Simulator Controller with AI-based virtual assistants (race engineer and race strategist)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheBigO, Jul 9, 2021.

  1. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Today we have a significant performance improvement for "Race Center" in situations with high I/O load, as well as a really helpful audio routing capability for streamers. Beside that the Spotter will now tell you, whether the cars around you have already pitted or must still go to the pit compared to your own pitstop history.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extandable adminstration and controller application for Sim Racing Rigs.
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  2. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    The last release is a couple of weeks ago, but a lot has happened since. A new version of the programming language, I used to implement the applications of Simulator Controller, has been released, and there are exciting and very useful new capabilities. But the changes of the language are quite drastic, both in terms of syntax and semantics, therefore I had to go over all > 130.000 lines of code. Quite a journey.

    Due to the new possibilities, you will see new features in the future. Today you will get window resizing for almost all applications, which comes quite handy for the big ones, like "Strategy Workbench", "Race Center", and so on. And there are big performance improvements especially for the rule engine, which will open up the way for more real time calculations of the Assistants in the future. Car meta data for RaceRoom Racing Experience has been updated and the new cars and the new track of the latest ACC DLC are also supported.

    IMPORTANT: Due to the drastical changes of all applications, I consider the current release as public Beta. Please make a backup copy of your [Documents]\Simulator Controller folder, so that you can go back to Version, when something is not working as expected. Version 5.0 has been tested thoroughly, but since the changes are so overarching this time, there might be more bugs remaining than usual.

    Last note for ACC users: The latest update has intriduced a major change in the tyre model. The old rule of a perfect tyre pressure target no longer holds true. You can use the "Session Database" to set an individual target pressure for a given car / track / weather combo, which is already a good solution. I will come up with a more sophisticated approach in the future.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extandable adminstration and controller application for Sim Racing Rigs.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
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  3. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    With Release 5.0.1, which is no beta anymore, all targets for the V5 rewrite has been reached. A new HTML Engine has been implemented and a theming engine for the UI is also available. On the sim side, this release brings the setup meta data for the cars of the latest ACC DLC.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extandable adminstration and controller application for Sim Racing Rigs.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
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  4. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Todays release brings a couple of new configuration options, selectable color schemes for the UI and a full documentation of all internal user-manageable settings. Beside that, we have a couple fo stability improvements for edge cases in "Race Center" and a new Team Server for local test environments.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extandable adminstration and controller application for Sim Racing Rigs.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
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  5. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Friday Release: Once again, many bugs, that crept in during the 5.0 rewrite, have been fixed. But the count of newly found bugs is decreasing rapidly, so I think, we have seen the top of the mountain. Beside that, our community member Wayne Wortley provided a couple of new English phrases for the Race Assistants, all keyboard modifiers are now documented and you can control the update frequency of telemetry data for the Race Assistants.

    Next week, we will have a couple of exciting new functionalities.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
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    Last edited: May 12, 2023
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  6. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Today there are more exciting new functions than there have been for a long time.

    1. The Strategist is now able to continuously check the selected strategy in the background and will inform you as soon as a possibly better strategy is available. You can then decide whether to switch to the new strategy or stick with the strategy you have chosen.

    2. In all evaluations and reports, as well as in the Race Center, the standings can now be broken down by cup categories in addition to the existing vehicle classes, provided these are available in the respective simulation. If desired, the assistants also recognize trophy categories and provide position and distance information in relation to them. In addition, driver categories (Gold, Silver, Bronze, ...) can also be integrated into the reports.

    Race Reports 10.JPG

    3. Data generated from machine learning models were integrated into the "Strategy Workbench", which can now, with the appropriate settings, also use tyre sets for more than one stint, provided that the data makes this appear sensible. The scripting language for *unusual* strategies has also been greatly expanded.

