Hi I'm new to Ams2 been doing lots of single player stuff but have been checking out multi-player a couple days ago most lobbies are all gone all I see are maybe 10 lobbies and only 2 seen to been online with actual players. Is there an issue of some type?
Apart from hyped periods after big updates, this is generally how has always been. The multiplayer experience is desparately crying out for some love.
Best bet is to join one of the leagues to get a nice full grid. Most are happy to get any AMS2 user they can get See: Fan Sites & Community Events
Thanks I'll try to find those. I'm a bit saturated with ACC and would love to get into ams2 more. I've was on consoles for the last year and the last 3 weeks on PC and just figuring it all out has been a challenge. Haven't use a PC in 20 years lol lots have changed.
Welcome to the master race Also feel free to join ours, but we race on US eastern time Fridays and Sats so if you're in Europe you'll need to be a weekend night owl.
Nope in Canada and anytime is good I'm retired so leave me a link in the DM I'll join for sure. All my old friends are still fighting to stay on consoles even if I give PC the praise it deserves. Truly unlocking the full potential. I'm happy I get to use fully my many thousands in gear lol even got triples just waiting on the mount.
Great! Here's the link: Join the Sim Racing Lounge Discord Server! Coming Saturday we race Mini's at Curvelo and the Saturday after we race F1 22 at Jacarepagua.
Hopefully LFM will add AMS2 at some point, I know they were originally intending to but switched to RF2. I see more RF2 videos on YouTube showing up so seems to be spreading the word about a bit. I'm sure it would help AMS2... too.
I don't think that is going to happen, unless Reiza rebuilds the whole net code from P2P to server-client.
Yeah I figure if they could they would have. Game looks and sounds amazing. Just having trouble getting my DD perfect I either get no feeling or it feels like it's on a bouncy spring. I've tried the patches but maybe that's how it's supposed to feel. Joining a league will help me yo figure out the quirky stuff out. The community looks great lots of help and many inviting me to race with them just have to learn to drive open wheel cars seems to be a big thing in this game and it's not my go to stuff but sometimes you have to dive right in
Yea, I've been complaining that p2p is **** for MP sim games for a long while already. Been saying AMS2 MP is absolutely terrible for at least a year and a half, usually getting many dislikes and replies such as "go find a league", "it works fine on my end", "go race other sims", "all you do is to complain"... the level of fanboyism clouds valid criticism, but at least the "MP is important and atm AMS2 MP is awful, fix this" mentality seem to have picked up a little bit of pace already. Unfortunately I guess MP won't work properly for another 6 months or the whole 2023 season, as the job at the hand is not simple at all, especially when it has been neglected for so long in favor of other less critical parts of the game.
I don't know about you, but all those "private leagues" I participated in since 2020 have long died out or migrated to other sims by now.
It is indeed a critical part of the game MP, but that doesn't mean other parts are less critical like physics, FFB and dropping fresh content. Depends on what people prefer and I think the majority of people playing a racing sim are still single player only. But yeah it's about time MP gets an overhaul and with all of us complaining lately I do think Reiza got the message Some are still standing! (barely)