have seen a lot of vids in the past but as said, I'm not into renting software. Happy to buy but not renting. :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. TronLi

    TronLi Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    I'm with you there. As soon as I heard they were moving to a subscription model I quickly made the purchase.

    However, you were asking about something that would recommend what to change. Maybe you haven't seen this thread in the General forum, it's a really cool project:
    Simulator Controller with AI-based virtual assistants (race engineer and race strategist)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Bull Shark

    Bull Shark "Later has already begun." AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Yeah I’ve tried that one as well but it is to much for me. Not easy to install and not easy to use. (For me), the speech is not my cup of tea as I;m used to crewchief. I think no app can beat this app
  4. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    I second this, I'd like to own something instead of renting. But I'm glad that I could buy it, RST is great although it's just working online. Sometimes, if RST server is not runnung, RST is not working. But that's not often and fixed very fast.
    The renting model is such annoying. In my company we use CAD program. You have a local installation but a server license. So if there is a server or network issue, you can't use CAD! Hey, we earn money with designing, it's not possible to say 'sorry customer, but CAD is not running because of an unknown issue, wait till tomorrow or later.....'.
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  5. Bull Shark

    Bull Shark "Later has already begun." AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Yeah very annoying indeed. I can live without of course, so no tears from me only a pity :D
  6. Peter Stefani

    Peter Stefani Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    When you first consider data logging, you might be faced with these questions:
    Where should you start?
    What should you look for?
    How (and even if) data applies to your level of driving?
    What to do with the numbers once you have them?
    How the numbers relate to your performance?
    How to apply this knowledge (given your track session is over!)
    Whether the numbers are accurate (and what it means if they are not?)
    How the systems work (so you’re prepared if something looks odd…)
    What “odd” would even look like…

    Then after some study of the principles, you should be able to start solving some of these questions:
    How late you can brake for each corner.
    The best gear to be in at all times.
    The best racing line to give you the fastest speeds.
    Precisely where you are gaining (or loosing) lap time
    Where your driving is least consistent.
    Your best lap time potential.
    Whether you are using all your racecars grip?
    How to prioritize your analysis so you are not overloaded driving the car?
    How to actually use your datalogger as more than an expensive lap timer …

    It's a lot to chew on, but it can start to show you where to improve. One of the most useful graphs is the speed trace which can show you your entry and exit speeds over laps driven.
  7. Zeraxx

    Zeraxx Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 2, 2019
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    RST Telemetry Version 4.2.2 is Out! Updates Includes:

    - Addition of the new Dataset Database. The new functionality allows anyone to upload data to the database, this new capability is available to every game RST supports. Videos on how to use the new database will be following in the next few days. Additionally, we will be reaching out to various eSport Simracers to try to populate the DB with "pro data".
    - Introduction of User Defined Colors, you can now modify the color scheme of all the traces in the settings window!
    - Minimap now shows driving line of all selected laps, so you can compare different lines from different datasets (in 4.2.3 we will introduce a track overlay so you can see the apex, etc)
    - Various Performance Optimizations

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  8. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Great, looks amazing, have to test it now.
    But a big thanks right now.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Zeraxx

    Zeraxx Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 2, 2019
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    Update 4.2.7 is out, update includes:

    - RST Coach, new widget that gives instantenous feedback while driving on track to help driver move their inputs towards a baseline lap. (Currently only live in ACC, but working on adding support for other games).

    -The introduction of our Partner "Pro" Data feature, you will now be able to download Data and Setups from official RST Data Partners. All other data remains available for users to download/upload. -Pro Data is annotated by the "Pro" badge in the dataset browser (which you can see below), we currently have 4 partners, if you would like to become a partner and can set competitive times and would like to take part in revenue sharing, please PM me, we have about 3 more slots open.

    - Introduction of the "Track Outline" (Image Below), You now have the ability to upload a track map outline to the Minimap. Which helps aid when comparing driving lines, you can load an outline in the Car Params under the "Track" tab, there is now the option to load a .rstTrack file which will put the outline on the Minimap, because it's part of car params, it will also save with the file so if you send the file or upload the file to the dataset, the outline will save with the file.

    - Track Map Generator, is now found under "File > Track Map Generator", this new feature will take the 2 laps you have selected in the lap tree and great an outline, the idea is you drive the track and hug the inside line, and then another lap hugging the outside line and then you select these two laps with the track map generator to create a track outline.

    -Made text from the "Authors Notes" copyable, some of our data creators have been uploading videos with datasets, to make it easier for users to find the video users can now highlight the text and then copy/paste it into a browser.


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  10. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Great to see this update, well done!
    Question, what is indicated by the bar, the relative position of the car from base lap?
    Green/red/white is time slip?
    Is there an opportunity to add throttle/brake pedal postion of base lap?
  11. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    It seems to me that it indicates how far/close you're from the ideal driveline
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Zeraxx

    Zeraxx Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 2, 2019
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    Hey I posted the details of this new feature on the discord, but not everyone is on the discord, so the information is below. Additionally, I will be creating a video that explains the new tool in detail and how to use it.

    That being said the design intent of this tool is to engage your peripheral vision, there are to many tools out there that become minigames and consume all your focus, so when you try to run the same lap time without the widget you just cant, the skills don't carry. With this tool it engages your peripheral vision so that you can focus on the track cues but still get instatentous feedback to see if you need to make adjustments, the results is when you stop using the widget (for a race for example) the skills carry over.

    - The color indicates your speed vs the baseline, if it goes red it means your slower then the base, green means your faster, and white means your right on target. Speed is a great indicator for understanding braking/throttle points and even if your over slowing the car. For example, if I go into a corner and the bar remains white, but then mid corner it goes red, it means I braked at the correct spot, but held onto the brakes for to long and over slowed the car. Or if I go into a corner and it immediatly goes red, it means I braked to early, and vice versa if it goes green into the braking zone. The ultimate goal is to keep the bar as white as possible.

    - The position of the box relative to the centerline indicates your driving line vs the base. If the box is to the right of the centerline, it means your to far to the left, the width of the box is a width of a car, the goal is to keep the box on the centerline throughout the entire lap.

    - The text at the top of the centerline indicates your time delta.
    • Winner Winner x 3
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  13. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Especially the "line" comparison is interesting. Of course, with the updated RST it's possible within the telemetry tool, but having a live view is great.
  14. Zeraxx

    Zeraxx Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 2, 2019
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    Yep exactly, the main problem with collecting that data and then comparing it after you do the lap, is their is a delay from when you perform the action and when you get the feedback (looking at the data).

    One of the major components of learning is instantenous feedback, as soon as you perform an action you want feedback, having a slight delay degrades your memory of the visual picture and what you did for that corner. This is why I made the RST Coach, that way you can get that instantenousfeedback while performing the lap.
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  15. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Question, generating and saving a track map, OK, but how to import/load a generated track map into RST?
  16. Zeraxx

    Zeraxx Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 2, 2019
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    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Track map is a great feature, not only because when create one you drive and learn track parts you normaly don't use ;)
    A big thanks!
  18. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Two suggestions:
    -Having a track map with driving line(s) in the tab "TRACK", just to have it not only as a mini map
    -A location for track maps, like car/lap settings

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