Automobilista v1.3.5 RELEASED, now updated to v1.3.7

Discussion in 'Automobilista - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Automobilista v1.3.5 is now out!

    Here is the main changelog:
    • Added feature to automatically export setups from player´s fastest lap in Time Trial Mode - other users can then fetch this setup by clicking the time on the timing stands and clicking the button to download it
    • Refactored SweetFX profiles & split them into categories, including new default
    • Fixed Config tool bug that would allow native anti-aliasing setting to remain on even when SweetFX is enabled (user should set AA via graphics card control panel when a SFX preset enabled)
    • Added function to automatically disable mid-race full course yellow in tracks that don´t have a Safety Car (such as historical tracks)
    • Fixed bug that would limit opponents to a single car in championship mode irrespective of the actual setting if "randomize" function was on
    • Added UI tooltip to all screens (WIP, not all options have tips and it´s not localized)
    • Added UI option to switch off big screen movies (may help some users´ stuttering issues)
    • Vehicle configuration & install buttons are now hidden when car does not feature configuration options
    • Slightly relaxed track violation detection (except for Time Trial mode)
    • Added volume multiplier to swingman cameras in all cars
    • Adjusted fuel consumption / estimates in various cars
    • Fixed dark mirrors in shadows in some Caterham models, Metalmoro, F309, Ultima GTR Race
    • Adjusted AI corner reduction base for all cars
    • Changed TimedRaceNonLeaderLaps value from 1 to 2 for all series (should address some inconsistencies as to when checkered flag is displayed at the end of timed races)
    • Reduced AI minimum passes per tick (fixing issue that could cause AI to bounce when running over sawtooth curbs)
    • Adjusted Min / Mid / Max AI performance range for several tracks
    • Adjusted default engine rev limit in F-V10, F-Reiza, added F-V12 adjustable rev limit range for a safer default setup on these cars to help prevent engine failures
    • Corrected error from previous build adjusting downshift protection for modern formula cars (increasing rather than decreasing to avoid overreving)
    • Sta Cruz: Improved AI line through chicane
    • F-Truck: Improved diesel smoke logic
    • ARC Camaro: Rim LODs distance correction; Fixed tires UV mapping; Tire now is skinnable; Adjusted engine heating equations
    • SuperV8: Further adjusted AI performance
    • Marcas: Slightly adjusted tire load stiffness & center of gravity height; Adjusted AI weight distribution for better stability & callibrated AI performance; Reduced default rear anti-roll bar stiffness
    • Montana: Minor tire model adjustments; Adjusted chassis yaw inertia (should improve handling over curbs)
    • Mini: Minor tire model adjustments; Adjusted AI weight distribution for better stability
    • Lancer: Minor tire model adjustments; Adjusted AI weight distribution for better stability
    • Ultima: Adjusted weight distribution in all models; Adjusted race tire grip on race tires and load sensitivity on road models; Adjusted engine heating equations
    • Supertruck: Slightly increased tire grip
    • Metalmoro MR18: Reduced default tire pressures; calibrated AI
    • F-Vintage: Adjusted default diff setup; Slightly reduced tires LOD A for better performance; calibrated AI; Corrected right rear wheel LOD error in HIGH detal setting
    • Boxer: Fixed bug with brake lights causing performance loss when clsoe to another car

    EDIT - Build v1.3.7 is now up:
    • Added support to Fanatec LEDs & auto-rotation support for Fanatec CSL-E & a command mapping option to toggle LED to display Gear, Speed or Off
    • Fixed logic exporting Setups in Time Trial mode which could allow setup from a slower lap time replacing one from a previous faster lap
    • Adjusted qualifying lap limit (20 laps for most series, 12 for modern formula series)
    • DynHUD: set trackmap in Original / Telemetry overlays to fixed (can be be switched back to rotating via DynHUD Editor); added missing race widgets to Telemetry overlay
    • Adjusted AI performance in various kart tracks
    • Karts: Revised tire model, adjusted weight distribution in all karts; Adjusted default steering lock. Adjusted AI performance
    • Boxer: Fixed brakelight graphical glitch
    • F-V12: Fixed LCD display rev range
    • F-Trainer: Minor tire model adjustments; fixed differential settings mistakenly left adjustable
    • Mini: Corrected engine description
    • Caterham: Corrected 360R gearbox as H Shifter
    If you are interested in other current & upcoming Automobilista DLCs you may want to check out the AMS "Season Pass" for all upcoming DLCs , currently on sale with 35% off!

    If you have an online race tonight, you may stick to or revert to the previous v1.3.1 by selecting that branch from the Steam Beta tab. Further instructions as to how to do that here.

    If you have a bug to report please use the new bug report thread (make sure to check the opening post first).

    If you experience any issues running the game following the update, it´s worth running a Steam Integrity Check to make sure all files have been added / updated correctly.

