Formula USA Gen. 1 - what Turboboost for a 90 min race?!

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Maddin71287, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    Hey guys!

    I just wondering about the turboboost for the Formula USA Gen. 1. Right now i am in a custom championship FUSA Gen.1 every race is about 90 minutes. The first race i ended up with engine failure after i dont know, about 45 or 50 minutes or so.
    Ah i see, 100% turboboost is not meant to go for such a long race.
    Next race i reduced the boost for the race. But even then, it is really hard to do the 90 minutes without failure. after 6 Races so far, i managed just one single time to made it to the end with 60% boost.

    Last race i go with 58% boost and 15 minutes before the end, the car was broke.
    Right now, i am trying 20% boost, but even after one lap (RoadAmerica) i get 1% engine wear!
    I didn´t rev high and shifting slowly down, but get engine wear. And yes, cooler is 100% open.
    And by the way, with 20% boost you are a sitting duck against the ai...

    So am i am to stupid or is it a bit buggy or what?

    What are your experiences so far?
  2. Anthony 123

    Anthony 123 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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    Random overheating and inexplicable engine damage are very common with many cars in this game. There are several cars I avoid entirely because of this
  3. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    Ah, okay. Didn´t know that.
    I decided to set "mechanical failure" to off for the rest of the championship.
    It is really a shame, i like to look after the car in the race, not to overpace it, but driving with so low boost, that you are not competitive but still receive engine wear so quickly is not funny at all...:(
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Anthony 123

    Anthony 123 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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    I didn't think about turning mechanical failures off. I'll have to try that, might finally allow the karts to be usable
  5. Don Hunter

    Don Hunter Active Member

    Dec 22, 2021
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    In 98 they ran about 34-45 boost
    • Informative Informative x 2
  6. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    Thanks for that Information, very nice to know that.

    i Wonder what boost the AI runs in a Race?

    i will try a race with 35 boost, but i think i have to reduce the ai strength, otherwise i will be Last for sure.
  7. Don Hunter

    Don Hunter Active Member

    Dec 22, 2021
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    I run at 100 Ai and 20 aggression. I don’t think the Ai runs a real high boost. What’s strange is why Ams2 has the default setup at 100% boost, that’s crazy. I did run it that way until last week in the Reynard Honda. This was at Long Beach and I was doing ok but it’s like walking on a tight rope. Went down in increments of 10 and found 35 is pretty good, especially there. Also the default gearing is terrible, does staff test drive these lol
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    I also run the ai at 100 and agression on 30.
    I drove the reynard ford. With such a low boost, it is hard for me to keep up with the ai on the straights.
    How long was your race and do you remember how high the engine wear was at the end?
  9. Gabriel "Pai" Legnini

    Gabriel "Pai" Legnini Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 27, 2020
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    Maybe it's just a USA Gen 1 bug? I joined a full length race in Adelaide 88 using Gen 2 cars, pace was fast and furious all the way (boost not at 100% but as high as you could manage it to balance engine wear, fuel consumption, and handling), and engines were not blowing. But there were spins and mistakes, lots of them!
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    Thanks for your input, i will try the gen2.
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  11. Don Hunter

    Don Hunter Active Member

    Dec 22, 2021
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    I ran 30 laps at Long Beach with 24 cars. I’m going to do a championship race starting there at 90 laps. But will cut the cars down to 15 and a test race first. W/24 cars they get bottled up at the hairpin on the rolling start. I don’t want to do a standing start, that’s F1
  12. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    So, i tried the F-USA Gen2 and it is the same!
    EVEN with 0% Boost i got 1% Engine wear after one Lap in Daytona. I pampered the car around the track, like safety car speed.
    I tried all F-USA Gen.1 Models and one model of the F-USA Gen2 and Gen3 - all suffer engine wear after one lap in daytona with 0% boost and 100% cooling open.
    I even tried the mentioned combo adelaide 88 with the gen2 and even there with 0% boost i got 1% engine wear after a little more than one lap.
    After that, i tried the formula ultimate 2019 on daytona with 50% boost and after 3 laps there was NO engine wear at all!

    So for me, all Gens of the F-USA are broken.

    Hey mate, are you sure, that you have the option "mechanical failure" enabled?
    How long was the race?

  13. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    I am interested how it will work for you. And what the engine wear will be doing.
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  14. Gabriel "Pai" Legnini

    Gabriel "Pai" Legnini Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 27, 2020
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    Mechanical damage was enabled. Race was long, like 70 or 80 laps, should look at the league's posting to find out. But it was done like 4 or 5 months ago, so it could be an issue that was introduced at a later update.

    I would do an integrity check of your AMS2 installation via Steam first, then a setup reset. If neither solves the issue, it may be a new bug.
  15. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    Just did both, outcome is the same :(
    Tried F-USA Gen.2 - one slow Lap in Daytona and suffering one percent engine wear...
  16. Anthony 123

    Anthony 123 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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    Like I said this is effecting many cars, for quite some time. Your solution of turning failures off is all that can be done until reiza fixes it. Not going to happen soon more than likely. Some cars have been like this for a very long time. At least there's a workaround
  17. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Apparently, AMS2's engine damage happens because of heating, so, usually you can go 100% of turbo since you open a little more your radiator and don't force too much the revs (avoid redlines and redlights). Just find the temperature where engine begins to "receive" damage (usually is around 107ºC, but only say it happen once and don't remember exactly what car I was using... probably the Ultimate Gen 2) and easy your pace when gets there.

    Even if the engine will be damaged at the end of the race, it's what happens in RL with most of the categories.

    AMS2 should have an option to configure the turbo during driving, as some RL cars have.

    EDIT: The Formula Classic G1 cars will be damaged straight away wen driven with 90% or 100% turbo independently of engine's temperature.
  18. Anthony 123

    Anthony 123 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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    Do you find that you're actually able to manage engine temps? Just did a race in the gen 3 and I couldn't keep the temp below 220f and had constant engine damage. Shifting early and coasting into corners had no effect what so ever
  19. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    Like i wrote before, even if you set Turbo Boost to 0% and open the radiator to 100% and you go around the track like a grandma i stll receive engine wear after one lap!
    No high rev, no high water temperature, i drove that slowly, that even the tires still ice cold!

    This could not be right! These are high performance racing cars, they made to go fast. But when you cruise around the track and still got engine wear, there is something wrong.
    For example, like i wrote before, i can push with the Formula Ultimate 2019 and did not receive engine wear for the 3 Laps, maybe more but i stopped testing then.

    Yeah i know, that in real life the engines are fuc*** up after the race and sometimes during the race.
    But receiving engine wear every lap, with ridicoulus low boost and low speed you can not race to the end when you go more than 40 Laps. And i like to race the distances which the selected racing series doing in real life. So far i know, the Indy´s in 1995 go about 90 Minutes and more in real life.
    But right now with the F-USA Gen.1 (and the others F-USA as well) you can´t do it in AMS2, you won´t make it to the finish line :(
  20. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    Well maybe with 1.4 it will change. When i remember correct, mechanical failures where mentioned in the new DevUpdate as a more detailed feature. So hopes are high :)
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