Racing Life - AMS2 Career Mode Companion App

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Ricardo Pombeiro, Oct 27, 2022.

  1. Ricardo Pombeiro

    Ricardo Pombeiro Member

    Dec 9, 2021
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    Racing Life is a Career Mode Companion App mod for Reiza´s Racing title Automobilista 2.

    Mod Features:

    • Create your own driver with different types of Backstories
    • Progress in your Racing Life by getting Money, Fame and Experience
    • Buy or Lease Cars to participate in different types of racing competitions
    • Manage your Money and Finances. Get Loans from the Bank
    • Get Sponsored
    • Track your Racing Statistics and Earned Trophies
    • Race against Real World Drivers with Custom AI Rosters for the major competitions
    • Manage your Racing Schedule the way you want and participate in the races you want in an Yearly Calendar format
    • From Go-Kart racing to DTM, WEC and Formula 1. Climb to the top of the Motorsport World

    RaceDepartment download Link:
    Racing Life - AMS 2 Career Mode Companion App
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2023
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  2. XettMan

    XettMan Active Member

    Dec 13, 2016
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    Where can I find the Download link txt?
    Must I be registered at race department and/or have discord to get txt file?

    Does this mod have an interface to AMS2 or do I have to setup races and transfer race results manually to this mod?
  3. Ricardo Pombeiro

    Ricardo Pombeiro Member

    Dec 9, 2021
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    Yes you have to have a RaceDepartment account in order to download. If you dont want to create a RaceDepartment account let me know please and well find a solution

    Discord is not necessary unless you want to be kept in the loop of the things we will develop in the future for Racing Life!
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2022
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  4. Gabriel "Pai" Legnini

    Gabriel "Pai" Legnini Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 27, 2020
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    I'm definitely giving this a shot!
  5. JoJo1967

    JoJo1967 New Member

    Dec 9, 2022
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    I don’t have a Race Department account but I would love to test your career companion app!
  6. Ricardo Pombeiro

    Ricardo Pombeiro Member

    Dec 9, 2021
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    Hey! Currently Racing Life is only hosted on RaceDepartement. I would suggest you to create an account there, its pretty easy and fast =)
  7. JoJo1967

    JoJo1967 New Member

    Dec 9, 2022
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    But I think I have to pay for it, don‘t I?
  8. Ricardo Pombeiro

    Ricardo Pombeiro Member

    Dec 9, 2021
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    No no, Racedepartement is free for everyone
  9. JoJo1967

    JoJo1967 New Member

    Dec 9, 2022
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    Worked - thanks!!!
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    I'm posting my opinion separated from the OP to keep it cleaner.

    First a micro-review:

    I simply loved Racing Life. I like this procedural format (as in games as Dirt to Daytona, Enthusia and the good'ol Street Rod) that there are not a predetermined linear (or semi linear, as with Project CARS 2) to handhold the player.

    The app will build a custom season (and after that the next one... and next... next... you got it) and you will sign for the events/championships) that you want (and have money + fame for the inscription). In parallel with that, you have to manage your money and garage with a plentiful of options, as lease a car that you can't or don't want to buy, take a loan with the bank and manage your sponsors (that have their own requirements and forms of payment for you). Them, you go to AMS2, set a custom race/championship (but I don't know how to set a full championship in AMS2 because can't find how to chose individually each race's lenght) as RL will suggest, and manually wright the results into the app for it to compute and carry on with your career simulation.

    It's pretty immersive because with current AMS2 content is possible to build almost integrally some career paths, as touring/GT and prototypes (even if still there aren't any sight of WEC in AMS2, the Império Brasil by itself is a full career branch), but still miss some equivalents for F4 and F2 (and some current F3) cars. I don't remember to see any event in a full year of calendar that uses the classic F1 cars... what is a waste).

    The only thing that I consider an """""immersion breaker""""" is that some very entry level championships are spread along two or more continents. It's something that bother me for a long time in some very different gaming franchises. For example, if I join an Copa Classic championship (or "mini" championship, because it have only four races, not a full and current calendar) it will have a race in Japan, them other in USA and other at Africa... tell me, how were these cars transported across the world for a championship that the prizes can't even cover the drivers air passage? I can understand when a GT3/4 or F1 championship go intercontinental... but an entry level one? My choice ingame is to check the event calendar and see if it's believable... but I know that most people have never put any thought about how their vehicles are shipped in their simulation. IMHO, this is something that could be consider in the future... something as managing garages in different continents or dealing with vehicles and crew transport. Even if Racing Life give us two realism options (a simplified logistics and a more demanding mode).

