Hello, This sounds really stupid, but I'm wondering if there is an easy/quick way to edit the country flags in the game? When I select my nationality/region, there isn't a flag for my country but just an ugly black box that says "TW". I know the game itself is highly customizable, so I'm hoping this is a possibility for me. Many of the other sim games such as AC allow me to select my flag without issues. I know it sounds so minor/stupid, but it's a somewhat big deal for me, and to be honest, the reason I haven't purchased any DLC.
The missing Taiwan Flag is a holdover from PCars 2, but I guess Reiza should be able to insert the flag @CrimsonEminence
While it seems like it would be a minor thing to do, a lot of times it was purposely left out as many people/companies are scared of China. If there is a way we can edit it via text file or just upload our own flags, it would solve be helpful for these types of situations.
To be honest, I mostly play single-player anyways as the lag is a bit high in Asia... so it would still be helpful to me if I could replace it.