    There are also a number of other innovations - therefore, be sure to take a look at the release notes.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
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  7. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Many smaller improvements and fixes in different areas this week, including improvements for strategy development and new information phrases for the Assistants. Please take a look at the Release Notes for details.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities
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  8. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Here is a preview for the upcoming version 5.0.7 which will introduce full in-race strategy simulation with traffic analysis using the Monte Carlo method. Take a look at 9:45 in the following video:

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  9. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    No, it is not Friday, but we have a release, once again packed with exciting new features. Most valuable is the integration of the Monte Carlo traffic simulation for solo races controlled by the Virtual Strategist and you will get a new dashboard in the "System Monitor" with important information about the current session. The machine learning model for strategy evaluation has been improved again. And there are, as always, many additional small changes and additions, which are all described in the Release Notes.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
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  10. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    This weeks release is again packed with new features for strategy development and automated handling during the race. It is now possible to run even a team race with driver swaps under full control of the AI Assistants without any necessary interaction of all of the drivers. This functionality, which is fully supported for all simulators, is demonstrated in this video (with jump marks for the interesting sections):

    Beside this exciting stuff, you will also get new info widgets for the "System Monitor", which now can be configured according to your preferences.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
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  11. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Is the AI's voice being generated in real-time or are they pre recorded samples that get triggered? If it's the latter have you thought about using something like Elevenlabs to synthesis a believable human voice or voices? Not sure how much dialogue but even the lowest tier subscription would probably be more than enough for your purposes.
  12. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    They are generated in real time. You can use Azure Neural voices. I am sure, you will be convinced, it is a real person. The radio distortions can be fully configured using high- and low-pass filters and saturation.
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  13. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Good to know, thank you. Will give it a go soon.
  14. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Be warned, it has a very steep learning curve, but it is worth it. :)
  15. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Today there are a bunch of improvements to the recently introduced strategy features and a number of bug fixes. Please see the Release Notes for more details. In addition, the info page in the "System Monitor" has been expanded again. You can now place up to nine info boards that show important information about the current session. In team races, the information is also updated for team members who are not currently in the car, which usual overlays are not able to do.

    Session Info.JPG

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
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  16. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    A lot has happened in the last two weeks. I integrated a completely new, real-time capable architecture fo the data requested from the simulators (still in Alpha, and can be dsiabled, if desired). This will enable exciting new functionalities in the future. Beside that, the Telemetry Analyzer of the "Setup Workbench" got a couple of updates, including much more precise event detection and also a full understanding of counter-steering. And many bugs has been fixed for the various simulators (incl. a couple of report issues for Automobilista 2) - more information can be found in the Release Notes.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
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  17. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    There are three interesting new features this week:

    1. The Telemtry Analyzer of the "Setup Workbench" can now give acoustic feedback when oversteer or understeer is detected. A short tone of different pitches and volumes reflects the type and intensity of the event.
    2. From now on you can configure your own commands and modes for button boxes or stream decks with any defined own functions. This means that aspects in the simulation and any software installed on the PC can be controlled directly via the connected hardware controllers and not just the functions of the simulator controller package itself, as was previously the case.
    3. All applications now register the currently running simulation and automatically adjust to it when they are started by "Simulator Startup".

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
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  18. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    You can now request the Spotter to give you periodic information about a specific car. Very useful when you want to keep an eye on your toughest opponent. The Spotter then informs you about the gap, lap times, pit stops or accidents, just as he does for the cars directly in front of you and behind you.

    As always, you can find many other smaller improvements and bug fixes in the release notes.

    Next week, we can welcome the newest member of the Simulator Controller family, the Practice Center. This app will help you to get the most out of your practice sessions, like the Race Center is doing already for your (team) races.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
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  19. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Release 5.2 brings you a new application in the Simulator Controller family. You can use the "Practice Center" during your training sessions or even during solo races. It provides you with largely the same data and insights as the team-oriented "Race Center" - data about your performance and that of your opponents, but also a wide range of information about the technical data of your car. At the end of a session, you decide which of these data should be transferred to the local database for future evaluations or for strategy development.

    Practice Center.JPG

    Beside that, all applications now detect and document invalid laps an the detection of pitstops "Race Center" and now also in the "Practice Center" has been improved.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Join the Simulator Controller Discord Server!
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  20. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    This week welcomes the second release of the new "Practice Center" and it comes with many fixes, a couple of new reports including a real time telemetry graph, an analyzer for "missing" data and lots of other small improvements. But that's not all, as usual. See the long list of other improvements in the release notes.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Join the Simulator Controller Discord Server!
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