    I like the way that RL encouraged me to put some time on car/track combos that I never have put much of an attention before... like the way it help me to organize what to do in AMS2... and the way it makes me build a strategy to improve my money & fame. The app is very well balanced about prizes and overall costs and seems to be in the way it allow you to evolve through a full career. And, in a way, you can get a gameover for bad choices, what can't happen in any other career mode (I don't know if you can get a gameover in Dirt to Daytona... but I believe that you can), but it's not easy to happen, specially if you get some barely decent garage. Maybe it's other thing for devs to improve.

    If Reiza want to do better than this simple app, they will have to create something really amazing. Personally, have no expectations for it to happen because the standards in career mode along sim players is pretty low. Almost none have played DtD and people is kind addicted/conformed with the Gran Turismo formula. Even more popular games that made a step above (as PCARS2 and Codemaster games) didn't delivered nothing much better than Polyphony (IMHO). Don't even know if Madness Engine allow Reiza to be not even minimally inventive and, because of that, I'm pretty conformed that the official AMS2 career mode will be something exactly like PCARS2 with a different content.

    Thank you, pombeiro, for creating Racing Life and supporting it!

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  11. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    I created a thread about this app (and asked the adm to delete it because didn't see this one). To not miss what I wrote, will copy here my impressions about this amazing app of yours:

    Racing Life is pretty immersive because with current AMS2 content is possible to build almost integrally some career paths, as touring/GT and prototypes (even if still there aren't any sight of WEC in AMS2, the Império Brasil by itself is a full career branch), but still miss some equivalents for F4 and F2 (and some current F3) cars. I don't remember to see any event in a full year of calendar that uses the classic F1 cars... what is a waste).

    The only thing that I consider an """""immersion breaker""""" is that some very entry level championships are spread along two or more continents. It's something that bother me for a long time in some very different gaming franchises. For example, if I join an Copa Classic championship (or "mini" championship, because it have only four races, not a full and current calendar) it will have a race in Japan, them other in USA and other at Africa... tell me, how were these cars transported across the world for a championship that the prizes can't even cover the drivers air passage? I can understand when a GT3/4 or F1 championship go intercontinental... but an entry level one? My choice ingame is to check the event calendar and see if it's believable... but I know that most people have never put any thought about how their vehicles are shipped in their simulation. IMHO, this is something that could be consider in the future... something as managing garages in different continents or dealing with vehicles and crew transport. Even if Racing Life give us two realism options (a simplified logistics and a more demanding mode).

    I like the way that RL encouraged me to put some time on car/track combos that I never have put much of an attention before... like the way it help me to organize what to do in AMS2... and the way it makes me build a strategy to improve my money & fame. The app is very well balanced about prizes and overall costs and seems to be in the way it allow you to evolve through a full career. And, in a way, you can get a gameover for bad choices, what can't happen in any other career mode (I don't know if you can get a gameover in Dirt to Daytona... but I believe that you can), but it's not easy to happen, specially if you get some barely decent garage. Maybe it's other thing for devs to improve.

    If Reiza want to do better than this simple app, they will have to create something really amazing. Personally, have no expectations for it to happen because the standards in career mode along sim players is pretty low. Almost none have played DtD and people is kind addicted/conformed with the Gran Turismo formula. Even more popular games that made a step above (as PCARS2 and Codemaster games) didn't delivered nothing much better than Polyphony (IMHO). Don't even know if Madness Engine allow Reiza to be not even minimally inventive and, because of that, I'm pretty conformed that the official AMS2 career mode will be something exactly like PCARS2 with a different content.

    Thank you, @Ricardo Pombeiro, for creating Racing Life and supporting it!

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  12. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    Nice review... Handy for those who haven't tried it yet like myself...

