Hi, If u like to drive with arms on, u can set this for all cars (per series or car/class) by default. Got to your vehicle class folder, most similar to this. In this example F_Extreme (AMSBeta): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\AMSBeta\GameData\Vehicles\F_Extreme\ and open the vehicle_class_Upgrades.ini, in this example its the F_Extreme_Upgrades.ini, and open with notepad. Scroll down to this lines (usually at the end) and change the pink bold highlighted letters. from this: UpgradeType="Driver arms in cockpit" { Instance="WHEEL" Instance="DRIVER" UpgradeType="Driver arms in cockpit" UpgradeLevel="Arms Off" { Description="" GEN=<ARMSA>=F1R_ARMS_OFF.gmt GEN=<ARMST>=F1R_ARMS_ON_A.gmt GEN=<ARMSB>=F1R_ARMS_ON_B.gmt GEN=<ARMSC>=F1R_ARMS_ON_C.gmt } UpgradeLevel="Arms On" { Description="" GEN=<ARMSA>=F1R_ARMS_ON_A.gmt GEN=<ARMST>=F1R_ARMS_ON_A.gmt GEN=<ARMSB>=F1R_ARMS_ON_B.gmt GEN=<ARMSC>=F1R_ARMS_ON_C.gmt } } to this: UpgradeType="Driver arms in cockpit" { Instance="WHEEL" Instance="DRIVER" UpgradeType="Driver arms in cockpit" UpgradeLevel="Arms On" { Description="" GEN=<ARMSA>=F1R_ARMS_ON_A.gmt GEN=<ARMST>=F1R_ARMS_ON_A.gmt GEN=<ARMSB>=F1R_ARMS_ON_B.gmt GEN=<ARMSC>=F1R_ARMS_ON_C.gmt } UpgradeLevel="Arms Off" { Description="" GEN=<ARMSA>=F1R_ARMS_Off.gmt GEN=<ARMST>=F1R_ARMS_ON_A.gmt GEN=<ARMSB>=F1R_ARMS_ON_B.gmt GEN=<ARMSC>=F1R_ARMS_ON_C.gmt } } Its just a switch of both settings. U change the first position to ON. He use the first position as the default setting. Last step to reset all your old arm settings, u must rename all your Team folders. My Mercedes folder as example: from this AMG_Mercedes to this _AMG_Mercedes. (the pink one added) 1 letter more in the names is enough. It must be just different to the old names. Otherwise all cars with arms "off" (old settings) now "on" and reversed. After rename the folders he use the new default setting from the F_Extreme_Upgrades.ini. If u have many team folders, there exists a tool called Rename Master. Easy and useful. Or u put all your team files in one single team folder. (Btw, better to edit with the new veh file editor from DeuxAlpha.) But be careful, if u rename your teamfolders, its possible that he reset your cockpit/seat settings to default. But thats not a big deal. U must change this again for every series 1 time, and good. Better than all the time for every single car go to the showroom and change the arms... If u like this for all cars in the game, u must repeat this procedure for every series or car/class. Its always the same. The first position (corresponding part of the ..Upgrades.ini) is the default set. Same with the MCR, driver side with arms etc. And dont forget to backup your files first! I hope its all correct, otherwise forget it. Cheers SR
Nice tip! I always forget to put arms in Showroom, and only remember when on track! So I always quit race, get back to series selection, then put arms on. That's really annoying indeed
Tip 2: If u want 5 starting lights for all tracks, u must edit the track *.gdb file and add or edit this line at the beginning of the *.gdb (line 20 or so): NumStartingLights=6 U find it mostly similar to this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\AMSBeta\GameData\Locations\track_folder\track_subfolder\folder_name.gdb Why 6 not 5.., on some tracks are 1 light less visible, idk why. And some tracks has only 1 or 2 starting lights. 6 is the sure choice.
They have that number of lights because that's how many they have in real life. And editing the GDB will cause track mismatches and break the physical lights, so I do not recommend this.