Has anybody else noticed this? Honestly it drives me crazy to a point I stopped racing AMS2 recently (don't judge). The stripes in the sky. I use 4K display, not sure this is visible on lower resolutions. I've tried every game setting to mitigate this. The only that does is super-sampling, but it kills performance for me on 4K resolution. I feel like some performance saving trick has been used here by the engine that produces this ugly results. If you don't see this on a screenshot below make sure it is 100% zoom, pixel for pixel. This will probably be also dependent on the contrast capabilities of your monitor. If you still can't see it I did some post processing to show the structure/fabric/texture of the sky. It's not a smooth color. And this texture produces those stripes when displayed 1:1. Also funny thing, it's not visible when doing screenshot with steam (F12), like it does some post processing (either steam or the game). But it shows with print screen.
I noticed this from day dot and made a comment about it, apparently it is inherited from PC2. I don't think there is anything that can be done about it.
Me neither, I see it very clearly with high contrast 4K oled sitting at my regular distance. Something can always be done. The question is whether they want to.
I'm on 1080p screens and notice this at sunset but only on some tracks, i thought i was seeing the screen "SDE" like in VR It is ugly but as i said i only see it on some tracks at a specific time of day.
It's normal. It's how Madness builds up the sky. It bothered my 3 years ago during sunset, etc. Eventually I didn't care anymore.
This is exactly what I thought many times how to disable it. It's like dithering on old displays. Strange is I don't remember it from PC2.
If it looks just as disturbing as on the redish oval one then its bad. But on the 1st blue sky one I cannot see it.