    And given what you stated in said review I completely concur with the above quote... At best the career mode we can expect is similar to pCARS2 with different content and some fixes... That could change if the user base grows after an update to the online arena and the larger user base gives Reiza reasons to extend the development cycle of AMS2 before moving onto AMS3 or their next project...

    Hopefully the end result is Reiza works with Pombeiro to improve the transition phase between app and game or integrate it into the game (If the Madness engine allows it)...
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  13. Ricardo Pombeiro

    Ricardo Pombeiro Member

    Dec 9, 2021
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    Thanks for this indepth review! Here are some thoughts of mine:

    - This App started very small, and the first goal of this was just for me to use it myself, since i didnt wanted to have to track my career in an excel file. It grew, i got new ideas, and it was only not before halfway into development that i thought that maybe other people will want to play this, and decided that i could make this available. But original goal was not for this to be open or available.

    - This was done in a kind of hobby project, and i am not a developer and there are things that could for sure be way better implemented, but i just dont have enough knowladge of it nor i want to invest that much time into it.

    - With regards to lower championships being run in different continents, yes its a design "flaw" that we commited to in order for everything be more simple to implement. There are allot of European and South american tracks, but besides that there are very few tracks from other places, making it more difficult to have a good algorithm to regen championships (every championship schedule is dinamiy and every year you will have different tracks to race on the same championship - as per design)

    - I have 1000 ideas of thinks that could be implemented in Racing Life. Some new feature will come in the future (Like Classic Event invitation), but others are due never happen due to technical difficullties in getting some info from AMS2 itself. Lets say, AMS2 support is not there for allot of things that i wish i could develop into Racing Life

    - You said something that i really enjoy to hear ", you can get a gameover for bad choices, what can't happen in any other career mode". This was something i was really looking forward to implement, a career mode that its not only about racing. I wanted something challenging, both on and off the track. Unfourtunatly every game with a career mode does not offer that and progression is very linear and easy (or based only of race results, which is also not the case with Racing Life). I normally say this, in Project Cars 2, there is no difference between a P4 and a P15, because you just dont progress, because the game tells you, you have to be at least P3 to advance, so all races seem a grind to me and i have never enjoyed it. In Racing Life a P4 is different from a P7 or P10. Fame, money, sponsor etc, it will all be affected, and this give another dimention of midfield battles. This was also one of the main goals of Racing Life

    - Lastly, i would be more than happy to have reiza implement something has indepth or even way more than Racing Life. Personaly i already sent an email to Reiza saying that i would be more than happy to provide all info/concepts written for Racing Life, in the hopes that in the future we have a great career mode native in ams2. So far nothing from Reiza..
    I also fear the career mode will be 95% PC2 based with small not so significant twists, but we will see =)

    Again, thanks for your feedback, e desejos de um optimo natal com familia e boas entradas em 2023 =) Abraço!
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  14. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    As I already said, also believe that AMS2 career wouldn't differ from PCARS other than content because of engine limitations.

    I feel the same about linearity and grind. Racing games career usually can't deal with lesser race results, but Racing Live does.

    For a hobby project you aced it and we can't ask for more. To tell the truth, as it is, even with the "flaw" (it's more a caprice o'mine) it's amazing as it is.

    Something I know about projects is that be the "idea guy" is very counterproductive and ever for the "do guy" the best is to keep the design as clean as possible. Design is the art of trash ideas lol. If you have 1000 ideas, work 100 or 10 of them and all will be fine.

    Personally, most of the ideas I have for RL involve some integration with AMS2 itself, what I doubt will ever happen (not by Reiza's will, but because of possible engine limitations), but I hope that @Renato Simioni, if possible, give some attention to you... contrata o Ricardo, fí, que o rapaz vai te entregar o melhor modo carreira do mercado. Truth be told, I'm still a little more found of Dirt to Daytona (BTW, have you played it? Seems that no one beside me did it) career JUST BECAUSE how it's integrated to the game, but yours is way better as an overall concept and, with cooperation of a consolidated studio (and if the Madness Engine would allow it) can grow into a completely original and advanced thing.

    Bro, only one question that I missed in the PDF Manual: We are supposed to set championships as custom races or custom championships? I have zero experience setting custom championships within AMS2 and, because of that, couldn't find how to set each race laps and date.

    Q2: Does events as GX390 and Caterham Academy give you fame?

