Reiza and

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by roszman, May 3, 2023.

  1. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    So I am the guy behind, the 'free iRacing for AMS2", during last four days (RCO) get more than 1k new users and new people are registering constantly.

    I am trying to contact you (Reiza) and @Renato Simioni since around 1 year.

    I would really like to cooperate with you guys, but it seems that I can't reach you or I am beeing ignored. If it's the latter, then please just reply here or in my PM "we're not interested" so I will just know where we're in the terms of cooperation.

    I've heard that you (Reiza) are cooking something similar to with JustRace team. That's great, but I think that it doesn't make sense to "compete" against each other.
    So in that light can you just give me a hint if you're working on something very similar to or on something different? I am working my ass off during my free time while working on RCO, but maybe it just doesn't make sense, maybe you'll release something like RCO but with in game support.

    I really don't get why you're working on something new, when RCO already is working. I offered you RCO source code for free few months ago, why didn't you used it for your multiplayer thing?

    So can you please let me know why you're ignoring me and what are your plans regarding multiplayer? Maybe I should switch RCO to other sim?

    RCO drove few sales for you already, so i think I deserve "f..k off" at least ;)

    Sorry for a rant, hopefully hear from you soon

    Someone has mention to me that "Maybe I should switch RCO to other sim?" can be ill sounding.
    Just to clarify. I am not threatening or anything, I don't think I am in position to threat anyone, and even if I had position to threat, I am not a "threat" person.
    I just dont want to spend time and energy on a project which will be forgotten due to better ingame system provided by you.
    So if you're not interested in RCO then pls let me know so I will put my efforts elsewhere.
    Last edited: May 4, 2023
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  2. Johan

    Johan New Member

    May 3, 2023
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    I love Racecraft, let's go!
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  3. BartZ

    BartZ Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I just signed up yesterday and had my first of many many races. I quite like post race analysis. Sector and lap times per lap, number of incidents in the race, starting position - it's really good. Ranking/license system makes a lot of sense too - graphical representation of progress is very cool. Even on a cell phone the web site is flawless. Great job!

    Edit: I realise AI inclusion is not ideal for everyone but I think it's great. I hate racing with just 2 or 3 players so few AI's make it better. Please please leave this feature in.
    The way RCO is gaining popularity I'm guessing the lobbies will be full in no time anyway :)
    Last edited: May 3, 2023
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  4. arminglf

    arminglf New Member

    Feb 12, 2022
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    RCO is up and running already and have shown big success in the last week. Reiza must understand that this is the last piece that AMS2 was missing and having a good implementation of competitive multiplayer will definitely drive more sales for Reiza.
    I love this game and really dislike iRacing however we need something similar, you guys have a great opportunity here with RCO, don't waste it!
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  5. lawgicau

    lawgicau Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 24, 2020
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    Unfortunately I gave up on Reiza fixing multiplayer a long time ago. I am all for a system such as yours. I think it's reasonable to expect Reiza to respond to you one way or another. Ultimately you are putting in a lot of time and energy to make their product better and more popular.
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  6. fotoplastikon

    fotoplastikon New Member

    Jan 22, 2021
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    RCO is fantastic! The guy is doing an excellent job to active the community around AMS2 and you can see that - most races have full grid recently!
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  7. Michael Croshaw

    Michael Croshaw Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 3, 2023
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    RCO is doing great and got me back into AMS2, which had sat unloved in my steam collection for some time as the lack of structured multiplayer put me off. RCO is in it's early days but already has significant community support. The base design is sound, and I'm sure the steam stats for concurrent users will have gone up. This is a great opportunity to push a fantastic racing game up the rankings to where is should be.
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  8. Richard appleyard

    Richard appleyard AKA Neworder

    Feb 4, 2020
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    Thanks for all your hard work you are doing having a lot of fun
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  9. S.Carassi

    S.Carassi Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 12, 2020
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    I've had some really good races with RCO.
    If RCO were integrated into AMS2 or if there was at least a slightly better communication between the two platforms (automatic joining to the server after registration), it would be an absolute game changer.

    Thank you for your hard work @roszman :)
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  10. TheMattyOnline

    TheMattyOnline Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 31, 2019
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    To be fair to Renato and the team, they have been flat out for some time on the latest tracks and updates, a pace that looks likely to continue well into 2023.
    That said, I would hope they could at least reach out to you in private.

    Regarding, it is obviously in the early stages of development and yet is probably the easiest and most intuitive way of racing I’ve found in all these years of AMS2 development.
    There are practise and race servers that are dynamically opened and closed. Adaptive AI that is added or removed as people register for a race session. An ELO type rating system. Seasons, stats and above all, clean and fun racing for the most part.
    It’s well laid out, works well and provides an online experience that almost everyone I’ve chatted to about AMS2 has been crying out for.
    Oh, and it’s completely free!

    The best way to help and support this is to sign up and race. Join the RCO discord and add any ideas and thoughts in the appropriate section.
    Last edited: May 3, 2023
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  11. Sputafuoco

    Sputafuoco Member

    Dec 2, 2021
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    18 despite being in early development is working very well, I hope reiza reads this thread and contacts you
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  12. BartZ

    BartZ Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I might be less experienced in other sims but for me RCO does not look like it's in early stages at all. In fact it looks all well thought out and pretty much complete. If AMS2 does not get something similar I'm fine with that. RCO provides all I need for my favorite sim :)
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  13. Matt Anshaw

    Matt Anshaw New Member

    May 3, 2023
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    Great work @roszman definitely somewherre that AMS2 was laking way behind a lot of the other sims. Have enjoyed the racing on RCO and think it would be great if Reiza can get behind it.
    Keep up the good work.
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  14. MeadowMan

    MeadowMan New Member

    Jun 13, 2021
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    This is just what AMS2 needed. It is just a offline simulator and that is just not enough!
    It’s a big shame only one guy is changing that a no game manufacturer is bringing a real ranked multiplayer system out on it’s own!
    Support him and give him all the room he needs!
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  15. Nick Salvo

    Nick Salvo New Member

    Jun 2, 2021
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    RCO is a wonderful enhancement to AMS2, and it can only get better with collaboration from Reiza. Thanks to @roszman for all his work and time.
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  16. No-Estimate-362

    No-Estimate-362 New Member

    Oct 2, 2022
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    Had a lot of fun on RCO racing 1-2 human players and a field of bots. Very happy to see more players trickling in these days; I hope that Reiza can provide support (or at least a response) to @roszman soon
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  17. DeepiBoy

    DeepiBoy New Member

    Mar 4, 2023
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    RCO is what I’ve been waiting for on AMS2. Now this coupled with new physics mentioned in developer update…I just can’t contain myself.
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  18. Jack Ronin

    Jack Ronin New Member

    May 3, 2023
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    RCO could be the one remaining piece to put AMS2 on top.
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  19. S_pixel

    S_pixel New Member

    May 3, 2023
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    I literally bought ams2 just to play racecraft online and i love it, if it was a bit more developed and indepth with the help of Reiza, im pretty sure it could compete with iracing at somepoint since iracing is way to expensive for the average consumer. Iracers will stay on Iracing probably but most people that dont own iracing and wanna get into it will say ahhh RCO in ams2 is cheaper but just as good and just play that.
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  20. interweg

    interweg New Member

    May 3, 2023
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    Absolutely loving RCO and looking forward to a close cooperation between RCO and Reiza, that would be awesome! Let's take AMS2 to the next level!
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