Group C BOP

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Benisreallycool, Jan 2, 2023.

  1. Benisreallycool

    Benisreallycool New Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    With the release of the beautiful Nissan R89c we now have 4 lovely entries from my personal favorite era of racing, Group C/GTP.

    I have yet to take one of these monsters online yet however with the continued improvements to the ai I have been spending a considerable amount in them offline.

    This is where I'd like to modify some things, it's pretty clear that the Corvette GTP is the fastest overall, followed by the Nissan, the Sauber, and last but not least the Porsche.

    Now I am well aware that this is a bit of a mish mash when it comes to sports car racing but in theory they could have all shared the track together and they certainly where all on track with 962 at one point or another.

    I'd like to balance the cars using a XML talent file for offline use, I'd like to have my beautiful Rothmans Porsche's battling with my factory Nissans while the Corvettes and Saubers hound them down the straights and through the turns. Any recommendations on where to start or requests on what to do?
  2. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    Start here...
    Information for Customizing AI drivers in AMS2 V1.3

    Then you'll be wanting to focus on the race_skill and qualy_skill values...

    Make the slowest car have values of 0.95-1.0 and then give the mid pack 0.75-0.8 and the fast cars 0.6-0.65... Then move it from there after some testing...

    If you only want to adjust the speeds of each car you only need those 2 lines plus the drivers name and country in order to build up a custom AI file...

    You can also choose to use one of these files as a starter for whichever class you want to use...

    NAMeS: Real Drivers for AMS2
  3. Benisreallycool

    Benisreallycool New Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Hmmm so I started messing with this last night, I was able to use the awesome "Real Names and Drivers" files to get the Nissan and Corvette driver's working and then made my own for the Porsche and Mercedes.

    Are you sure the values work in that way? As in 1.0 is slowest and 0.0 is fastest? In my tests last night I believe I was seeing the opposite but I have been wrong many times before!

    Off to check out the post you linked which I'm sure will explain all this more!! Thank you!!
  4. Benisreallycool

    Benisreallycool New Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    I need some help from the AI wizards, I am working on balancing the group c cars for a offline mod I'm working on, currently I have the Nissan, Vette, and Sauber all running within a tenth of each other around Watkins Glen.

    To achieve this I have been using the race_skill and qualifying_skill parameters in the Group C.xml file. As of now I have kept race and qualifying skill the same and have been letting a field of 31 ai run 2-3 laps to see how they stack up. I have also kept all cars of the same make at the same skill for a larger representation and intend to go driver by driver after determining a base line.

    Currently I have,
    Porsche at .99
    Mercedes at .88
    Corvette at .49
    Nissan at .64

    Again these values are being used for both race and qualifying skill.

    So while 3 of them are within a tenth the Porsche is still 1.2 seconds off best case scenario. I'm not into lowering the Corvette skill much more as eventually I feel like I'm going to get myself into a wonky situation.

    I have tried using numbers above 1 for (1.5 to be exact) the Porsche and it appeared to have used the default values as the Porsche's where very slow after.

    Any suggestions? Has anyone already accomplished my goal?

    Also I posted this in the AI post as well, mods if I am being a pain lock this post lol.

    Attached Files:

  5. Benisreallycool

    Benisreallycool New Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    I seem to have hit a wall with this Porsche, no matter what I do I cannot get it much closer to 1.2 seconds from the other cars. I could get it closer but I am already bumping up against the 120 ai difficulty limit and if I pushed any further I would be so much faster that this whole thing would be pointless!

    Hopefully someone has a solution or the heros of Reiza will give it a little balance even if it's not totally realistic!
  6. Benisreallycool

    Benisreallycool New Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    Looks like you understood what I meant in the end and have started getting results...

    As for BOP... I'd rather simple sliders for weight and engine power than Reiza BOP the class... The class was never close and certain cars did have huge advantages in certain areas...

    Plus Reiza should open up the difficulty limit IMHO... 120 isn't enough for a lot of classes...

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