    For further difficulties related to installing, running or setting up the game, please refer to USER MANUAL present as a launch option from Steam If you need further assistance please post it inV1.0 troubleshooting topic or email (please allow for up to 1 business day for a reply).
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
    • Like Like x 16
  2. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    A new feature in V1.3.5 is the option to fetch setups from other users as ran in their fastest lap in Time Trial mode. To do that, click on the name of the driver you wish to fetch the setup from, and click the "Fetch Setup" button:


    The setup will then be available for you to load from the Garage Files menu, in the respective track folder:

    Keep in mind only laps set from this release onwards will have a setup available for fetching.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
    • Like Like x 13
  3. diabolus79

    diabolus79 New Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Thanks for the update, I am the guy who asks the same question in every update :D

    When will you update Fanatec SDK for us CSL Elite users? This post of yours made me buy Automobilista and it was almost 4 months ago: No auto degrees setting with Fanatec CSL Elite

    I really like your game and I'd love to enjoy it properly, please do not forget us.
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    We´re working on it.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Rodent

    Rodent Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    I see achievements were left out, again. 13+ months of advertising them on the Steam store front. Are they being delayed for the custom season tool?
  6. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Yes, the goal still is for v1.40. This is a bit of an intermediate update to get some important stuff in.
    • Like Like x 2
  7. Luis Fernando Teixeira

    Luis Fernando Teixeira New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Wow, great! Thanks Renato and everybody at Reiza! As soon as I get back home I will try! Really nice surprise, never thougth it would be made! Hope it motivates more people to try the rankings!
  8. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Wonderful update, as usual.

    I was sure that a problem I had from last build would be cured, but it is not. For some strange reason, the Mini will not load in my main build, but it works fine in the Beta. When I compare the files between the two, they look identical?

    I get errors related to textures: SRPL_ENVMAP01 for material MSC_BODY and then one or two more global material errors for MSC_BODY. Does that provide any clues!?!? It's a mystery to me. I have verified the integrity of files multiple times.

    Next I will try deleting the Mini folder manually and then re-verifying through Steam.

    Also, the car's description still says "V4" engine instead of "I4" or "L4".

    UPDATE: Deleted folder and reverified with Steam--no effect. But I did confirm something important. The problem only happens with a Single Race. If I try Test Day, it loads fine. All settings in terms of number of AI, etc., the same in both. Does that mean it is safety car-related?
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
  9. aste

    aste R.I.P ayrton. AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 26, 2016
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    hello guys and big updates !! really thanks. but, now, impossible to export TT setup.....???!!!!
    i would run with this added
    when ???
    thank for answer
  10. alexSchmurtz

    alexSchmurtz Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    You are probably trying to fetch the setup from a TT lap that was made before the update? For the moment most of the times are probably older than yesterday's update. :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Rob Fitness

    Rob Fitness Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 28, 2016
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    just wondering if anyone else is overheating the ARC Camaro now ?? is it to sensitive or have i just got used to revving the absolute nuts of it and now have to drive more sedate like ??
  12. Tony Binelli

    Tony Binelli Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    cooking rob, after 4 laps smoke pouring out, i think it has been reported:)
    Good news though apart from smoke its damm near impossible to blow the engine:)
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Fernando Zamora

    Fernando Zamora Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 23, 2016
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    15 laps in Adelaide with the ARC engine in yellow, only white smoke, no others problems.
  14. krusti

    krusti RaceSimulatorItaly Founder AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    The TT setup sharing is an awesome feature! Finally ppl will understand that setup is nothing without driving skills :p
    • Like Like x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  15. hex

    hex Damage, Inc. AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    And vice versa :p
  16. taris

    taris Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Poxa vei... muito legal esse negócio do setup. É muito dificil ter alguém bom desenvolvedor de setups para todos os carros do AMS. Agora da para ter um bom setup e tentar melhorar a qualidade da pilotagem... Parabéns Reiza....

    Wow... this setup feature was really cool. It's very rare have someone good setups developer for all AMS cars. Now We can have a good setup and try to improve the driving skills ... Congratulations Reiza ....
  17. Sean

    Sean Badapple AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 20, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    The live timing delta issue is still not fixed (according to the change log).
    Really like the delta, its very helpful for finding lap time.
    Its annoying to most of us at Race Department (Australia), when someone leaves an online session, it randomly kills the live time delta for some. Only way to get it back is to leave and return in a different car.
    Problem is that leaving the server to get a new car generally leads to the game killing someone else's delta.
    Will be really good if this issue could be resolved :)

    I have also found the ARC are overheating after the update
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. ozcanuck

    ozcanuck Active Member

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Enjoying the new SFX presets...looks better on my old rig! Thanks!
  19. Marcos Furriel

    Marcos Furriel Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Has there been any change in Boxer physics? I'm thinking the car is very bad to drive, it does not handle on the curves, it has no grip at the front...

    pt-br: Houve alguma mudança na física do Boxer? O carro está muito, muito, muito, muito, muito ruim de dirigir, não faz curva, não tem grip na frente. Está muito ruim.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  20. Vaken

    Vaken Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 23, 2017
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    I wondered the same thing. A setup that suited me very well a few days ago has gone completely wrong.

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