    And a suggestion that can make difference as a gameplay balance: Can you make races/championships calendars to be set in predetermined dates (that you can play as week 1-4 on each month) so players will have to deal with date conflicts and will be limited to basically four races per month (as happen with real life racers).

    As a "car gameplay balance", the Copa Classic is not an entry level event... would be better to start racing with the TSI Cup and them laddering into Mini Cooper and, after that, to GT5. The real life Copa Classic is a kind of an "alley category" where people don't even get much money (usually not even enough to pay for their cars and maintenance/fuel)

    I play using the real weather in AMS2 and a calendar. As at some point we will be running the RL calendar in the future and I will begin to insert the Sunday dates but in different random years (maybe starting back in 1983 and going from there). If RL have at least the racing week discriminated, the rest would be easy for me to put together.

    Enfim... muito obrigado mesmo por compartilhar o Racing Life e um feliz natal e ano novo também para você e sua família. Grande Abraço!
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2022
  15. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Moved some posts here from another thread!
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  16. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    Will definitely try this !

    It's clear that AMS2 has everything for a complete and immersive in-game career mode that does much more than PC2's. I really hope we'll see that some day but in the meantime and external tool like this one is very much welcome.
  17. JayBee

    JayBee Active Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    Don't read into it too much, I'm sure they are super impressed by your efforts so far (as we all are). It's a pretty standard company policy not to respond to such emails, in case your ideas crossover with theirs and it adds legal complexity to release.
  18. Ricardo Pombeiro

    Ricardo Pombeiro Member

    Dec 9, 2021
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    - I dont think there is much against implementing something like this even in the Madness Engine, because its pretty much all just text processing.

    - You are to use the Custom Championship feature from AMS2 and set up custom championships. All championship infos you get from Racing Life. There is in each championship a button "Setup" that will guide you on how to set up the championship (Laps, AI Number, Month of the race etc)

    - "Does events as GX390 and Caterham Academy give you fame?" There are a couple events that will not giv you money but will indeed give you fame. However, fame in Racing Life is kinda of it own system that i actually am proud of :p The game you gain is dynamic and it always depends on the ration between your driver fame and the championship populatiry. Ill give you a Real World theoretical example: Imagina if Lando Norris would win the DTM series, whould he become more famouse than he is right now? Not really, because he is already more famouse than DTM itself... But not lets say if the same Lando Norris would win the Formula 1 championship, he would for sure be more famouse than he is right now.. Hope you get the point. This is excatly how fame progression works in Racing Life.

    - I decided to keep the "turns" of racing life as months, to make implementation easier, so this means we only process things has months. Also i did not wanted to limit anyone to anything, like you propose to limit to 4 races.

    - Will make sure to include TSI Cup in a future update =)

    - Same reason as above. With Racing Life i wanted to give the users some guidelines, but i also wanted to leave some stuff open so that you can decide and tailor the races the way you want. Weather is another thing that i leave it up to you. Either use Real Weather (its very buggy in allot of tracks tho) and set to some random date in that month, or customise the way you want.

    Racing Life give the users a BIG reason to play offline races, but i dont want to force anyone to my rules. Its all about having fun with AMS2. I dont think AMS2 will ever be able to compete with iRacing in terms of Online, so hope it could one day be the BEST offline SimRacer out there.. I think there is still a Big gap in offline racing in PC (as you can see from GT players on playstation). SimRacing does not always have to mean Online racing only.. there are so many people out there that just want an offline career with great progression like many other sports game offer. There is a hole in the market and no one is exploiting it, everyone is trying to look outside the same window.
    • Like Like x 6
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  19. Ricardo Pombeiro

    Ricardo Pombeiro Member

    Dec 9, 2021
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    Yes i understand that. But they have integrated mods in the past (the new radar hud) so there is hope =)
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  20. XettMan

    XettMan Active Member

    Dec 13, 2016
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    Unfortunatelly there is no interface between AMS2 and racing life.

    Is this a limitation of the engine or could Reiza enable an interface?
    Just a file for championchip settings and a result file, that racing life could write/read.

    Another question: is there a way to complete/finish the career mode or do you drive the same championchips year after year without knowledge which championchip you already completed in the past seasons?
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2022

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